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1、2017考研真题答案:2017考研英语一真题试卷及答案完整版201考研真题答案:201考研英语一真题试卷及答案(完整版)017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题【答案】ecion Useof EnglihDrects:Rea th following xt.Chose th be wor (s) fr ahumberd bnk an mar A,B, C or Don the ANSWE HEE. (10 ns)Cold a haday kepthedtor aay?h answer ybe esoundng ye!1 elpin youeelosnd 2 to eople youca

2、eabou, it turnsout tha ug anbrnga 3 fhealthenefit tur bodyand mid.elive it ro, a warm embre g even hep ou 4 etingsck hs wit.na rcent study over00 health dults, reseachersfmaegi Melon Uivrit n Pnnslvana eaid the efetsof percivedscial support adthe eip f ugs theatcpnssceptibility to dvelopig the commo

3、n cld after bing tothe viru .Peple wo perceved greter socialsupor wee ess likel toome 8 with a col ,adhe researcers9 that the stress-ducing fects f gin 10 aot 2 pret of th benficial efet. 11 amongthose wh got cl, heoneswhoft greate soi portandreceved mre eunt hug had ls eere 12 .Hugin ptect eopewho

4、are undr tess from he 13 rskor cldsthas usully 14 with stres, notesSheon Coen, apofssoro schologyt Crneg. gg s a mrker intiay aelps 15 the ing tatrs are thee to help 16 ifcut.Some prts 1 the trs-rducig, health-relatedbnets hginto th reae ofxytocin,ofe caed the bonding hrone18 t prootes attachment in

5、reinshp, incluing hat beteen mother and ternewborn bies.Oytocinis maderiarily inthe cntral loerpt ofte brai , nd omeof itis releasedint the bloosrea. Bu someofit 19 in thebrin, wher t 2 oo,ehavir andphysioloy.1.AUnlike Bsides C Despi D Thghot【答案】Beides2.A oneted B restrce Cqua D nerir【答案】A onnt3.Aho

6、ice B viC lson os【答案】hst4.A el fogavoid D kep【答案】 avo5.AcollctingB involving C gudin Daffctin【答案】B involvg6AB in Cat D o【答案】D on.A deved B eose C ls Dattrcte【答案】 poed8.A acrosB along dw out【答案】C down9.A acultd B enied C doubte D imagined【答案】 calclaed10A served B reuieC restored Delained【答案】 explaned

7、1.A ve B SilCater D Thus【答案】A EvenA t ymptmsC tess D erors【答案】B ypos3.A minize B hhlihted controllD incrsd【答案】D inreased14Aequipd Bsoiad C preented D cpad【答案】Basscated15A sses B moderat gnerat D ecord【答案】C eerate16.A in the face of B in he formf Cin thewaof in he ne of【答案】A iheace of17.A tansfr B cm

8、it atribute rturn【答案】Cattrbue8.A becas nless C though Dunl【答案】A baus19.A eeg B vanies CainsD dcreses【答案】Cra20A princeonesC ustiie Dinfluee【答案】DiluencesSctin II Readingopehensioart Diecios:Read the folowin ft. Answer theuestonbelow eachtx by hooing A, , CrD. arkouranswers on te ASWERSHEE. (40 its)Tex

9、t1Firs wohor ,now hree hours-hs s how far in vanc aurii ar recommedig eol show upo catch amesticlght ,at lat at some major U.arports wth inceasilassive ecurity ine.Aericans are wiln tlerate tm-consng scurityprocedurs in rturn for icreasd safety.T crah Egypt ir Flht804,hicteroists mahave downd oer th

10、e editranea Se ,rovd anther tac rendofwhy. But eadg tomuch o ir traveles or priditoo litle eurity i urn undermies pul supot fo he prces. An thold: Wsted me ia drao Amicnsconmi and privae lies, no to mnti nuriatingLst year, Trnsportaion SecurityAdministratn (TA) ound iasecthk tht underovrnvestigatose

11、reble osneak weapns-bth fake ndral-pst airo euriy neay eery tie hey tried Ehanced ecrity mesus snc then, coinedwitaris n arline tral du to te improvingChicagos HrItentiolI is notetclearw uh mre effetivarln ecuity as oe-ut thlis rebvius.Pat fhe issue ithatthe gvernt did n antiiate the steep incease i

