【2016走向高考】高三英语一轮(外研版)复习课件 选修7 Modules 1-2.ppt

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1、走向高考 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 高考总复习,Modules 12 Basketball take possession off; in his view; develop; activitiesis considered as; talented; appointed;holds; competitive,.典句析练 1But _ he deserves the title“outstanding player of his generation”. 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。 解析There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”,是一个

2、常用的句型,that引导的从句作doubt的同位语。 仿写毫无疑问,钓鱼岛属于中国。 _ the Diaoyu Islands belong to China.,2To do this, he told Yao to be more aggressive and, _ , to be rude to his teammates. 为达到这个目的,他告诉姚明要更富有攻击性,必要的话,对他的队友粗鲁一些。 解析“if necessary”是省略形式,相当于if it is necessary “如果有必要的话”。 仿写如果有必要的话,我们公司将采取法律措施来保护我们的利益。 _, our comp

3、any will take legal measures to protect our own interests.,3Meanwhile, I _ my senior year, and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened. 同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好往事。 解析“find宾语宾补”结构。 仿写真正喜欢汽车的人发现这些小的改进令人兴奋。 People who really care about cars _ _.,4_ its probably the last time

4、 this will happen. 真遗憾,这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了。 解析Its a pity that.“真遗憾,真可惜。” 仿写遗憾的是她妈妈不能参加她在法国的婚礼。 _ her mother cant attend her wedding ceremony in France.,5_the 1920s _ pompons began to play an important part in cheerleading. 直到20世纪20年代,彩线球才在拉拉队员的表演中发挥重要作用。 解析此句中包含有“not. until.”句式的强调句型。 仿写直到病倒了,赵本山才意识到健康是多

5、么的重要。 _Zhao Benshan realized how important health was.,答案:1.there is no doubt that; There is no doubt that 2if necessary; If necessary 3find myself looking back at; find these small improvements exciting. 4Its a great pity that; Its a pity that 5It was not until, that; It was not until he fell ill t

6、hat,.课文回顾 (一) Wearing his famous number 23 shirt, Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in the h_(1)_ of the game. He was the top s_(2)_ in the NBA,and was named their most v_(3)_ player five times.,He a_(4)_ the University of North Carolina for a year before leaving to join th

7、e Chicago Bulls. With him, the Bulls won their NBA c_(5)_ in 1991,1992 and 1993. He was also in the United States Olympic Basketball Team,which won the gold medal in the 1992 Olympics. Millions of fans a_(6)_ his athletic ability, m_(7)_ and c_(8)_. Off the basketball e_(9)_, Michael Jordan opened h

8、is own steak restaurant. He also found success as an actor in a film.,There is only one word to describe the best player in theworlda_(10)_ ! (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_ 答案:(1)history(2)scorer(3)valued(4)attended (5)championship(6)admire(7)motivation(8)confidence (9)court(10)a

9、wesome,(二) My school life is almost over. I look back at what I have experienced. One of the best things about it is working as an arts e_(1)_ for the newspaper. Something else lve greatly enjoyed is working as a peer m_(2)_, someone who helps students to s_(3)_ problems between students. Its clear

10、that this kind of work can really help people. During the Easter v_(4)_,I went on a short school skiing trip to the Rocky Mountains with two good friends, we had great f_(5)_racing each other down the ski slopes.,Other things Im p_(6)_ about are getting good g_(7)_ on my final exams,and receiving th

11、e senior p_(8)_ for English Literature. Ill never forget being e_(9)_ to the student council. But the h_(10)_ of the year was the senior prom. The big surprise of the evening at the prom was when I was elected prom queen. It was a perfect ending to a perfect school year.,(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)

12、_ (7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_ 答案:(1)editor(2)mediator(3)settle(4)vacation (5)fun(6)pleased(7)grades(8)prize(9)elected(10)highlight,1.hold v保持;抓住;容纳;举办;持有(观点) n抓住;支撑点 填空激活知识 写出下列句中黑体部分的词性及汉语意思 Sun Yang, a Chinese swimming player, holds several world records in swimming.() (2013天津高考)I will organise various a

13、ctivities in our university, such as holding lectures and English parties.(),(2013天津高考)Some study rooms are for 23 people and others can hold up to 68 people.() She kept a firm hold of her little boys hand as they crossed the road.() 答案:v.保持v.举办v.容纳n.抓住,知识拓展 hold back (from sth.) (因恐惧或不情愿而在言行上)退缩,踌躇

