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1、第 1 页 设备搬迁合同1 特征码 HTmnllNffkmkXFFXFgJi 甲方名称: 乙方名称: 地址: 地址: 根据中华人民共和国合同法的规定,合同双方就乙方向甲 方提供一次性中心机房设备搬迁服务事宜,经协商达成一致, 确立本合同,以明确双方的责任、权利及义务,确保合同双方 共同执行。 moving services agreement this moving services agreement (the “agreement“) is entered into as of the 日期 day of 月份, 20XX, between 甲方名称 with its principal

2、place of business at 甲方地 址 (hereinafter referred to as the “shipper) and 乙 方名称 with its principal place of business at 乙方地址 (hereinafter referred to as the“carrier“). recitals the shipper wishes to have its equipment in the central terminal moved from the current address to 新地址 and the carrier is in

3、 the business of moving services and assures the shipper that it has the facilities, 第 2 页 personnel, and technical expertise necessary to carry out the single full-service move. in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, both the parties reach the agreement

4、 as follows, subject to the contract laws of peoples republic of china. hence, the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of each party are specified with the view to ensuring that both parties will honorably put the agreement into execution. 免责条例 (1)针对甲方需搬迁的设备,乙方只负责硬件设备搬迁不负责 数据和软件安全。 (2)对于搬迁的设备,

5、乙方如果需对设备进行拆装,以后因拆 装引起的保修问题由甲方负责。 exemptions 1. in performing the services stipulated in the agreement, the carrier shall be responsible for moving the shippers hardware only, but shall not in any way be held liable for the safety or intactness of the database and software concerned. 2. also, the car

6、rier shall uninstall and install the equipment (as defined below), but any problem arising 第 3 页 thereof in connection with maintenace and repair of the equipment shall be handled by the shipper only. 服务费用 台式机 1 套 rmb50 元 服务器 1 台 rmb450 元 机柜 1 台 rmb450 元 小型机 1 台 rmb450 元 磁盘阵列柜 1 台 rmb450 元 ups 主机 1

7、台 rmb350 元 ups 电池 1 块 rmb30 元 监控器 1 台 rmb200 元 交换机 1 台 rmb350 元 运输车辆 1 天 rmb950 元(包含司机,油费,停车费,保险) 其它设备 协商报价 service fees item quantity service fee per unit 第 4 页 platform machine one set rmb50 server one set rmb450 cabinet one rmb450 small machine one set rmb450 disc array cabinet one rmb450 ups mai

8、n frame one set rmb350 ups battery one rmb30 monitor one rmb200 switch board one set rmb350 vehicle transportation, including the driver, fuel, parking charge, and insurance rmb950 per day other equipment na to be negotiated and quoted 甲乙双方在搬迁完三个工作日内:乙方根据搬迁验机单统 计此次搬迁设备所产生的费用,将费用清单以书面形式交 付甲方,甲方核实无误后签

9、字确认,此费用清单原件甲乙 双方各持一份(费用清单见附件 b) 。 注:因本合同所产生搬迁设备数量无法在搬迁前确认及统计, 所以具体费用以费用清单为准。 within three days after the services agreed on are pleted, the carrier is to add up the total cost of the services on the basis of the delivery receipt duly 第 5 页 signed by the shipper and then present the detailed bill in

10、writing to the shipper. after verifying the bill, the shipper shall sign on it. after that, each party shall be given one copy of the signed bill (see attachment b). note: since the workload involved with the agreement cannot be precisely estimated before the move, the actual expenses shall depend o

11、n nothing other than the final detailed bill. 甲方搬迁前准备 1.做好所有数据备份,确保数据安全; 2.选择一条以上运输线路图 ,提前五日提供给乙方; 3.检测新机房温度,湿度,电源环境(注:地线必须接地)达到 设备使用要求; 4.提前办理好搬迁所需的出入门及相关手续,以便搬迁顺利; 5.甲方提供一位协调人员与乙方协调人员配合工作; 6.新机房设备摆放图,提前五天供给乙方; 7.新工作环境和现在工作环境各提供一间作为设备周转用途的 工作场地。 preparations on the part of the shipper the shipper s

