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1、2020最新人教版新目标七年级下册16单元知识点及练习题测试题Unt1 Can youa the guitar? 单元归纳短语归纳play ces 下国际象棋 pla thguitar 弹吉他sak Englih说英语play the vili 拉小提琴 Enlih club 英语俱乐部 ta to 跟说 ma ids 结交朋友 play games做游戏 lay e ino 弹钢琴 play th drm敲鼓 tell ories 讲故事 nhe weeked (在)周末okung fu 会(中国)功夫 用法集萃play +棋类球类 下棋,打球 pa h 西洋乐器 弹/拉乐器beood do

2、g st= do wellin doingth擅长做某事be g ih sb.善于与某人相处 need sb. To d sth.需要某人做某事ca +动词原形 能/会做某事 littl + 不可数名词 一点儿join the club 加入俱乐部 ke o d sth.=love o d h 喜欢/喜爱做某事典句必背Cnyou drw? Ys, an. / o, I cnt.Watlub do yount t jon? ant to join tehesscb.u canjoin thEnlsh cub. Sond gooI an spak English an I an also pa s

3、oce Pls call rs. iller at 5-321. Unit1 巩固练习. My unt _ Frec a well as Ciese. c speaks B.cn skC.cntsakDcan to sak2_ ae yr nam lease?- Yes, Micae M-I-C-HA-E-. A.Mut B.Will .May D. Need3.-Ca you playthemue gae?-e, I _. A ust.eedC. aDcan_ cal mii! Its cats ae.A Not . Cat Dosnt n5 Canyou play the oleybal?

4、 Sorry, _. A. cant .ont C. isnt . arent. _ nhe do? He cn_Chinse ngfu. .How; lay B.What;d C.Whee; see D. What; to do7. an you play he uitar? N, I _ ,bt I _th violinA.c;an B. cant; cnt C. cant ; ca cn; cat8 Susn i good at Engishan sh _ ing Enih songs. A. ned . may C cn9. _youswim? es, butIm not a good

5、 swimmer.A.an B.May Need D. Mut10._ yuhelp me it Ensh? My pleasue. MuB.y C Dned综合能力测验 一、用所给词的正确形式填空 Doe she wan _(ji) th ub? 2 ets join t _(pait)club3Jack_( noli) the scoo ho. 4Te areto ret_(piao)n te music oom5 Bo lies_(l) thepiano 6Come ad in _(we).7Canyou pla i _(god)? 8 n yu hel m wth _(anc)? Ev

6、ery week heep e _(lar) math. 10 Whtan i i _(do)? 二、根据汉语完成句子。 他哥哥小提琴拉得好。Hi bother _ _ _.2 我们的摇滚乐队需要懂音乐的人才。e _ _ _ our rocband.3 我可以参加艺术节吗?Can I _ _ the Art Fst?4 ill 想参加什么俱乐部?_ lubde il_ _in?5 我想了解美术方面的知识。I wat_ _ _ art. 你们跟孩子们相处的好吗?_ yu _ _ kis? 我会敲鼓而且我敲得好。 Ican p e_ ad Ican la _ _三、句型转换。1 e wat t j

7、oin the ess lb. (划线提问) _ _ ou wnt _?. David can pay th utar. (改成一般疑问句) _ avid _ th gitar? 3. Wu Dg n play foll (就划线部分提问)_ canWu Dong_?4. I can nand dac. (改成否定句) _ sing _danc四、单项选择。1. My litlsister _nw,bu she _ some Englih sogs. A at wim; can ing B.cnt twim; cnsngs Cca swis; cating D. cant wiin;ansig

8、ing2. _ club do ouant to_? -Srts clb. Wat; he B. has; jon C.Wha; join D. hat; have.Threi _ eat in te fride, pese go and buyso qui. A. litle B. aitleC few D. few4. an ou speak lish _? Sorry, cn A.good B.niceC.ine D. ell5.Dtwory. n he you _ yur hoewrk.A. to with Cfor D.o.- hink drnki mlk iood _or heal

9、h es, agee wt ou.A for B. t C.wih .at9. _ Ise our rulr, Linling?Sue, hereyouae . ay B Would C. Ne D. Must10 a wplay fotball i he sreet?o, you _. Its dngerous A. can.mstnt C.may D. ma nt11. We eed smeone for our band. C oupay _ pianovery ell? a B.nC. the ./12. n you _Fenh ver el?Wene a mnachthe boyFe

10、nh. Aspeakn B. eak C a Dtalk13. My site_tooi the music ub.A. dont an Bont wants C.desn want D. dos ts14Wat _ yo _ inh pictue?- bird. A. a; seeB. c;ook C. ae;se D. are;look5 My siser can _ very well, so sh wato jothe_ lub. Awim; swmigB. swim; wimming C.sim; wims swis; sim Unit2 Wht tme do o go tohoo?

