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1、第 1 页 英语演讲实用语句庆生会 特征码 efnaewzkDUaTumfcjvom 1.Happy birthday to you, Mary!玛莉,祝你生日快乐! 2.May you live to be hundred years old.祝你长命百岁(寿 比南山) 。 3.May all your birthdays be happy and gay.祝你所有的生 日都充满欢乐与喜悦。 4. Thank you for your kind invitation.谢谢你一番好意邀 请我来。 5.Thanks for inviting me.谢谢你邀请我来。 6.Its very kind

2、 of you to invite me.你邀请我来,真是 一番好意。 7.Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to propose a toast to our Mary.各位女士,各位先生,我想我们向玛莉干杯祝贺。 8.Happy birthday from all us!我们全体祝你生日快乐! 9.What a joy it is to have wonderful friends like you! 有你们这么棒的朋友,真是高兴。 10.I want to express our heartfelt congratulations to you on your s

3、eventeenth birthday.你过十七岁生日,我要向 你表示我们衷心的祝贺之意。 第 2 页 11.We all hope we will have the pleasure of celebrating many more with you.我们都希望每年都能高兴的和你过生日。 12.We have bought this present for you, and we hope youll keep it for many years to e.我们买这礼物送你, 希望你能一直都留在身边。 13.All of the people (students) here want to

4、wish you the happiest of birthdays and many more to e in the future.这里所有的人(学生)都祝你过最快乐的生日,将来也 年年如此。 14.It is a real pleasure to be here among such old and true friends who have gathered to help you celebrate your birthday.能够和你的老朋友和忠实的朋友们一起来帮你 庆生,真是很高兴。 15.I consider it a GREat privilege to say a word

5、 of hearty congratulation to Bob on the happy occasion of his birthday.在鲍伯过生日的这个欢乐时刻,能够说句话向他 表示由衷道贺,真是无比的荣幸。 16.Thank you all once again for ing.谢谢你们再度光临。 17.Words cant express how grateful I am to you all.言 语无法表达我对你们每个人的感激。 18.I am truly honored by the kindness and attention you have shown me today

6、.今天你们对我的厚意与关照,我真的感 第 3 页 到很荣幸。 19.Please sit down with us now and eat and drink and have a good time.现在请和我们坐下来一起吃,一起喝,好好 的玩。 20.I wish to repeat what I said at the beginning of my speech: “Thank you for ing to this party, and in particular, for the assurance you have given me of your warm friendship by your kind gifts and words of congratulation.”我想再说一次刚开始时所说的话:谢谢你 们来参加庆生会,尤其要谢谢你们的好礼与贺词所表示的温馨 的友谊。


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