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1、2020深圳一模详细解析020年深圳市普通高中高三年级线上统一测试 英语 注意事项: 答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、考生号填写在答题卡指定位置。 .选择题的答案填写或涂写方式,请按照学校使用的考试平台所需具体要求作答。 .非选择题答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内,写在非答题区域的答案无效。 4考生必须保证纸质答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,按照学校的具体要求提交答题卡。第 卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 0分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 3 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A icrasing n

2、umber studetsorlwideconsideringstdying abroad. Th piction proces aries rom countto county your lookng for uniersit wt a tg inerninal lookut feel sweptor风靡,眺望,向-扩展 al th aplicainions,e s some udanto et you tarte. K Inerntinl students musappyo uivrits in te UKhroug a sytem knwnasUcas. Tissystem alos s

3、tdnts to pply to p to ive unversities wih js on applicaton. cot 20 fo a sile ce or 2for mor than onechic. Th aplicionnisto a sris f qustio totmine th udns schooln and prdited grad. Thebgestpart ft applcaion frm is thepro atement, whh ppints shoud esri their ersonal iterets and related eprences. Swit

4、erlan Switzerland as for offcialauges ad i bredby fie cnris so it in surpris tat itnvrstie ae mthe mstitrnaon inthe worl. Intraional applians y nee o take a entace exa i hv a foeignscho tifiate, nd must asoprv attheyhea o gasp of h rnch langug, uually through tang a lanuageam.e fulppication csts 50

5、ws Frans for holder a Swssipoma an 150 wis Fc fo oders f foreig diploms特许证anada Inteatonl appicants have to wriepaesonl rofil a pro thir aiaton,whc isvr imlar otprson tatement reuired a K university apicaton. Stdets will lo havto ove ther nglis-lau cometecythere renine asto meet Engl Languag Admissi

6、o Standard,wc arltd on many unvesity websits Singoe h pcess of ppyin t a Sngaporean niversity s eymuh ali, bt oeeas studentma be delighted o idhat t domtipliants avet cover thsame preures: fillng ou nnlin applcion fmand sut identiicatio dcuents, spporting documentsa a picaion f of S0 21. Which conre

7、qirsnternainalaplanskow Frenc we? . K. .Swelnd C. Canaa. Sigpre.22. Wht patofthe applicaionimilar between eUKand Canada? . Te application syse. B.Tenubr ofuverste. C.Theaplaion cs. D The personal taeen. 23. Whats spcl uttheapplcatio cessin Sigapoe? A. pplcnts nedto py a lot B. It is uchsimplthn lswh

8、re. C. t nodiferent or native sudents. D Te petition is en more fiece. B e a after more thna month clas, Iadoapargrah fom myo, regniziall t caraes mothly exept or e Iat back an stare o reister the ahieveet: was actualy readig Chiese. Te lguage was startingo aeense utbefothe sense of satfacis hl form

9、d, Tach Liao sad,“Budui!” It mean,litrly, “Not correc.” u coud l aslate t a o, og, ne, uh-uh Flatly 完全地nd clearlyincorret. here ere man Cinsewrds tht didn know, but Iknew thton ell. A voce i my head whined:Allof the st thm were rigt;isnt that worthsomething? ut r Tacer Lot didntork iktha. f one char

10、cter was wrng it w simply bud. “hats his rd?”I asked, pointng at t character h ised. “Zhe te zin Zhejiang.” “Trd tn?”“Fourtton.”I reted dee an radthetio again, an thi tie I iditerfectly. That as a itoy I turned to Tacer Liaond m eyesai (or tleastI imagned them aying): Ho o you ike me nw? Tere seemed

11、to esometsfationin hr eyes, bt se smpysaid, “Read te nex one.” It wa er way f thin. Suces wasexectd and flure citiciedanmmeiately rrced. Yu ereight o owee budu; er a no midle rod. I gre to te bdui Th uwasa rsingone eduidropd abruply, 突然地lie bulingmy cofen ad enbraking down all nc. nd i bothered me a

12、l the mor更加,格外 because I ne that Teaher Liao s onl telig thetuth: eeyhin dd wit hlanguagewas bdui. I waan dul, nd a an t I sholdbe bleto accep riism her was needed.Bt tt wasnt the Arcanway; wtedto eriedoryeffo; didnt mind ctiim as ogas t ascand-coatd. I China, h le Bon he eport card matters uhor tha

13、 a the Aat surrond itKeep working; you havnt chieedanytnge.An so Isti. I was ruste but Iaalsstubon;I was detmind t show Teach Lio tt I wsu.24. hich of he followng cnbest epae “whn” Paragap 3? urstoB. gaen. . reuned D. maind. 25. Wa d tewite xpect romTeachrLo after tidai? A. Immedate corrcton. B A ew

14、chaleng. An ncouaing response.D.A tic cmment.6.Hw id he iter elabut the Chis ayf teachng? ACandy-ote B. kness-focud. C Interest-rivn. D. Crticimbst. 7. Wht can e iner fromhe te? . The wirwa sugglin wth Lia teacng. . The Americn wy fteaching i bette r adults C. hewrite w not iftd in languge learning.

