【演讲稿】大学英语演讲稿:The Future Is Now-The Choice is yours.docx

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1、第 1 页 大学英语演讲稿:The Future Is Now-The Choice is yours1 特征码 jgMFCsBILJuAJMBMVINS 热门演讲 as two men were about to be sent into prison, the warden let each of them make a demand. the american loved smoking, so he wanted three boxes of cigars; while the jew said all he needed was a telephone to contact with

2、 people outside of the prison. two years later, the first out was the american who still had many cigars in his hands and pockets but was crying: “give me some matches!” then the jew walked out, he shook hands with the warden and said: “thank you for the phone, it made my business increase by 200%.”

3、 what do you think of this story? life today is what youve decided years ago, and so is the future: your decisions today will affect your destiny years later. now i have two things to choose from: to go abroad, to find myself a decent job after graduation or to further 第 2 页 my study as a postgradua

4、te. i havent worked out an answer to this question yet, but i know that whatever i do will directly affect my future. an indian once said life is just like a game of cards, the cards in your hand represent opportunities, while the way you play decides the result youll get. looking back in history, d

5、uring world war , churchill who led the british people resolved to expect “blood, toil, tears and sweat”. they won the victory then. today shenzhou 5 took the first chinese astronaut into space. i am sure that later therell be more spacecrafts, like shenzhou 6,7 and 8 P so what does the future look

6、like? no one can tell. but i know the choice is yours, the future is now. make good use of everyday, a man can achieve greater successes, a country can gain prosperity and the whole world can be united, as it has never been before. 就在两个人即将入狱之时,看守让他们每个人提一个要求。 第 3 页 美国人喜欢抽烟,于是要了三大箱的雪茄;而犹太人则说,他只 要一个可以与

7、外界联系的电话就可以了。两年后,刑期已满, 第一个出来的是美国人,只见他手上拿着的,口袋里插着的都 是烟,却大叫到:“给我火柴!”接着犹太人走了出来,他握紧 看守的手说: “谢谢您给的电话,我的生意在这两年间没有赔 却增长了一倍。 ”这个故事告诉了我们什么呢?多年前作的决定 影响着你今天的生活,你今天的决定又会影响着多年之后的未 来。现在我自己就面临着这样一个抉择:是出国,毕业后找一 份安定的职业还是去考研继续深造。我还未找到自己的答案, 但我明白无论我选择了什么,都会直接的影响我的将来。 印度人曾说过,生命就像是一场纸牌游戏,你手里的牌代 表着机遇,而你如何去出牌才真正的决定着你的输赢。回望历 史,二战期间,邱吉尔带领英国人民决心迎接“血,汗与泪” 并最终赢得了胜利。今天,神州五号载着第一位中国宇航员进 入了太空。我可以预见到,未来会有更多的神州六号、七号这 样的中国宇宙飞船驶入太空。那么未来的路又是怎样的那?没有 人知道。但我可以告诉你,抉择在你的手中,未来始于现在。 从现在起,充分利用好每一天,一个人可以取得成就,一个国 家能够繁荣起来,而全世界则会前所未有的团结在一起。 第 4 页


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