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1、深圳牛津英语七年级上册第一课学习知识要点一、单词:1. rugby 橄榄球运动(rug毛毯 by) title 标题2. greeting 问候(greet v.) signature 签名(sign标志;nature)3. address 地址(ad;add;dress) penfriend 笔友( pen;friend )4. magazine 杂志 own 拥有(= have;down;town)5. architect 建筑师(arch拱门;拱起) form (英国)年级(=grade;farm;from)6. friendly 友好的 keen 喜爱的;着迷的7. physics 物

2、理学( physical adj.) engineer 工程师( engine v.)8. wish 心愿;愿望(dish;fish) length 长度( long adj. )9. height 高度(high weight eight) birth 出生( birthday )10. blond 金色的 express 表达;表示(press;expression)11. rat 老鼠(=mouse;eat;fat;hat;cat) age 年龄(page)12. excellent 优秀的(cell小房间;电池) dancer舞者;舞蹈家(dance) 二、短语(词组):1. work

3、 as = be 从事.工作;担任 He works as a teacher. = He is a teacher.2. be keen on = be interested in 对.着迷;热衷于;对.感兴趣3. in the middle 在中间 reply to = answer 回复4. hear from sb. = get a letter from sb. 收到某人来信 She got a letter from Kate. = She heard from Kate. less than 少于,不到5. look at = have / take a look at 看一看

4、write to sb. 写信给某人6. a boy called / named Tom 一个名叫Tom的男孩 a city called / named Shenzhen 一个名叫深圳的城市7. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友8. in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter 在春/夏/秋/冬9. look .up (在词典里)查阅 take / do sports 做运动;做锻炼10. play the piano 弹钢琴 play chess 下棋 11. talk about = dis

5、cuss 讨论;谈论 in the future 在将来12. speak Chinese / English 说汉语/英语 in Chinese / English 用汉语/英语13. on 12th October 在十月12日 come from = be from 来自;从.来14. walk to school = go to school on foot 走路去学校 walk = go . on foot15. an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 half an hour 半小时 write.down 写下;记下 三、句型结构:1. It takes sb. st.(时间)

6、 to do sth. 某人花时间做某事。 = sb. spend st. (in) doing sth. Eg: It takes me two hours to do my homework every day.我每天花两小时做作业。 = I spend two hours doing my homework every day.2. What do you do? = What are you? = Whats your job? 你做什么工作? What does your father do? = What is your father? = Whats your fathers j

7、ob?3. would like to do sth. = want to do sth. = feel like doing sth. 想要做某事. I would like to be engineer. = I want to be engineer.四、句子(同义句):1. My favourite hobby is playing chess. = I like playing chess best. Whats your favourite sport? = What sport do you like best?2. They are from Beijing. = They c

8、ome from Beijing. Tom is from America. = Tom comes from America.3. He walks to school every day. = He goes to school on foot every day.4. Sandy works as a doctor in London. = Sandy is a doctor in London.5. Jim walks to school every day . = Jim goes to school on foot every day.6. Tom is keen on sport

9、s. = Tom is interested in sports. 7It will take you half an hour to go there on foot.你走路去那里要花费半小时.= You will spend half an hour (in) walking there.It took Tom an hour to play basketball yesterday.昨天Tom打篮球花了一小时.= Tom spent an hour playing basketball yesterday.8. How old are you? = What is your age? 你

10、多大年纪? How old is your father? = Whats your fathers age? 你爸爸多大年纪? How tall are you? = Whats your height? 你多高? How tall is Tom? = Whats Toms height? Tom多高? How high is the building? =Whats the height of the building? 这高楼有多高? How long is the desk? = Whats the length of the desk? 这桌子有多长?五、语法:1. and (“和、

11、又、而且”或不译) but (但是) so (所以) He likes playing basketball and playing football. 他喜欢打篮球和踢足球. Kate was very tired, but she felt very happy. Kate虽然很累,但是她感到很开心. Li Lei got up late, so he was late for school.因为李雷起床迟了,所以上学迟到了. = Because Li Lei got up late, he was late for school.2. 冠词的用法:不定冠词( a ; an )的用法 不定

12、冠词a和an,基本含义是“一”或“一个”,表示泛指,只修饰单数可数名词。不定冠词a用在以辅音音素(标)开头的单数可数名词前,a读作,强调时读作ei。an用在以元音音素(标)开头的单数可数名词前,an读作n, 强调时读作An。 注意,这里讲的辅音音素指的是音标,不是指辅音字母。例:a hotel一家旅馆 a knife 一把小刀an hour 一小时 an honour 一种荣誉 an honest boy一个诚实的男孩a D di: 一个D (B、C、G、J、K、P、Q、T、U、V、W、Y、Z 前也用a)an F ef 一个F(A、E、H、I、L、M、N、O、R、S、X 前也用an)例:The

13、re is an “ l” and a “ b” in the word “ building”. 在单词“ building”中,有一个“ l”和一个“ b” 。 备注:当以u元音字母开头的单词,在选用a或an时,若读/ Q /时,用an,若读/ju:/时,则选用a ( u字母通常读/ Q /或/ ju: / ) a useful tool 一件有用的工具 a university 一所大学an umbrella 一把伞 an uncle 一位叔叔当以其他的元音字母( a e i o )开头的单词,在选用a或an时,都用an 而不用a,因为此四个元音字母都读作元音。 an apple 一个苹

