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1、2013年三省三校第二次联合模拟考试英语答案听力: 15 ABCAB 610 ABBCB 1115 ACBAC 1620 AABBC 单项选择:21-25 CCDAB 26-30 BCDBD 31-35 BBABA 完形填空:36-40 CABCD 41-45 ADABB 46-50 DCABD 51-55 CCDAB 阅读理解:A篇 56-59 CBDC B篇 60-63 CBDB C篇64-67 CCDA D篇68-70 CBA七选五 B F C E D短文改错: Yesterday, Li Mei goes to a store to return a shirt without car

2、rying the receipt (收据). When she wentgot there, she refused.The salesman said that he wouldnt take it back if she showed him the receipt. was/ got unless Thinking it was no way out, Li Mei put the shirt back in her bag and left. Suddenly two shop guard there guards stopped her and began to search fo

3、r her. They found the shirt in the bag and looked at it careful. Many 删掉 carefully eyes were staring at her, what made Li Mei very embarrassing. Luckily, a salesman came up in time which embarrassed the and she was allowed to go.书面表达:Dear Ms. Sullivan,Im Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I

4、ll graduate from high school this year, and Im planning to apply for the Yale Summer Session 2013. Now Im writing to ask about several questions concerned.Firstly, Im curious to know about the course arrangement. How many courses will you offer in all and what subjects will it cover? Since Im intere

5、sted in computer science very much, I would very much like to take computer related courses. I would also want to know the time schedule of these courses to see whether Ill have time to visit other places in America on weekends. Secondly, can you introduce boarding arrangement during the Summer Sess

6、ion? Are all the students living on campus or shall we rent houses in advance? Thank you!Looking forward to your reply! Best regards, Yours sincerely, Li Hua听力原文:1. M: Would you be good enough to turn the radio down a bit? Its a little bit loud. W: Oh, of course.2. W: Ive noticed that you got some l

7、etters from Canada. Would you mind saving the stamps for me? My sister collects them. M: My classmate already asked for them. 3. M: Im a little tired, so I think Ill go to the student lounge and listen to a little music. Would you go with me? W: Id love to, but I have to go to the library to look at

8、 a book on reserve.4. W: When are you leaving tomorrow? You look so excited. M: Just imagine! Ill take the early flight at eight in the morning and see my parents in just two hours.5. M: Good morning. Can I help you? W: Yes, were thinking of going on a holiday somewhere, but were not sure where to g

9、o. M: I see. So what kind of holiday do you want? W: Lots of sunshine.6. W: Peter, do you think you could help me with a couple of things? M: Sure. W: Do you think you could send a copy of this report to Mr. Blacks office? M: Yes, do you want me to fax it or send it by mail? W: Oh, fax, I think. The

10、n would you mind reserving a room for Mr. Benson? M: The Garden Hotel as usual? And when does he need it? W: He needs it for Friday night.7. W: Could I speak to David Evans, please? M: Hello, David Evans here. W: Hi, its me, Jane. M: Hi, youve arrived then. W: Yes, I checked in a few minutes ago. M:

11、 Whats the hotel like? W: Its very clean and comfortable. I have a wonderful view of the harbor from my window. M: How was your journey? W: Oh, not too bad. M: Im coming to see you. How do I get to the hotel? W: Its very easy to find. Its near the harbor. M: OK. Ill see you on Saturday then. Be good

12、! W: Yes, bye! M: Bye!8. M: 234-6287. W: Hello. Is that Mr. Johnson? M: Yes, speaking. W: Im phoning about your advertisement in todays paper about that flat you have to rent. Is it available? M: Yes, it is, although somebody else has already phoned about it. W: Could you tell me the address please?

13、 M: Yes, it is 17 Green Street, York. W: Thank you. How many bedrooms has the flat got? M: Two. Theyre quite big and would easily take four people. W: I see. What about the heating and cooking? M: Well, there are electric fires in all the rooms, and cooking is by electricity as well. W: Thank you. H

14、ow much is the rent please? M: Its 80 pounds a month. The electricity is extra and is on meter. W: If I rent the flat when will I be able to move in? M: Any time after October 1. W: Thank you.9. M: Oh, excuse me, madam? W: Yes? M: Um, I wonder if you could help me. Im trying to find a pub called Gre

15、y Friars Bobby. Its on the Mond, somewhere down this-off this street. W: Well, thats right. Um, have you got a map there? We can have a look at it. M: Yes, madam, right here. W: Ill just show you on it. Its quite easy. Now youre just here in Princess Street. What you have to do is to walk along a li

16、ttle bit and then turn right, and you go up the Mond. You see up the hill there. Theres a building. M: Oh, yeah. The Mond. The Mond is the name of a road, is it? I see. W: Thats right. And you walk past the Assembly Hall. Can you see there up on the hill, if you just look up to your right there? M:

17、That big building up there? OK. W: Thats right. You just keep on walking past, and you go cross the High Street, or the Royal Mile, as we call it. M: Across it? And you cross over it? W: Thats right. You just keep going, and up on your right hand side, youll see a little monument, and thats the monu

18、ment to Grey Friars Bobby. You know, there was a wee dog. M: Oh, yeah. The dog. W: Well, if you just go in there, the pub is just next door. I think youll find it quite easily. M: Great! I really appreciate it. Thanks a lot. W: OK. Goodbye!10. W: Weekend again. Mrs. Bell after her busy work finally

19、gets the time to shop. She has a hard time in the busy traffic. But she is lucky enough to be able to park her car outside the supermarket. Mrs. Bell goes in and finds her trolley. First she goes to the Grocery Department and gets some apples and oranges. Then, coming to the Poultry Department, she

20、gets some steaks. She also picks a bottle of wine, for the weekend dinner party of course. There, she meets Mrs. Young, with her three-year-old daughter. She is sitting in the trolley, as she is too heavy. While Mrs. Bell is talking with Mrs. Young, the three-year-old girl Lily, who is not intereste

21、d in their talk, finds a bottle of whisky and begins to play with it. Then she puts it in Mrs. Bells handbag. Mrs. Bell puts the bottle of wine she selects into her trolley and joins the line of customers before the cashier to have her shopping checked out. A detective happens to be standing nearby and notices Mrs. Bells handbag. While Mrs. Bell is going towards the exit, the detective stops her and asks about the bottle of whisky. Mrs. Bell is shocked. She cannot explain how the bottle of whisky has got into her handbag, and she has to follow the detective into the managers office.


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