【演讲稿】英语演讲稿范文:Learn How to Say No.docx

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1、第 1 页 英语演讲稿范文:Learn How to Say No 特征码 FgfyIUdPYBKnYAlsdpna weve all been taught that we should help people. it is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. it may even win us favors in return. however, we must be realistic. we cant say yes to every request. if we did, we would fail

2、 or go crazy for sure. sometimes we simply dont have the time to help. in this case, we must know how to say no politely. when we need to say no, here is one method we can try. first, we should tell the truth. if we really cant do something, we should just say so. second, we should remember to refus

3、e requests politely. we must municate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. a true friend will understand. finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. it can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. in short, we cannot please

4、everyone all the time. refusing favors is a part of life. 第 2 页 学习如何说不 我们都被教导说,我们应该要帮助别人。这是应该做的事, 而且这样做会使我们受人欢迎。它甚至会为我们赢得一些回报。 但是,我们必须要实际一点。我们不能答应每一个要求。如果 我们这么做,我们就一定会失败或发疯。有时候我们确实没有 时间去帮忙。既然如此,我们就必须知道如何有礼貌地说不。 当我们需要说不的时候,有个办法我们可以试试。首先, 我们应该要说实话。假如我们真的办不到某件事,我们就应该 说不。第二,我们应该记得要客气地拒绝对方的要求。我们必 须清楚地表达,但态度也必须真诚并且表示同情。一个真正的 朋友会谅解的。最后,我们不必为了说不而觉得有罪恶感。有 时候拒绝别人才是我们应该做的事。它可以替我们自己和别人, 都省下许多麻烦。总而言之,我们无法一直取悦每个人。拒绝 请求是人生的一部分。


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