15、 D. Teacer iao was not frieny w hr students. C n the winer of 1645,bitter cld严寒 fel on ondon in thdays befoeChristas Above the cty,an uusul brght comet (彗星) hot aross thek,xcting uch dcto f a snow storm utsde the cityal, aomnwasanounce d of a isea hat was spreig in at ea.er hous wloedupand thprase “

16、Lord主,上帝 Hve erOn U” was ained onthe door in d. By the folowin Chisa, thevrusat a kille th oman wouldgo ot kl neay 10,000eope lvin in and around Lodon amost a iro hoe who iot lee. reatlague |pleg|(瘟疫), hstorianA.Lloyd oote dmbioogist Dorothy C. Mote proideadeely nfored ccont f this plage yea. Redin

17、thebook,raderareake r th palacesof the itswealtiest itzenst the poor areas whre he vatmaority of Londorswelin, ndto the suroundig outrysdwit the o fled. The ootes pn u tha, evenattight othe laue, tecitydid not fallinto choskis|混乱 Dctor, nurseandthe chuch taf emanene ciyocar foe ic; ityoficias trid h

18、eiret o figh te isis witall the legl tol; nd ommrce商业cntnued evn as busineses su own.To esribe lifend de i and around London, theauhrfoc o the experences o nie indviduals hrouh thei ettersanddiares, the Mos offe rsh decritionsofke ssues in th story thGreat Plague:how diffrent omuies undstood andexpe

19、inedth disease; hw dical, eligou, adovernment bodes rete;howwel the social orde held together; te ecnomcnd ral ilmmas pepe faced whendebatig whetheo e cit; adhe nare ofthe mteia, soca,and priualreourc uportig hsewho remained. Bsed onhumani (人性),te autors ofr amasterul ortrat肖像 of a it ad itsnhbiats

20、attackd y anddarinly resiing unimagiable hrrr. 28. What an earn from Paraph 1?A. comet always follows a stom.B.Londn wasuder aapproachi hretC. Ldo aspreared for hedseaseD Thwoman waste beginnigofhe iase. 2 W dohe otessyabou Lnonuringh ret lague? A hciy remaieorgnized.A. e plague spaed he rih rea.B.

21、Thople tred a lot n vai.C. he ajoiy l and thusurved.30. Wy d the Mootes fouso tenin ndivius?A. They reamousople in hiory.B hy al manged osuvveth PlaueC They proidvivi soies humanty.D. Tey uniteby thnking an acti as one. 31. Wats he purpose f sex? AT intrdua n ook. B. To correcta misunertnding. C To

22、reor e src. D. To show respet to he author iver aethe veinsof the Eart,tarting the aer and nuints(营养物)nedet supor thlanes osstes, icluding humnlif. Whle many utits are essential to the survivl oflfe, thr isone elemen tranpoted b wernriers that holds he key toi ndto thefutu our plant carbonCrbon is e

23、verywherand undestaning te way it moves and i ithr rleasedr str by the art sytem iscmplexcinceniself. Crbon star ts jouney dwnstrea wn ntral acdrain,whchcontin carbn dixide rom t atmhee, melt minels in rocks. hiselp transormcabon oxide to abnte (碳酸氢盐) n th ter hat then flos n o rivers. s isa erylg p

24、rocess,hicison fthe min wy cabndioxd is eoved om thetmohereCrbo is trnsorted byrivers toocens adon th arbonreaches eocea, it istore naurallyn deep sa seimnts (沉淀物)fr mllionsfyears.Ascon ravl dow rie, ifferet poesses may mpact(影响)whethr it conines o flownstrao whethit isreeased intoh amospheFr exaple

25、, humaneinering,like extensive aconstrution,will eslt indamaic chang ohow waterandsdimnt tavldowne rve. Some caro that fails to reac he seay rern to teamosre insomeay,hich causs ore wamigEarhslmae s clserelatedtoth arbo yclW allknow about tesetia role fplnt i cnsumng cabn ioide,butdo wno enoug about

