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1、小学英语第四册第六模块教案Module 6 MusicUnit 1 This girl is better. 编写教师:乌鲁木齐是第十二小学英语教师 于漫 第一节(40分钟)一、 教学准备与分析1、教学内容学生用书:第六模块第一单元活动1、2、3、活动用书:第六模块第一单元活动 3、42、教学目标21技能与知识目标A基本要求基本能听懂会说、会读、会写voice, think, better, agree, worse, quiet.基本能听懂、会说、会读句型: A is better(worse) than B. This is good(bad). This is better(worse)

2、.B初步要求初步掌握 词汇first, 在复数前面加“the”的用法。C巩固复习复习词汇: good, like, winner.复习句型:Who is that little boy? Its Tom is the winner. 2.2运用能力目的运用句型A is better(worse) than B. This is good (bad). This is better(worse). 让学生能够对事物进行客观的评价和比较,并发表出自己的看法与见解。2.3素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)目的培养学生主动用英语与他人交流,能积极与他人合作,共同参与,合作完成学习任务。通过对本课的学习,

3、让学生学会对事物进行分析与评价,培养学生的观察能力。3、教学重点词汇:voice, think, better, agree, worse, quiet。句型:A is better (worse) than B. This is good (bad). This is better (worse).4、教学难点 Voice, think, 的发音5、教学任务 A学习任务:学习词汇:voice, think, better, agree, worse, quiet.学习句型:A is better (worse) than B. This is good (bad). This is bett

4、er (worse).B运用任务:运用任务:小小鉴赏家 6、教学用具教学用书、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、图片、钢笔二、 教学程序1、热身复习活动1、教师语言:Lets say a chant together.(一组一句地合作朗诵诗歌Mollys hair is shorter.) 2.导入 教师语言:Youve done a good job. I think Group 2 is good. But Group 1 is better than Group 2. After this class , I hope youll be better. OK?学生语言:OK!教师语言:Do you

5、 like music?学生语言:Yes.教师语言: Look Ive got two tapes. Theyre very nice, but which one is better? I think the first one is better. Do you agree? Lets listen!(评价出哪一盘磁带好听,学生可适当用汉语辅助。) Yes, the first one is better. 操练better,大组,小组,用“This is better.” 和 “This is better than ”的句型练习。OK! I also have got two pict

6、ures, theyre not very good.(出示两幅合着的图片)Which one is worse? (哪一幅更难看呢?打开后让同学发表议论。) Yes, the first one is worse.操练worse,大组,小组,用“This is worse.” 和 “This is worse than .”的句型练习。3.任务呈现: We can use our eyes to know something is good, something is bad. 那么我们今天的任务是来当个小小鉴赏家,来鉴别一下我们身边的物品。4操练与指导1)教师语言:If you want

7、to be a good “ 小小鉴赏家 ”you must practice your vision and your audition. OK!First lets listen to the tape to practice our listening, then answer my questions.(将课文分两部分听完每三幅图停一下。) Questios: 1) Which girls song is better? 2) Who is that little boy? 3) Who is the winner?2) 教师语言:OK! Now Lets practice our e

8、yes. Open your books turn to page 22. Listen to the tape again and circle the new words. Pay attention to the pronunciation. 学生找出不会的单词。“voice, agree, think, be quiet” 首先让他们通过课文猜汉意,然后由老师讲解。讲解“think”时,教师可以在一个不透明的口袋里放一件物品,让学生触摸,然后使用“ I think its a(an)”猜测。 教师可以放两个钢笔让学生用“I think this blue pen is better t

9、han the black pen .”学生四人小组练习。讲解“voice”时,老师可以夸张地张开嘴向全班发声,然后重复单词“voice”,反复教授几遍,句型操练“I like her voice .” “I like his voice.” 小游戏:老师蒙上学生A的眼睛,请学生B说几句英语,唱歌或模仿动物的叫声,然后老师问学生A “Whose voice is it?”引导学生A回答 :“I think,its s voice.” 讲解“agree”时,教师可以出示两张书法或者绘画作品,并对学生说:“I think A is good ,but B is better. Do you agree? ”引导学生说“Yes ,I agree.或 No, I dont agree.”讲解“quiet”,教师可以伸出食指竖在嘴唇前,发出“Shhhhhh ”的声音,同时说“Be quiet.”3)录音,全班跟读课文。4)全班朗读课文5)完成活动用书3、4 This _is_. I _ this _ girl _than the first girl. This boy is _than the _. Tom is _ _the girls.5完成运用任务 小小鉴赏家 请学生四人一组拿出自己带来的物品进行鉴别。


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