11、 单元归纳短语归纳what ti 几点 g toschool 去上学 gt up 起床 tak a ower 洗淋浴 take wal 散步 bus eeth 刷牙 gtto 到达 o homwork 做家庭作业 et breaft 吃早饭go to rk 去上班 go ho 回家 gt home 到家 eithero 要么要么 at nigt 在晚上 tdressed 穿上衣服 inte moring/ aftenoo eeng 在上午/下午晚上 b late for迟到gt b 上床睡觉 otsof 许多,大量 r staion 广播电台用法集萃at + 具体时间点 在几点(几分) ate

12、afst/ luch/iner吃早饭/午饭晚饭 from to 从到tirtyhaf past+基数词 点半 fiten quater t 基数词 差一刻到点 need t do sh 需要做某事典句必背1. What tme d yo usualy ge p? I usua t uat x hiry.2.Thats a fny imeor breakfast. 3. Whe d stuents usualy eat inne?4. In te evening, I eihr wac T or ply comutegames. Atwelve,het lots ffrit a vgtble f

13、ounch.6.She knows s ot goodfo her, buti tastesood 7. Her r your otes. ui 巩固练习 用适当的词填空,补全下面的短文。 I sually 1 (起床)at si lck. Iav milkand bread for beks Ater rkf, I 2 (洗澡)and he I (上学)by us. I get scol a quarter o eit.I have fie casses in h morning. nd hn I ave lunch at wele cloc. n the afternoo I aeto c

14、lsss.I 4 (回家)at halfst fu.Igehome at 5:00.I (吃晚饭)at abt6:0. ftednner, 6 (做作业). I 7 (睡觉)a8:0. Myife is usy but otexciting. 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。. mther oftn _ (watch) TV at 7:00evey evenng. . Wha time do yu t_ (hae)yr lnch?.Wha tdoe yusiste_ (go) hoe eer day? . lease come in an ha a cu of te th _ (e)

15、.5 My little brther_ (not do)is hewor t sixin h e.6. Please brus yu _ (toth) fter getup. . My tuden avealotof _ (omeork) do ver dyIII. 句型转换。1.e ets hme at ive in t ateron.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _ he _ ome the fternoo?2. fren goe t bed a9:00.(改为一般疑问句) _your in _ to beat9:00?3. She goes tork bybus.(对划线部分提问) _ _

16、 she _toor?4. Iie tking ashowerecauitrling(就划线部分提问) _ _ you liketakingshower?5hy ea luh a schoolon wekday.(就划线部分提问) _ _they et lunch on weekdays?6. 我们该去上学了。 Its im _us _ _ schoo. 早起早睡对我们的健康有好处。Earl obed, ery torise. s _ our eat.8 杰克通常在晚上10点左右睡觉。 Jackuually_ _ _t_at nig.9 她真是个好笑的人。 Whata _ _she is!0.

17、 谢谢你的来信。 _you _ ur _.IV、单项选择。1. y boher oen _Eishn thrado . A. he B. ists C. lten to D. itnso.ts ix ocokin he morng ts tim _. A get up. ogt. to et up D. of gettig up. Do you knw he_? -Yes, its 1:30. AageB.tme C. numer . addres4.Wha o yo ually do _Snd mornig? A. o B. at . on D. in5. Doyulike _ a bus

18、to chl? takes B takig C. tae D. by6. M broter often oeto_ schol after_breaka. A. /;teB.the; theC th; D./; /7. -o yo ave _? -s. _ at a fod spA jb; wk B.wor; wor C. wk;b D jb; j8. ts ime _as. A. o B. or C. f D.wit.Wa tim dyu usully go to bed? _ nine lock. A. A B.On In D. f10. Tank you ey much fr _ mt

19、youbrtda arty. .ask B. toa C. invit D. invitUnt 3 w doyou getto ch? 单元归纳短语归纳get o school 到达学校 a te subw 乘地铁 ride a bik 骑自行车evey ay 每天 ho far 多远 fromhom toschol 从家到学校a ith 和玩 beweea在和之间d thebus乘公共汽车 by bk 骑自行车 s stop 公共汽车站 come u 实现 hav to 不得不 thinko 认为 one 1-yarold bo 一个1岁的男孩(必须放于名词之前)用法集萃ta to to y

20、 乘去owdo /does (b)ge to? 是怎样到的?ow fisit rm o? 从到有多远?t ake sbometmet do th. 做某事花费某人多长时间。 How long oes i tak ? 花费多长时间?It is ad. + to do sth. 做某事是. Tanks fr n. / . g 感谢你(做)某事。典句必背 How doou ge toschol? de y i.Ho fa is it om you home to scool? logoe tke outo et toscool?For man tens, it i easy toget tohol.

21、 hreis a verbg rier btween ther school nthe vllage.i3巩固练习1 Ms vnsliesar form the company, soshe usuly_ he subway or A. ries B.C.taks D. on.“B wtr”mean _. A. on oa . byaboat C.akng oa D. by bot3 D you usly toschl _bus or_fot?A. by;by B. by;on C n;byD. o;on4. _ ifom Bej to New York? - Mre tan 3000 le.