14、 hold. back 阻止;抑制(感情);扣留 hold off sth./doing sth. 延迟(做)某事 hold on 等一下;停住 hold on to 抓住;保留,hold out 维持;保持 hold up 举起,延误 take hold of 抓住 (2013江西高考)Hold on! Im coming. 等一 下!我马上来。,真题寻踪 (2014重庆A)We didnt always agree, but we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on. 我们并非总

15、是被赞同,但我们学到了一块居住的关键:让步,清理卫生并坚持下去。,2attend v上(学);照顾;参加 填空激活知识 (2013重庆高考)Due to a weak heart, Nadine Gordimer _ _ and university briefly. 由于心脏不好,Nadine Gordimer上学的时间很短。 (2013湖南高考)When I was chosen to _ _ _, I felt nervous at first, for my English was not good. 当我被选中参加比赛时,我起初感到紧张,因为我的英语不好。,Her husband _

16、 _ her when she was ill. 她生病时,她的丈夫照顾她。 答案:attended schoolattend the matchattended to,辨析明晰异同,图解助记,3deserve v应得,值得 填空激活知识 句型转换 Your suggestion deserves_consideration. Your suggestion deserves _. Yours suggestion deserves _ _ _. 你的建议值得考虑。 答案:considering;to be considered,搭配 deserve sth.应得;应受 deserve to

17、do.应该;应得 deserve doing sth.值得被做 Congratulations on your success.You deserve it. 祝贺你成功了。你是得之无愧的。 Those who dont work deserve to starve. 不劳动者该挨饿。 提示:deserve doing.deserve to be done,动名词的主动形式表达被动含义。后接动名词表示被动含义的还有:need,want(需要),require,be worth等。,4valued adj.有价值的 填空激活知识 He thought the painting was of li

18、ttle_(value), so he let me have it for only ten pounds. 答案:value,知识拓展 value n. 价值;估计;估价 vt. 估价;评价 value sth. at. 估价为 valuable adj. 贵重的;很有用的;很有价值的,提示: valueless adj. 无价值的;无效果的;没有用的 invaluable adj. 无价的;非常宝贵的 priceless adj. 无价的 worthless adj. 无价值的 be of great value 很有价值的 注意:be of great valuebe valuable

19、,类似的单词还有:help, importance等。,5appoint v任命,委派,约定 填空激活知识 Sam has been _ manager of the engineering department to take the place of George. Sam代替了George,被任命为工程部经理。 Some young men, _ _ _ Change 3 Probe,are from Shaanxi Province. 一些被任命发射“嫦娥”三号探测器的年轻人来自陕西省。 答案:appointedappointed to lunch,知识拓展 (1)appoint sb

20、. (as)职位 任命某人担任职位 appoint sb. to do sth.委派某人做某事 (2) appointment n任命,委派;约定 make/keep an appointment 约定/遵守约定 have an appointment with sb. 和某人有一个约定/约会 Who shall we appoint (as) chairperson? 我们选派谁担任主席呢? Id like to make an appointment with Doctor Evans, please. 我想和埃文斯医生约定一个时间。,6apologise v道歉,谢罪 填空激活知识 句型

21、转换 The president made a public apology for his remarks. The president _ publicly _ his remarks. I apologised to my host for leaving early. I _ _ _ _ my host _ leaving early. 答案:apologized;formade an apology to;for,知识链接 (1)apologise to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉 (2) apology n道歉 offer/accept an apology 道歉/

22、接受道歉 owe sb. an apology 欠某人一个道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉,7suit v. 合适;适合;相配;满足,合心意 n. 套装 填空激活知识 I dont want to go out with you tonight. 今晚我不想和你一块出去。 _ _. 随你的便。 Its not easy to find a date that _ _ all. 找到一个对我们大家都适合的日期不容易。 答案:Suit yourselfsuits us,知识归纳 (1)suit sb. (fine) 合某人的意;对某人合适 su

23、it oneself 随自己的意愿 suit sth. to sth./sb. 使某物适合于另一事物/某人 (2)be suited to/for sth. 适合;适宜 be suitable to do sth. 适合于做某事 be suitable for 适合,The young man wanted a diving suit. 这个年轻人想要一套潜水服。 With her qualifications and experience, she would seem to be suited to/for the job. 由于她的资格和经验,她好像很适合这项工作。 The film i

