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1、Unit 1What about a Wednesday?1.What about a Wednesday?2.What about another song, children?3.What about sitting by the window?4.How about your exam last week?5.What about a cup of tea?6.What about you?7. How about you?8. How about having dinner together after work tonight? 1.朋友约你出去喝茶,你今天有约,就说,找个星期三怎么

2、样。2 孩子们歌唱得不错,你希望再听一首,就说,再来一首怎么样。3 请朋友吃饭,你喜欢窗子边的座位,就问,坐在窗子边怎么样。4 女儿上周考了试。你问她,上周考得怎么样?5 朋友在你这里小坐。你说,来杯茶怎么样。6 你说他听到摇滚就头痛。他又问你,是不是也这样。7 你感到有点冷,要多加一件衣服。你问朋友要不要。8 今晚工作完以后你想请朋友出去吃顿饭,就问他。 Unit 21. What do you think of my new car?2.What do you think of my speech?3.What do you think of my new dress?4.Thats wh

3、at I have to think about.5.You must be thinking about your childhood.6.He thinks too much about himself.7.Im think about immigranting to Canada.8.You must not think about any more.Unit 31. Neither can I.2.Neither will I.3.Neither of us can help laughing.4.I had neither money nor house.5.Matter can b

4、e neither create nor destroy.6.Ill neither listen to nor speak of it.7.There is out with satisfactory to neither say.8.Neither of them would be able to come.9.He neither takes nor gives.Unit 41.I havent enough confidence.2.Itll be enough for five people.3.The situation is seriously enough.4.Ive talk

5、ed quite enough for today.5.curiously enough,Ive never seen her before.6.Thats fair enough.7.Enthusiastic ,it s not enough.8.I was enough of fool not think of that.Unit 51.Would you mind waiting a few minutes?2.Would you mind speaking a little more slowly?3.Would you mind not smoking here?4.would yo

6、u mind doing me a favor?5.No,I dont mind. Id love to help you.6.Would you mind my sitting here?7.Yes,I do mind. But you can sit over there.8.I dont mind. Its of none importance.9.Never mind. Unit 61.Im only here and visit.2.Well go to the countryside and visit.3.Youre here and short visit.4.Ill pay

7、a visit to London this winter.5.I paid a visit to America last year.6.How about a regular visit each week?7.Im going and six weeks visit.8.This afternoon Im going to visit a friend in the hospital. Unit 71. Whats the matter?2.Whats the matter with your feet?3.Whats the matter with my report?4.Of cou

8、rse it does matter.5.It doesnt matter how are you dressed.6.It doesnt matter.7.Does it matter if i go first?8.It doesnt matter when do you get there early or not?Unit 81.Its interesting ,isnt it?2.Try to make it more interesting.3.Im interested in it.4.Ill try to interest you in it.5.Ill read it wit

9、h great interest.6.Is there anything of interest in the newspaper?7.He always considers the interest of all people.Unit 91. Theres nothing like swimming for exercise.2.Theres nothing like a hot bath for me now.3.Theres nothing like a vacation and salary.4.When you interested,you work like anything.5

10、.We love you like anything.6.Its nothing of the kind.7.Theres nothing else but to wait.8.Theres nothing else but to buy a new one.Unit 10 1. Ill copy it at my leisure. 2.Take it home and read it at your leisure. 3.Ill consider it at my leisure. 4.Ill read it at my leisure. 5.I spend my leisure time

11、reading and listening to music. 6.I have little leisure time. 7.The workers are working leisurely and silently. 8.He always does everything in the leisurely way.Unit 111.What have you been doing lately?2.Lately I have taken to making clothes by myself.3.This is my lastest design.4.This is the lastes

12、t means.5.Later,the explosion occured there.6.Ill be back at the lastest by ten.7.Youll have finished it on Friday at the lastest.8.Sooner or later,youll have the basic. Unit 121.I know of the city. 2.I dont know him,but I know of him. 3.He is none by everyone as he is a good dentist. 4.Mary is none

13、 for her intelligence. 5.Its none as tension psychologist for interview. 6.I know of the beauty so on. 7.She must be well known as an excellant dancer.Unit131.I just want to talk to you.2.Theres just one thing I can do for you .3.We were just looking for you.4.Thats just what I want.5.Im just out of

14、 the hospital. Im going home.6.When you just told me is very amusing.7.Just over there.8.Just around the corner.9.The book is just about finish it.Unit 141. Its out of place. 2.Its out of place to laugh at elder. 3.It was out of place to shout before he left. 4.It was out of place to have such manne

