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1、,Unit2 Whats the matter?,比较sore ache,Ache 常指连续的局部的疼痛,常和表示动作部位的词连用一起构成复合词。 Headache;toothache Sore 常指因发炎而引起的肌肉疼,在 z在表示自身的某部位时,常置于身体部位的名词之前。 Have a sore back;have a sore throat,Advice Lie lay lain lying“位于、平躺” Lie lied lied lying “说谎” Lay laid laid laying “下蛋” With 用法 和、在一起; 用;a house with a garden,一、

2、 提建议常见的句型 1. “What/ How about+名词/代词或v-ing?”意思是“怎么样?”。例如: What/ How about a hot bath? 洗个热水澡怎么样? What/ How about playing football? 去踢足球怎么样? 2. “Lets+动词不定式,shall we?”意思是“让我们,好吗?”。例如: Lets go to a restaurant for a change, shall we ? 让我们去饭馆吃饭换换口味,好吗? Lets go out for a walk, shall we ? 我们出去散散步,好吗?,3.“ Sha

3、ll I /we ?”意思是“我/我们好吗?”。例如: Shall I call him back? 我打电话叫他回来,好吗? Shall we go home ? 我们回家好吗? 4. “Why not +动词+ ?/ Why dont you +动词+ ?”意思是“为什么不?/你为什么不做?”。例如: Why not e-mail him? =Why dont you e-mail him? 为什么不给他发电子邮件呢? 5.“Youd better(not) ”意思是“你最好(不)做”。例如: Youd better not watch TV when youre doing your h

4、omework. 你做家庭作业时,最好不要看电视。,二、 用情态动词提建议 用should ,ought to,have to,must等情态动词提建议时,用should和ought to语气比较委婉、客气;用have to, must语气比较直率。例如: You should finish your homework as soon as possible. 你应该尽快完成家庭作业。 You ought to go to thewashroom before the film begins. 电影放映之前,你应该去一下洗漱间。 You have to tell your parents be

5、fore you go out and play. 你出去玩之前必须告诉父母。 You must buy a ticket to go into the cinema. 你必须买票进电影院。,想一想: 1空闲时,你想建议对方出去散散步,该怎么说? 2如果你的朋友病了,你想建议他去看医生,该怎么说? 3如果你想建议你的朋友去海边度假,该怎么说? 4为了提高英语水平,你想建议对方多看英语影片,该怎么说? 5如果你不知道问题的答案,你想建议对方去问数学老师,该怎么说?,参考答案:1.What/ How about going out for a walk?/ Lets go out for a wa

6、lk, shall we?/ Shall we go out for a walk? 2. Youd better go and see a doctor. 3. Why not go to the beach on holiday?/ Why dont you go to the beach on holiday? 4.You ought to watch more English films to improve your English. 5. Sorry, I dont know how to answer the question. You ought to ask the math teacher.,


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