26、 rirs?Chagi te cistry(化学(;化学过程)and the ours(过程;进程;道路;路线,航向)of rier ay have sgfant mpacts how they transporcrbon. emember: wherevr we iv,we all liveownrem.3 Whereis te arbonin rves orginl from?A The atosper. B. The rcks. C.Thcid ain. D. The upstramreas.33.Why s hum gieig metione Paragraph?A. T how ow

27、 portant to lif crbo is.B. To exla ho ecesaryiti tobild dams.C. Tosh hoa ntural procssstete.D. T explin hw humans fgh goal ring4 What do he thor want to cney inthe lst agph?A.ed betermv upstam o live. W hud prtet plnt alogrvesC. Wdbetter seek mor hl frmplnts.D.We hou be cautiouaout rive management.3

28、5. htis th est titlefo the text?AWhat Huma owith iversB. Hw Rive ransortingarbnosCWhatte Car CylMeans to sD. o LingDownstre Affcs th arh第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。 Imaine yo ar o a ln ti. I is nht and youake wrong tur nt a dakcount road. itainking feeng, you

29、 realiz that ou have no ahee yu e. ,nd he aser is ten ight. A shinng cmpass face, wi norh, out, ast ad wes at the fur pis,and big nedl arepoiningatnoth. What eif! You urnyor car arond and headi he rightretion ided by the sy. Fr ating ir, findng thei wa oelng distncesthrogh the daretnight is teir sec

30、d nat. 3Cdirecin writ by light andmagnesm(磁力). Soe irdsjorney thusands of mile terwice-yearljreys. 38, like muain ranges and ivers, o help ddhe dicions;b birs may aso nigateuing he tas, and byensngr even “eng” the arhs inisibeagnic field. or many ears, scntistshavebenstyng what behind th strg ablit

31、ofmigrating brd fid th wa ther winerad summe hoe. Here ion thingtatty agre on. 9.Tisma ladthet make thirer rt aum liht inh dection thahas bee logrvled by the res f their spece 40B A.hn ulnc at thesky B. So dsar born owinghich aym i C. Thy do it inpr yradin directi inth ky D Magetism s importt f al n

32、mals,eseial birds adishes . Wnthyeon theay,teytake th adantge f failarandarksF. Mgraoy迁移的 bay birds ae alreaequippedit a kindof pesen ne opass G.In rs, iaion man two-wy jurey onward jouyndbackwa journey 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1. 分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的 、B、C 和 项中,选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My dughte

33、loed dane, util she didn. ftr an41 frst year, I ntd herinterest aing we bywee. Ten,ne a, sh slywaleto e ore class an ased f sh cdust42t. 1.A. annyed B indepednt . enthuiastc . ubeaable . .mk jonC skip不参加 Dtry Myrst eacio ws to 4her t “finih wtyou trt”.44, stckigi somthingdfficlt ca h pesevace(毅 力 ),

34、 iscipline d cnfiec Bt watcing mfist-gae (一年级学生)45 erself nt ec ballet(芭蕾舞)potion,tted to questin ho mc46 hat “blanket dvce” md. I it rea in kids t ,o ven rccl, akhesck toeer comtent承诺 toug ti se rches a biter苦涩的 48 ? Wa f er aediffeet but 49valuabeualitis, which can ganedby 50 he thgs tat are not r

35、it for he?43 . dvis B invit C. allow D. ordr 4. An additon B. Aterll C. At mst D.Bycontast 45. A.cher. ho C.enjo . drag 6 timeB.sense C.lar D. it 4 A. nor . dea C eaor D inteest8. end B. space . ide . direction4. prtly hrdly . equayD. semingl 50 A lein of 放手givng ay o 让路 C mng up f 弥补D.puttin upith忍

36、受With te winer showpoachin, I ealizedshe needed to eiher51he ls or comit herelf to it. ftr fewdays consideratn,she 52 danc wantorher chice I 53 . uittin i ever lack-andwhiissue非黑即白的问题.imes, t means 4a barre iny way to loesoething se. n y dghtes case, dingdance madesace for r nw obbies, schas horseack ridnnd Gir couts.Shes ino tem forow, but i s kay i tht 55changes. 51 A.teach B. e C nter D. r 2.A. decided B. wone C. hestat D ed . A. doubted requred spprte D. rgretted 54. . pn B. clearin C studyng D.rossig 55A ven B


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