12、hall make the preparations set forth below: 1. reproduce all the digital files in adequate numbers 第 6 页 of copies to make certain that the d atabase is in secure condition. 2. select more than one transportation route and provide it for the carrier at least five days prior to the move. 3. inspect a

13、nd measure the temperature, humidity, and power supply (with ground connection properly made) in the new terminal to ensure that they are up to the requirements. 4. secure all the entrance and exit permits and go through all the necessary procedures in advance to facilitate the move. 5. designate a

14、coordinator to work with the counterpart appointed by the carrier. 6. provide the map and the layout of the new terminal for the carrier at least five days prior to the move. 7. allocate a temporary storage room suitable for the equipment in transit both at origin and at destination. 第 7 页 惠普(hp) 服务

15、器,机柜搬迁细则 一 乙方搬迁前准备: 1.熟知甲方提供的运输线路; 2.安排好搬迁人员分工; 3.准备所有搬迁所需工具(如:十字,一字;t8,t9, t10,t15, t20,t30, t40;搬迁标签,纸箱,滑车,钳子, 减震材料等) ,车辆及相关资料; 4.经甲方同意提前三天到新机房熟悉甲方提供的设备摆放图; moving instructions on hp server meanwhile, it is remended that the shipper should dispatch one employee to work with those of the carrier fo

16、r the same purpose. 3. on arriving at the destination, the equipment shall be moved into the new terminal. 4. all the equipment mentioned herein shall be handled in a most prudent way throughout the service. 设备安装调试 1. 搬运到位后首先清点设备; 2. 先将 ups 安装调试正常; 第 21 页 3. 逐一将机柜安装到位; 4. 服务器,小型机,交换机等对应上架; 5. 根据标注对应

17、联接各机柜内部线路; 6. 乙方现场监控人员再对所有设备进行加电前最后一次全面检 查; 7. 甲乙双方工作人员同时在场,分别对设备加电测试并签验机 单; 8. 将搬迁验机单复印件留给甲方,乙方保留原件。 installation and alignment of equipment 1. as soon as a device is moved to its appointed position, both parties shall make sure that there is no damage or loss caused to the device. 2. after that, t

18、he ups main frame shall be installed first and aligned to work well. 3. then the corresponding cabinet shall be put in its place one after the other. 4. the server, small machine, and switchboard shall be put in place successively. 5. in pliance with the standard directions, the inner wiring in each

19、 cabinet shall be correctly finished. 6. the on-the-spot director of the carrier shall make a thorough inspection of all the systems before sending 第 22 页 the electric current through them. 7. the authorized representatives on behalf of the shipper and the carrier respectively shall be present on th

20、e site at the same time, take turns sending the electric current through all the systems to be assured of their proper functions, and then sign the inventory list. 8. the copy of the inventory list shall be given to the shipper while the original to the carrier. 搬迁结束 搬迁结束后十五个工作日内,乙方有义务根据甲方要求到现场 提供技术

21、服务; 技术服务不包括: 1.因设备正常使用以外的原因,如疏忽、不当使用(如带电插 拔等) ,引起的问题 ; 2.因人力不可抗因素而因素引起的问题如自然灾害,意外事故 、火灾、雷击等。 pletion of moving services within fifteen days after the pletion of the services prescribed herein, the carrier shall provide on-the- spot technical support for the shipper at the request of the latter. howe

22、ver, such technical assistance does 第 23 页 not include the following problems. 1. those problems which are due to factors other than normal operation, like negligence, improper usage (plug-in or plug-out whe n the electricity is on), and 2. those which result from the force majeure, such as natural

23、disasters, accidents, fires, and thunder strikes. 搬迁时间 搬迁时间由甲方提前五个工作日以书面形式通知乙方(传真件 有效) 。 order for service the shipper has to give the order for service to the carrier at least five days prior to the day of move either by mail or by fax. 联系人 甲方联系人: 电话: 第 24 页 乙方联系人: 电话: coordinators name of the coor

24、dinator on behalf of the shipper: 甲方 联系人: tel#: name of the coordinator on behalf of the carrier: 乙方 联系人: tel#: 乙方责任 在搬迁过程中乙方不得造成甲方设备丢失及损伤,如有发生双 方确认后乙方 按设备折旧费给予甲方赔偿。 liability of the carrier in performing the services stated herein, the carrier shall take great care in order to prevent all the equip