24、s suitable for children. 这部电影适合孩子。,辨析明晰异同 The size of the shirt fits me well and its color matches my tie, so it suits me fine. 衬衫的大小适合我,颜色也配我的领带,所以它很适合我。,8consider v认为,考虑 填空激活知识 句型转换 We all think of music as part of our life. We all _ music _ part of our life. They are planning to launch another sa

25、tellite. They are _ _ another satellite. 答案:consider; asconsidering launching,(2013广东高考)The majority of citizens consider an ordinary job boring or even valueless. 大多数公民认为普通工作是枯燥的甚至没有价值。 (2013四川高考) “At one point, I considered turning back,” he says. “I wondered if I was putting my life at risk.” 他说:

26、“曾经我一度考虑退回去。我想我是否在冒生命危险。” Considering his ability, he should have finished the task. However, he didnt take everything into consideration. 鉴于他的能力,他本应该完成这项任务的。但是,他考虑得不够全面。,9.take possession of 占有;拥有;占据 填空激活知识 一句多译 据说一个年轻人拥有了这家公司。 Its said that a young man has _ _ _ the company.,Its said that a young

27、man is _ _ _the company. Its said that the company is _ _ _ _ a young man. 答案:taken possession ofin possession ofin the possession of,知识拓展 in possession of 拥有 in the possession of 为(某人)拥有 have possession of 拥有 get/gain possession of 拿到,占有,占领 come into ones possession 归某人所有 possession 表示“财产,所有物”时,常用复

28、数形式。 possess vt. 占有,拥有,10look back at回顾,回忆 填空激活知识 _ _ _ the past, I regretted I had wasted so much wonderful time. 回顾过去,我后悔浪费了那么多美好时光。 He ran on and on, never daring to _ _. 他一直往前跑,不敢回头看。 答案:Looking back atlook back,知识拓展 look after 照料,关心 look down on/upon 轻视,看不起 look for 寻找,招来 look forward to 盼望,期待(

29、后接名词或动名词) look in on sb./at sth. 顺便拜访 look into 调查,look on 旁观 look out 小心,留神 look over 把看一遍,检查 look through 浏览,核查 look up 向上看;好转;查字典;拜访 look well 看上去不错 look up to 尊重某人,11.But there is no doubt that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”. 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。 填空激活知识 仿写句子 毫无疑

30、问,每个人都想知道自己是否会有美好的未来。 _ 毫无疑问,是你的态度决定了你现在的样子。 _,答案:Theres no doubt that everyone wonders whether he/she will have a good future. Theres no doubt that it is your attitude that decides who you are today.,知识拓展 (1)Theres some doubt whether.怀疑是否 I have no doubt about sth./that从句我相信 No doubt从句毫无疑问 (2)I dou

31、bt whether/if.我怀疑 I dont doubtthat从句我相信,Theres no doubt that (No doubt)Jeremy Lin is a talented basketball player. 毫无疑问,林书豪是一位有天赋的篮球运动员。 I have no doubt that he will come, but I doubt very much whether he will turn up on time. 我相信他会来,但我非常怀疑他是否会按时来到。,构词法 whether考查what和whether引导的名词性从句。句意:死亡是生命的一部分。重要的

32、是你活着的时候做了一些有意义的事情。第一空引导主语从句,从句中缺少主语,只能用what;第二空表示是否,引导表语从句,只能用whether。,1.(上海高考改编)My morning _ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast. 答案:routine句意:我每天早晨的例行活动是在公园里慢跑然后边吃早饭边读报纸。 2(全国卷改编) Im sure that your letter will get_ attention.They know youre waiting for the reply. 答案:

33、immediate句意:我确信你的信立即就会受到注意,他们知道你在等待答复。,3(江苏高考改编)Is Peter there? Hold_, please. Ill see if I can find him for you. 答案:onhold on“等一下,别挂断;坚持住”,符合句意。 4(2014福建33改编)As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can get _ of concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. 答案:hold考查动词短语。句意:作为一名草根歌手,她阅读她能得到的与音乐相关的所有资料,并利用每一次机会提高自己。get hold of“把握,抓住,得到”。,


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