12、n ilne travel ,s he TSA is w rsing t ge new creeers on telin. arof th issue itha airort venly so mc room for ceening lns. Aoterfar maybe ta more pople r tryng to erack teircrry-on ag to oi checed-bgag fees, hghte airlines stngl diste this.Thereis one step h TScould tak thatwoud n reuire remodi airpo

13、ts rhng to hre:Enrol more people te rCheckpogram reChck isspposedto beawi-win fr travelsad the TSA. Psseers wps bacgrndhekreigibl tus expee sceeninganes.This alws e S watto enll 5millonpep in PreChek.It s ogten anwre clse o tt, d onebio is stcehk Pasnges mu ay $8 ever five ers to proes ther ackgroun

14、 chek Snce ebginng,thisrice ag hs ben rChecks atalflaw. pcoin rerms miht brnthe rieto a more eaoable level. But ongressshould oo odoing oirectly, by helig finnePreCe rollme oo cut ots nther way.Th TSAcnot cine divering rsources to deused PreCec lanswilemst of h tavengpu sufers in unecessay ln.It is

15、lon s timeo mae he rogram wok. e crsh ofEgyp Ar igt 84 ismeioned o ts the urgency to strenthe seu wrlwde.B hihght the nessty of upgrading majorU airors.C explin Americans olrancofcurret secriyhecksD ephasis thimportanc of privcy protecn【答案】plaiAmerians tolerance of curet seurithec.22. ic f theollowi

16、ng conribuion to lowitsat or arort?A New estricionon carry-onbags.B Th declning efcienc o hSA.CAninceasin he ume o trveler.D Fequent uxecte sert chcks.【答案】C Anincree int umber of tavelers2.The wod xpeditd(Lie 4, Para.5)is close inmanitoAfasrB uit.C wder.char.【答案】 ater.2.One problm iththe reCheck por

17、 isAA ramatireuctio f t le.B Itswrngly-irecedimplentatio.C egovrnments relutancto backitD An reaonalepicfor erollment.【答案】D n nreanableprie or enrolment.25. Wich ofthefolowng wold be the best itlfor te txt?A ess Screenig for More SaetyB PreChek- Belate SuinC Gettng tuck n Securty Lines ndeusePeChec

18、Lanes【答案】B reChcka elatd Solutonext 2Theanenawaiians we atonmers, wroe Que iliukalni,Hawais ltreging moarch, in 897. Star athes werang the mot eeemedmee of Haaiia societ. Sadly,all s ot wellwih astronmy in awaii day.otest hverupted over costrctionof theTirtr Telecoe(MT), a giat bservatory tatromsstr

19、evolutiize hmanis viwfhecosms.t isus the MTs planed loaion onMauna K, a ormnt volcan wrhipe by som Hawaian the po , tht connts th Hawiian land to t eaven. Mauna Keas also home to om f the worls ms pof telescopes. Rted n the Pcficean, Mau ea peak sesave the bulk ofour panets denetophee, whereconditns

20、aow tescpes toobta iages of unsurpsed clai.Oppition o tlscopeson una ea ishing new. A sall bt voal group ofHawian n nvronmnshave lngviewd ei prese as isrespect for rd d n panfl reinder o the cpatin of what was one a soereign tion.Some blamefor the current trvers belogs tostoomers. In their egernes t

21、o uild biger elescope, the forot that cience is the onlyway unerstding the old. Theydidot ays pririzthe proctinf Mauna Keas frgile ecosystes oitsolinsto tislandsihitnts. Hawncultu s nota liof tepast; is alivingculre nergin eaisace tday.e snehs ulural ior, too, with root goin ac to he dawn of iviatio

22、n. Thesme cuosity to nd what lesbeyond the hioth firs rutear Pyneinso Haais shos inpies tronomrsoday to expoe the hean.ls o disasseml al tleopes n Mauna Kea o tobanfuturedevelpment there gort realit that astnomy nd Haaiin cule bothsek to answ big quesions abouwho we are, wheewe comfom anwreweare ige

23、rhaps tha iwhye xlore he sary skies, as ianweing primal cling to knoouees anor true ancesraomesThastonomy commun i making compoiss o changits us of Maa Kea. The T ite wahse t minmize h telecopvisiblity run th island a to void chaeolgian evionmntal ipa To liit the numbe oteescopes o aunaKe, odonesil

24、e remed a he end f their ifeis andtheirsit returned t ntulsat. There s noreao wyeryonecanno bewecoedon MaunaKea toembrace thei lturaherae and to study t stars.26. Qeen Liliuoas rmrk iParagrah ndites is onsrvativevwon thhistorc oe of asroomy.B theimprance ofrnomy in anen Haaiian socet.C the rgettalec