25、ment of the shipper from any loss or damage. nevertheless, if any loss or damage should happen, both parties shall confirm the occurrence and the carrier shall pay to the shipper the actual cash value of the goods at the time of loss, allowing for depreciation. 甲方责任 甲方中途终止合同,应向乙方偿付不能实施服务部分的违 约金。 lia

26、bility of the shipper 第 25 页 if the shipper should cancel part of the agreement before its fulfillment, the carrier will be entitled to five percent of the total amount of the unfinished agreement as the penalty for the breach of the agreement. 付款 1. 合同签订三个工作日内,甲方先付给乙方人民币叁千元整, 做为乙方先期搬迁运作资金。 2. 甲方签订费

27、用清单五日内,将剩余费用以电汇或支票结 算方式 一次给乙方付清。同时乙方将按甲方要求开具正规发票。 3. 乙方信息 户 名: 开户行: 帐 号: terms of payment 1. within three days after the agreement is executed, the shipper is to pay rmb3000 to the carrier as the deposit. 2. within five days after the shipper signs the detailed bill, the balance of the total cost co

28、nnected with the agreement shall be paid back once for all by 第 26 页 wire transfer or check. at the same time, the carrier has to provide the shipper with the invoice demanded by the latter. 3. the carriers bank account is shown below. name of the carrier: name of the bank: account no.: 不可抗力 甲乙双方的任何

29、一方由于不可抗力的原因不 能履行合同时,应及时向对方通报不能履行或不能完全履行的 理由,在取得有关证明以后,允许延期履行、部分履行或者不 履行合同,双方对此互不提出赔偿责任。 force majeure provided that either party is prevented form performing its obligations set out in the agreement by the force majeure, the other party shall be given a prompt notice of the situation together with a

30、 certified statement bearing the abovementioned effect. then, both parties 第 27 页 have the options to delay its performance, to perform part of the agreement, or to cancel the remainder of the agreement. in such a case, neither party shall be deemed in default of this agreement. 其它 1.按合同规定应该偿付的违约金、赔

31、偿金和各种经济损失,应 当在明确责任后十天内,按银行规定的结算办法付清,否则按 逾期付款处理。 2.解决合同纠纷的方式:履行本合同过程中发生争议,由当事 人双方协商解决。 3.本合同未经双方同意,任何一方不得以任何形式公开本合同 内容,以确保双方的商业机密。 4.本合同共 页,一式两份。甲方执壹 份,乙方执壹份。 5.本合同自双方签字、盖章之日起生效,合同履行期内,甲乙 双方均不得随意变更或解除合同。未尽事宜,经双方共同协商 作出补充规定,补充规定签字盖章后与本合同具有同等效力。 其他未尽事宜,按中华人民共和国合同法的有关规定履行。 6.其它未尽事宜,按中华人民共和国合同法的有关规定履 行。

32、additional terms and conditions 1. the penalty for the breach of the agreement, the 第 28 页 reimbursement for any loss or damage, and other kinds of pensation shall be paid to the entitled party in accordance with customary practices in the banking circle within ten days after the mutually acceptable

33、 settlement is reached. if not carried out correctly, such payments are to be treated as deferred payments. 2. settlement of disputes any disputes arising out of or related to the agreement has to be settled amicably by means of negotiation. 3. protection of information either party agrees to hold t

34、he information herein in strict confidence; as a result, neither party is allowed to disclose the agreement in any way so that the interests of both parties can be secured. 4. the agreement, divided into 页数 pages, is produced in two identical copies, with either party owning one full copy. 5. both p

35、arties have carefully reviewed this agreement and are executing this agreement as of the day and year first written above. in addition, no waiver, amendment or modification of any provision of this 第 29 页 agreemen t will be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties after successful nego

36、tiation. 6. governing law this agreement, including those terms and conditions applicable but missing herein, will be governed by the contract laws of peoples republic of china. the shipper:甲方名称 the carrier:乙方名称 by authorized representative:甲方代表(签字): by authorized representative:乙方负责人(签字): title:职称 title:职称 seal:甲方(盖章) seal:乙方(盖章) tel#: tel#: fax: fax:


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