14、果 an eye 一只眼睛 an ear 一只耳朵an island 一座岛 an old man 一位老人 an onion 一个洋葱 不定冠词(a an) 表示“一,一个”,用在单数可数名词前例:There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅图画。 He has an apple in his hand. 他手里拿着一个苹果。定冠词the 的用法 定冠词the,在以辅音音素(标)开头的词前读作 , 在以元音音素(标)开头的词前读作Ti, 强调时读作 i:. 例:the table那张桌子 the animal 那只动物 定冠词the,基本含义是“这个,那个”,或

15、“这些,那些”表示特指,可修饰可数名词单数和复数,也可修饰不可数名词。例: the flower 那朵花 the E-mail 那个电子邮件 the apples 这些苹果 the milk 那些牛奶 the children 那些小孩1. 用来表示世界上独一无二的事物。 例如: the earth (地球) the sun (太阳) the moon (月亮)2. 用来表示前面已经提到过的人或事物。例如: Last night, I read a book. The book was very interesting. 昨晚我读了一本书。这本书非常有趣。 A girl stands unde

16、r a tree. The girl is Mary. 一个女孩站在一棵树下。这个女孩是Mary。3. 用在序数词等前 定冠词用在序数词前,也用在表示序列的next, last等前,还有在表示“同一”或“唯一”等的词前。例:The first man to land on the moon is an American. 第一个登上月球的人是美国人。 She was the fifth to climb to the top of the mountain. 她是第五个到达山顶的人。 This may be the last chance. 这可能是最后一次机会。 If I miss this

17、 train,Ill catch the next one. 如果赶不上这趟火车,我就赶下一趟。 He is the only person who knows the secret. 他是唯一一个知道这个秘密的人。 4. 用在表示乐器名词前,表示演奏例:She can play the piano. 她会弹钢琴。 He plays the violin very well. 他小提琴拉得很好。 He played the guitar for the children. 他给孩子们弹了吉他。不用冠词(或称零冠词)的情况1. 专有名词前不用冠词 专有名词前不用定冠词,包括人名、地名、月份、周日

18、、节日等。例: 月份 January 一月 May 五月 October 十月 周日 Monday 星期一 Friday 星期五 Sunday 星期天 季节 spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 节日 New Years Day 元旦 National Day 国庆节 Teachers Day 教师节 人名 Mary 玛丽 Jones 琼斯 Mr. Brown 布朗先生 地名 Asia 亚洲 China 中国 Britain 英国 Beijing 北京 2. 在一日三餐(have breakfast / lunch / supper )的名词以及球类、

19、棋类、学科、语言的名词前不用冠词 例: He plays football after school. 他放学后踢足球。 The students are playing basketball over there. 学生们在那边打篮球。 He is good at playing chess. 他象棋下得好。 They play cards on Sundays. 他们常有星期天打牌。 She teaches English in a middle school. 她在一所中学教英语。 Chemistry is not easy to learn. 化学不容易学。 Can you speak

20、 Japanese? 你会说日语吗? We have Chinese and maths in the morning. 我们上午学习语文和数学。3. 某些交通工具名称前不用冠词 by train 乘火车(=on a train) by ship 乘船(=on a ship) by taxi 乘出租车(= in a taxi) by bike 骑自行车 (=on a bike) by plane 乘飞机(=on a plane) by bus 乘公交车 (=on a bus) by car 乘小汽车(=in a car) on foot 步行 4. 名词前有物主代词( my, your, ou

21、r, their )、指示代词( this, thst )、不定代词( some, any, each, every )、疑问代词( whose, which )或名词所有格( Toms, the girls )时,不可再加冠词。例:这是我的书。 This is a my book. (误) This is my book. (正) 汤姆的母亲是一位医生。 The Toms mother is a doctor. (误) Toms mother is a doctor. (正) Which bus did you take? 你乘哪路公交车?测 试 题一、从A、B、C、D选项中选出最合适的冠词

22、填空:(20分)( D )1. John is honest boy. A. some B. the C. a D. an( B )2. At age of 18, my brother joined the army. A. the B. an C. a D. /(A )3. English is useful language. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )4. English doctor is old man. A. The, the B. The, an C. An, the D.An, an( )5. Mr. and Mrs. Xie often go for

23、 walk after supper. A. a, / B. a, the C. the, / D.the, a( )6. There are sixty minutes in hour. A. an B. the C. a D. /( )7.This is interesting book and it is also useful book. A. an,an B. an,the C. an,a D. a,a( )8. Before supper, I always play football. A. a,the B. the, / C. /,/ D. /,the( )9. Beijing

24、 is beautiful city. Its capital of China. A. a,a B. the,the C. a,an D. a,the( )10. There is old man under tree. A. an,the B. the,a C. a,the D. an,/( )11. Can you see sun at night? A. the,the B. the, / C. a,the D. /,/( )12. I have uncle. He is officer. A. a, an B. a, the C. an, an D. an, the( )13. En

25、glsih is useful language in the world. A. An, an B. The, a C./, a D. A, /( )14. Theres s in the word and s is the first letter of the word. A. a, the B. a, an C. a, a D. an, the( )15. Last Sunday we had good time in the park. A. the B. a C. / D. an( )16. moon moves round earth. A. The, an B. A, the

26、C. The, the D. a, an( )17. They often play football on Sunday. A. the, the B./, / C. a, a D. the, a( )18. His father is _English teacher. He works in our school. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )19. This is _orange bike. A. a B. an C. / D. the( )20. Look, theres _old man over there. Whos_old man? A. a , the B. the , a C. an , the D. the , an


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