
上传人:西安人 文档编号:765743 上传时间:2018-11-24 格式:DOCX 页数:5 大小:17.68KB
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1、第 1 页 联欢会主持英语台词(中英文)1 特征码 UpxzyNQCIsbrdeHKSmNc 【寄语】: 大家晚上好 新年的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕, 伴随着冬日喛阳,20XX 年新年如约而至 今天,我们相约于此,共同分享丰收的喜悦,一起憧憬明天的 辉煌 今天,让我们一起用心来感受欢乐,用爱来感受温暖,敞开你 的心扉,释放你的激情。 这个夜晚,将是一个温馨、快乐的夜晚。 我是* 我是*,非常荣幸地为大家主持今天的晚会,借此之际,我们 先给大家拜个早年 各位兄弟姐妹们,新年好 第二个愿望是祝我们的父母和亲人身体健康,万事如意 今天,我们欢聚一堂,述说过去,放飞希望,相互祝愿

2、事业兴 旺、生活美好、家庭幸福、好运连连!首先请欣赏由 为我们带 来的 结束语 第 2 页 亲爱的各位同学们,我们的晚会即将接近尾声了,在此我们感 谢今天台前幕后的工作人员,没有你们的辛劳,就没有这么美 好的晚会。 感谢各位老师,感谢各节目表演者,更感谢各位没有获奖的节 目表演者,虽然你们没有获奖,但是你们做到了坚持,没有你 们的支持,舞台同样没有生机,感谢你们 斗转星移,历史的车轮已碾过 20XX 逝者如斯,时间的脚步已迈入 20XX 今天,我们相聚一堂,共话成功喜悦。 今天,我们欢歌笑语,共渡新春佳节,亲爱的同事们,请让我 们再次祝愿大家新年新开始,心想事成,万事如意。 我们要以本次年会为

3、契机,在总经理游志雄先生的率领下,团 结拼搏,辟风斩浪,将安贞这艘行业旗舰驶向胜利的彼岸。 今夜安贞无眠,今夜五彩斑斓,今夜星光灿烂 Good evening everyone New Year is about to ring the bell, the wheel of time has left a deep impression, with winter Yang Yuan, such as the New Year in 20XX and about to Today, we meet here to share the joy of the harvest, looking for

4、ward to tomorrow, along with the brilliant Today, let us carefully to the feelings of joy and love to feel warm and open your heart, release your passion. 第 3 页 The night will be a warm, happy night. I am * * I am very honored to host this show you to, we give you the early years of worship My broth

5、ers and sisters, Happy New Year The second is a desire to wish our parents and loved ones good health and good luck Today, we are gathered together, describe the past, and hope to release each other best wishes and prosperity, a better life, family well-being, good luck again and again! First of all

6、, please bring us to appreciate by the Conclusion Dear all students, our show is about ing to an end, we are here today to thank the staff of and behind the scene, not your hard work, there will be no such a beautiful evening. Thank you for teachers, thanks to the performances, there are no more tha

7、nks to the award-winning performances, 第 4 页 , though you did not award-winning, but you do insist that you do not support the same stage of life has not, thank you Passage of time, earthshaking the wheel of history has been run over 20XX Shizherusi, the time has been entered in the footsteps of 20X

8、X Today, we gather a total success, then joy. Today, we are laughing singing and tiding over the Lunar New Year, dear colleagues, please let us once again wish you a new beginning New Year, Horse and good luck. We must seize the opportunity of the Annual Meetings, general manager of the tour, led by Mr. CH, unity and hard work, the provision of wind and waves off, Ahn Jung-ship industry will be heading for victory in the flagship of the other side. Ahn Jung-no sleep tonight, tonight, colorful, brilliant Star Tonight . . 第 5 页


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