22、 A.ow fr . Hw long Cow otenD. Hw mch5 - How faris from the bk to th stofie? -Its _. A. ive miutes ak B. an hr form hee C the kiometers a D.out ne undedtes. wll _ubout13 hus fl to Egafrm Hong on. . pd . tk C.us D. p7. - Exce e, r _ is t o te neest htl?- Aout 15miue al alogthis road.wmch B. Ho soon C

23、Ho log D Howfr8.- _ s the Cfuci Tempe (孔庙) from hee? - It s bot11muts wa. ow man B. ow ln C wmuh D. Hwfa9 - How fr is fro our home to the shol? -Its about _ .A. mnuts al B 0minute walk. 1 mnu alk .mnutesswalk10. He stopped _ is cr or, and rde a b.A. driving . ridng. to rive .o rid综合能力测验一. 根据题意和所给的字母

24、提示,填入正确的单词。1. Gannisnt i od hea. My fil _ _ _ abu h ver uch.2 A: Whttimei it? : Itsh_ _ _pastsvn Te meetin begis a ight clc. A: Oh, e we ve hitymnutest relax befo theetin.3. Beijng isi tn_ _ _ of Chia. 4. H hsa _ _mind. He i alway the fist fin the nwers.5 Marhas ook afterher motr at ome. ecasehr mot

25、he s i_ _ n ed.二. 连词成句1. how, you, does , ate , t, go, work? _ _?2 ho, h, d, t, chool, get, eery ay?_?3. how long, it , does, ke, yo, ge, to, home, r , to, schol?_?. he, earl, akes, bus, hi, his, t, wr plc _5 in ortAerica, to, go, schoo, t,sudents, on, scol, th , bus _.三 方框选词,用所给动词的适当形式填空.((aot, wfa

26、r, hiof, alk, rde))1 sull _t sometme I tae the bs. . The bus rideusuallytkes _5 miutes.3. Wer_ goig to isit r. Smit 4. He _ the bke to te sbway tation.5. A: _does she lvfromschol? :he liesvynear fromsol.四. 完成句子1 昨晚我用了一小时写作业。It _ _ ne hour _ _ my homewryeserday evening.2. 我可以信任你吗? I _ yo?3 这个航班要飞多久?

27、_ does heflihttake?4. 下雨时,我乘坐出租车。 Whe i _, I taea t 周末我喜欢骑自行车. I like _ _ mybike on theweekends.6我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跑着去赶火车。e hd a _ melaten_ _ _ the tai五. 单项选择1.e wals _he subwaystin firt,hen ake he subway. .on B o C. a. in. Jff goes to work _ nd iswifegoes to work_ . A. by ca,er bik . by acar, on he bie C.

28、by ars,by b D. by his car,bke3. his boo _Bos. Look! Thai me.A. may B.must b C.cant be D.mus no b4. Taking a o is moinertin tha _ a bus. A. ta B. ake C. o tak Dtaing5. _ lg nmberfstudents w to school inChina. A A B. n C Te D6. Wat do you_heraporation in your t? A.think abu B. tnk of C. ink overD. hn.

29、 - _ doesit taeyou t get t eijng? - Twnt hoursA. How fen B. ow far . Howmany D.Hw log8. Te last trainha left, so I _ sty heenil tmorow.A. must B.can C.hav to .shoud9. Lily n Amy fe lae_scool _ halfpastseven. . fom, to B. or,n . to, from D. fo,at10 Altogh the gr is only4 ye old, _ sh cnra l. A. ut B.

30、 so C. / D. d11. How ar tegointo e conysde or,_ bike o _ fot? A b, by B. o, n C. by, on .o, by1. _ studens lik singing the sg A. Nmr o B A number of C.Te numer ofD.Nubers of13.How _ s t_ yur chol to t drensalae? A. lon, o . fr, to Clg, fro D a, rom1.owdo you _th?I ake he tain. .reach B. et o CariveD

31、arve 5. The new amusement pak is aout fvkilomets _ A fa .far way C. away frm D. way. _ dos it tae you ofinish _h boo? A.ow lon, tored B.How oon, t readC.How often, reading D.Hwlong,eadig17. - Mosof fd _ deliciu in he restaurnt.- u in mst of thins _much too dar in i. A. is, . i, re C. a, s D. are, re

32、18. Whi setce riht? _AWe cnget mony la.B. cantget to e moon by a pan. We catget on by air. D. We antge to the oo byplane.9. (211 山东聊城)ImnosrhtherI can odparty n he openir, ecauseit _the wath .tndfo B. epends on C liveson D.agrees with Ihae toc.One isblack,and _ i wite. A.anhr . someC othe D theothe4单元()1.Don_nthehallwysatsch.A.mie.alk.wearanifm.f


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