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1、 太空实验室BLEASE FOCUS 700麻醉机开机指南1、检查气源与电源是否正常连接,是否处于正常工作状态。2、将传感器连接于回路Y形端口,并连接于回路封堵塞将回路封堵。3、将回路旁路开关置于吸收罐位置,打开气源开关,打开呼吸机开关至成人或小儿,进入开机自检。7xxCompliance and pre-use testYes No显示呼吸机软件信息是否进行顺应性检测您可以点“Yes”确定、点“No”取消Compliance compensation is OFFFresh gas compensation is activeLeak test not carried out 若点“No”后

2、,顺应性补偿关闭新鲜气体补偿打开泄漏补偿关闭Set absorber to vent将回路开关置于机械通气位置1) Occlude circuit at flow sensor 2) Disconnect gas sample line from patient flow sensor and occlude the sample port3) Fill bellows 4) Ensure min. fresh gas 5) Check absorber is set to Vent and to on position 6) And then confirm1) 连接传感器到回路并将开口堵塞

3、2) 确认流量传感器上的气体监护采样管已断开,接口已堵塞3) 按下快速充氧开关将风箱充满4) 调节新鲜气体流量到最小5) 将手动/机械转换开关置于“机械通气”并将旁路开关置于“吸收器”6) 按 CONFIRM 键继续 Compliance setPerforming leak testPlease wait Passed leak test顺应性设置漏气自检请等待漏气自检已通过Compliance setSet absorber to BAG顺应性设置完成将手动/机械转换开关置于“手动通气”System check?Yes NoSystem check relies on the operat

4、or observing results系统状态检查 您可以点“Yes”确定或点“No”取消系统状态检查需人机互动完成a) Ensure fresh gas is set to minimum and circuit occluded b) Close APL (fully clockwise)c) Press fresh to raise pressure to approximately 40cmH2Od) Check 0 pressure drop in 5 Sec.e) Squeeze bag to feel APL open at approx 65cmH2O.Ensure the

5、insp. Circle valve moves when squeezed f) And then confirm Confirma) 调节新鲜气体流量到最小,堵塞传感器患者端b) 顺时针关闭APL阀c) 按快速充氧按钮使压力升至约40cmH2Od) 5秒钟内压力应无下降e) 挤压手动皮囊至压力约65cmH2O时APL阀开始释放压力,挤压手动皮囊时吸气活瓣应有开启运动f) 按CONFIRM 确认确认a) Ensure fresh gas is set to minimum and circuit occluded b) Set APL valve fully open c) Set 10 L

6、PM Fresh Gas then wait 10 sec. Ensure patient pressure 5 cmd) And then confirm Confirm a) 调节新鲜气体流量到最小,堵塞传感器患者端b) 将APL阀逆时钟完全打开c) 将新鲜气体流量调至10L/min, 10秒钟内压力应 5cmd) 按CONFIRM 确认确认a) Ensure fresh gas set to min.b) Connect 2L bag as test lung .c) After leaving this screen run ventilator at adult defaults.d) Note the readings of the Expired Tidal Volume and waveform are s expected e) Confirm and note the audible alarm.Confirm a) 调节新鲜气体流量到最小b) 连接2L 手动皮囊做模拟肺c) 离开此画面后,在成人默认参数下运行呼吸机d) 观察屏幕显示的呼出潮气量及压力波形是否正常e) 确认并留意声音报警,确认以继续


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