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1、第 1 页 雅安地震哀悼日:雅安地震演讲稿 特征码 pnwlxPIKnTLxjzcPkndS 雅安地震哀悼日:雅安地震演讲稿 Public mourning was held on Saturday morning in Southwest Chinas Sichuan province for those who died in a 7.0-magnitude quake a week ago. The public mourning began with all transportation vehicles sounding their sirens at 8:02 am, the ti

2、me the devastating earthquake hit on April 20, and was followed by a silent tribute of 3 minutes. The quake has claimed nearly 200 lives and destroyed about 126,000 homes, according to official figures. On Friday, the National Health and Family Planning Commission said in a statement that 1,516 woun

3、ded people, including 43 terminally-ill patients and 69 severe cases, are being treated in hospital in Sichuan. More than 1.5 billion yuan has been allocated to quake victims, with 10 yuan and 0.5 kilograms of grain distributed daily to each person. 第 2 页 More than 87,000 tents, 233,000 quilts, 25,0

4、00 items of clothing and 3,393 tons of food have been provided by local governments. And 426 medical centers and 1,015 relocation sites have been set up as of Friday. Chinas beverage maker JDB Group has announced a donation of 100 million yuan to Lushan, the largest donation thus far from any pany i

5、n China. Shu Yuhui, chairman of the Quan Jian Natural Medicine Science and Technology Development Co Ltd, also made a donation of 100 million yuan, making it the largest individual contribution for earthquake relief efforts. 沪江快讯: 为悼念地震遇难同胞(patriot) ,四川省政府决定 20XX年 4 月 27日为全省哀悼日(mourning day ) 。当天,四川

6、省停止公 共娱乐活动(recreational activities) ,上午 8点 02分,四 川省各地汽车、船舶鸣笛,防空警报鸣响,人民默哀 3分钟。 26日是四川省芦山“420”7.0 级强烈地震发生后的第七天, 也是地震遇难者的“头七” 。当晚 8点 30分左右,记者在雅安 南桥广场看到,百余名市民点燃了蜡烛,为地震遇难者哀悼。 在芦山、宝兴、龙门等地,也有部分民众自发进行哀悼。 按照中国人“烧七”的习俗,从逝者卒日算起,丧家每隔 7天 就要举行一次烧纸祭奠,共有 7次。在雅安市芦山等地,当地 第 3 页 有“逢七不烧七”的风俗(custom) ,一些遇难者家属已在逝者 卒日七天前烧纸祭奠亲人。 截至 4月 26日, “420”四川芦山 7.0级强烈地震已造成 196 人遇难、21 人失踪、13484 人受伤,其中重伤 995人。其中, 雅安 8个县有 176人遇难、19 人失踪、12030 人受伤。


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