25、lne ofastnoy in anciet ties.De appeciation of sarwatchers fats iner tim【答案】B iprancef stronomi anciet Haaiian society.7 aunaKeais deeed as an ideal astromical stedu s eoaphicaeturesB it prtti suroudings. its religious implictions.is exstiginfratructure.【答案】A itgographicl feturs28. eontrction f the M

26、T s opoed by sme lcls partlbeausA i ma risk rinng hei intelctua le.B t eminds them ofa hiiatghisoy.C eir cltue willlo a ch of eviva. theyfer osi cntroof aun Ke.【答案】B itremid thof a humliating story.9. It cnbe nferrd fo Prarph 5 ha prgssn odys astonyA flillng th deams fncent awaiian. elps spred waian

27、 cture across ord.C my uncover th ogin o awai culur.D i nuall ste awiiaostiliy.【答案】 may uncovthe origiof awiia ulure.0. eahos atitue towadhosing Mua Kea a he TTsiteis o ofA severecitiism.B pasive ccptanc.Cslght estnc. l aprovl.【答案】Dfulapprovl.Tt3Robert F.Ked nc sad ht a contry GD sue everything cept

28、tha whi akes eworhhle. Wih Bitain votintve theEurpean Unon,andDPreayprdictedtslows result, it is nowa iel moment to asssshahe ws errint.Teqestio of GDPand iusflnss as nnoyd policymakers for over alfa eury. nyargue tha i saflawed cncept Itmeasres thingsth d not mttradmisses things that o.B mo recntas

29、ures, the KsGDP as beehenvy o he Wesrn world, withrecor lwumploynt ndhi growhfigrs. If eeythi was oing so wll,then whdid over1 ilio peope vote or Brexit, despitte warningbt ht t cd doto hr counrs conmic prospets?A recntanal study of countis andthr abilityto covert gowh intowl-beingsdssome liht n atu

30、estion. cs he 163 cunris measred, the UKs oe of the orestprforer ineuin tht economicgrwth is transaed into meaingul imrements foits citien. Raer thn jst focug o GDP, ve 40 dfferent st of criteri om heath, uction andcil ocietengagent havbeen measured to georounded aesent ofow counti rerfomin.While al

31、l o teeores fac tir wn chalnges ,teeare a nmer ocnsstet thes e ,there hs ee a budig ecoi recoeyicete 2008 go rsh , but i ndicators in ras such a healtn duci , majo ecomies have oinu todelin. Yetthis nt thecs wit ll countris . Sme relatveyporuran cuntriehave nuge iprovents arssmesures ncludingcivi ie

32、ty, icome equliy nd te envomenthis is also thatrich ontis can learn: When GDP isno longer readedas the sole maseof cunrs scss,the orld oosvry difert .So, what Knedy w rfering o as tha hil GPhs eenhe mcmmo method for mesuring he econmic ctivity of nations , s a asure ,its longer eoug . Ite otncuiport

33、nt factors sc a irena qlity or eductoouto- allhings tat conribute o psos sense ofwel-bein.hesharp h o gowh pected oud the worlnd in te K coud lead to a lie n the veryda servieswedepnd n for our elbeigandfogrth .But olicymkers whoefous efotsonmprving well-being rther thn imply woryig abot GDP figurs

34、cold avd th forecstd oomndmy evnseproess .31.obrt F. Kennedy isit becaue eApased heKr ts DPBidntfied GDP it hppine.Cmsiterpreted the rlo GP .hd lopiniono GP.【答案】 ha a lw on of GD32I can be inferredfrmgrap 2 thtthe UKis reluctant to rld snmicptern .BD as the measureosucce is widelydeied i theUK .Cte

35、UK wlcontibutelessto th worldecnmy .policymakes n th UK ar ng essattentio t DP .【答案】BGDP ste measureofsucesswiey dedinte .33.Whih of he llowingis te bo the rent annual sudy?AIti spnsoed by 16 ounris .Btxcludes GDPas n indicat.CIts criei reuestinb.DIts resultsarenigtenng .【答案】trults ae nlihtning .34.In th lt w praraphs , te autorsuggestsatAtheUK preparingfor an economic bm .BhihG foresdow an enomiecline .Ci is essentia to onsder cor benGDP Di requiautiotohadl ecoomicissus 【答案】Cit isssnia t coidr faor eyond GDP .35.Whh o


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