15、rs on this occasion. 5.I thought out of place among the foreigners at first. 6.I thought out of place. 7.Its out of place to dance where in such formal clothes. 8.Im leaving.I feel out of the place in here.Unit 151.They have no children of their own.2.I want to have a car of my own.3.In experience o

16、f my own can firm that.4.The five children have lives of their own.5.Ill do it on my own.6.Ill live of my own after graduation.7.Do you mean I have to get always done of my own? 8.This year Ill go vacation on my own. Unit 161. Dont think so little of yourself.2.I cant bother you with my little bears

17、.3.Was there a little stream with willows and both sides?4.I like this country.But I have little opportunity to get there.5.Theres still a little.6.Thats too little.7.I have little money.8.I know little of the political situation.9.I see there little of him. Unit 171. How long did it take you to get

18、 there? 2.Itll take ten minutes drive to get there. 3.It takes computer only a few seconds to confirm reservation. 4.It wont take more than a year to finish it. 5.It takes him ten years to become a famous pianist. 6.The fly will take him more than ten hours. 7.More take a long for you to repair the

19、machine. 8.It takes me a long time to make up my mind.Unit 181.Im afraid I cant stay.2.Im afraid Ive got a bad news for you.3.Im afraid you have to stay in bed for a week.4.Im afraid theres some sort of misunderstanding.5.Im afraid you dont see my point.6.Im afraid Im not much a dancer.7.Im afraid I

20、 cant go together with you.8.Im afraid well miss the train. Unit 191.Take the medicine again at five.2.Make up your mind not to do it again.3.Im glad to meet you again.4.And again Ive another thing to tell you.5.That doesnt much.I could eat much again.6.He wrote the letter through again and again.7.

21、Lets try again.8.Time and time again,you think about the same question. Unit 201. The car takes a lot of oil.2.Writing a book will surely take a lot of time.3.It takes a lot of convince him.4.It takes some believing.5.Take your time.6.Here plane takes 200people.7.Take things as it comes.8.Lets not t

22、ake anything to seriously.Unit 211. Im looking forward to it too.2.Weare looking forward to beginning to cooperate with you.3.Im looking forward to the expansion of the trade relationship.4.Im looking forward to spending the holiday at home.5.Were looking forward to seeing him as soon as possible.6.

23、Were looking forward to the cooperation between us in the future.7.The children had been looking forward to the party.8.The people are looking forward to an early in your reply.Unit 221. Do you mind if I call you later?2.Do you mind if I dont dance?3.Would you mind if I stay up late?4.Do you mind if

24、 I smoke here?5.Would you mind if I keep your waiting here?6.Would you mind not making a private call in the office please?7.Do you mind mailing a letter for me?8.Do you mind if I use your bike?Unit 231.The Jeppesons are sweet people.2.Tom is always sweet to all of us.3.Its sweet of you.4.You look s

25、o sweet in the picture.5.She has a sweet voice.6.How sweet the music sounds!7.The fruit is sweet and tender.8.I want to have a walk and smell the fragrant of the flowers.Unit241. Your brothers look very much alike.2.All the houses in the project are alike.3.All these men are alike in the world.4.I b

26、elieve they are alike in character.5.All music is alike too me.6.He treats everyone alike.7.The way you walk is very much alike.8.The sun shines overall alike.Unit 251. The sooner the better.2.The more the better.3.The sooner he leaves here the better.4.The more I think about it,the less I like it.5

27、.The less wisdom a man has,the less he knows what he wants.6.The more you laugh,the less you eat,the better you be.7.The more ge gets,the more he wants.8.The more he reads,the less he understands.Unit 261. You dont have to worry about money.2.What were we worrying about is her innocence.3.Why were y

28、ou worry about the future?4.Your father is really worried.5.I am awfully worried.6.Dont worry .Ive got a good idea.7.Dont be worried about me.Im all right.8.Would I worry you if I play the piano?Unit 271. Its my pleasure.2.Its pleasure to work with you.3.Your visit will be my pleasure.4.Its my great

29、est pleasure in my life.5.Ill do it for pleasure.6.May I have a pleasure of seeing you later?7.May I have a pleasure of your company for lunch?8.He gave me much pleasure to hear of your success.Unit 281. Will you join us for dinner?2.Ill join you in a few minutes.3.Will you join us at lunch?4.Ill join you shortly.5.May I join and game?6.Will you join us and game a bridge?7.Who set you could join in?8.I hope you all join and course.


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