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1、第 1 页 联合国秘书长安南新千年致辞(2) 特征码 iFXhGShcetKzhTprRjaV Even the strongest state, acting alone, may not be able to protect its citizens against them. 即便是最强大的国家,如果单独行动,或许也无法保护其公民免 受这些危险之害。 More than ever before in human history, we all share a mon destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. 在人类历史上

2、,我们从未像现在这样休戚与共。只有共同面对, 我们才能掌握自己的命运。 And that, my friends, is why we have the United Nations. 朋友们,这就是成立联合国的原因。 Through the United Nations, we are working together to preserve peace; to outlaw weapons that kill and maim indiscriminately; to bring mass murderers and war criminals to justice. 通过联合国,我们共同

3、努力维护和平,禁止滥杀滥伤的武器,把大 屠杀的凶手和战争罪犯绳之以法。 Through the United Nations, we are working together to 第 2 页 defeat AIDS and other epidemics; to control climate change; to make clean air and water available to everyone. 通过联合国,我们共同努力战胜艾滋病和其他流行病,控制气候 变化,让每个人都能享受到洁净的空气和饮水。 Through the United Nations, we are workin

4、g together to ensure that the global market benefits all of us, freeing the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. 通 过联合国,我们共同努力确保全球市场让人人获益,使穷人摆脱 贫困。 Through the United Nations, we are working together to make human rights a reality for everyone to give all human beings real choices in life, and a

5、real say in decisions that affect their lives. 通过联合国,我们共同努力让每个人都能切实享受人权,使人人 都能真正作出生活的选择,对影响其生活的决定获得真正的发言 权。 In all these areas and more, the United Nations is working for you. But it can do little without you. After all, it belongs to you you the peoples of the world. And therefore it can work much

6、better with your help and your ideas. 第 3 页 在所有这些领域以及其他领域,联合国正在为大家工作。要是没 有大家,联合国便难以有所作为。毕竟,联合国是大家的联合国, 是全世界人民的联合国。所以,有大家的帮助,有大家的智慧,联 合国才能发挥更大的作用。 My friends, the new millennium need not be a time of fear or anxiety. If we work together and have faith in our own abilities, it can be a time of hope and opportunity. Its up to us to make it so. 朋友们,新的千年不必是恐惧或担忧的时代。如果我们共同努力,相 信自己的能力,新千年可以成为希望和机遇的时代。一切全靠我 们自己。 Happy New Year! 祝大家新年快乐!


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