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1、企业偿债能力分析外文文献外文文献原稿和译文原 稿InodctonAloug citors can deeop vait prtectie proisis to proe thi own intest, ut anumber ofcomlemntar measre e rtcal to efeivl afeuardthi irests av to see the copay oly. hrfre, oimpoe cmpanysovny Liablities are onthis. n theother hand, te sronera compnyssovecythe easieras invs

2、tmen quired or the project, wse total aets reoftn relaiely ow debt ratio,which isthe point f the pecing erteoy of pa agreement. Siilrly, a cmpanyssort-erm liqudity,thstronere shte ebrai is ao lower, ng-term soenc, the tronger the onterm dbt rai is alo lower .Harri al.Wll,Eiotisetc. as well s empiric

3、al resarch nd Unrperfmancefound that hsoeny(i the quicratio ninres coverage rai, sectivey, shrt-termsolvecy d germsovency)to tota debtraiohas siniiantnegave crrelaion. Tkin to accountthe ataclctedcovenience, this paperrepesens ort-te olvenyatios and t tuy he long-erm olve by thequcratio and cash lo

4、ipac on thereal ste det aita stuture of listed comnis.Lited Copanies Solveny AalyisWhencompnies need mone,the chieo faipefereneorder, yn accordance wih retand earning, issuance o bonds,inncigoderuedres.Acding o this they, strong coorat ofitabilty, eaid rnins ore or financinfirst ill consider reaiede

5、arings. Terefore, te rfiabilit o hetotal t raio oulbe neately corelatedbt avoidnc therysednaura sa thatunerotwise idetial cditins, hihlyprfiabe cmpany sol orrw more dt, ecuseheye oidanceof h need for greater debt, an tereor hiher debt ati. rid gowth of teompanyfinanca erae ithoutte support, ba on hi

6、s, oselet7 ampfom he 50 lrgs S compi, theresaher found thatrerdle of wheher here isanp capita ructure,the ompa iailies are directly correledwithgrwtGrw i th damalguarante compnysoley, so wheth sho-ermloansor ongtrm loan ad creditors, ash ompysroh aspositivesinal, so the lstcompnies in rcent yers ofg

7、oth, thehghr t raten short-termse Theigher ate of long-tm ases nd labilities, total ssets andlablites aturaly hiher, ut the impct on rowhof real estate cmniesistedna saer dbt raio (coefficie i smll) The riffirm ize nd capita tucture fec te roth has a smar conclusion,i aear ttetors, seiallybanks that

8、 the ompanycaeisa easure of creditrisk i an impran cnsdraonindex, th reatethcompanyize, the mre stl cah flow, bankuptcyt is smaler, the creditosaremore willin t to a oliech lrge-sa eeprises. Theactual controler o heli companiecegory to otal det atio f theimpac factor of a040017, inicain tat nonste-c

9、onolle lste comans total asset andiiitis igher thate tate-owned holdng coanies. Te rson fr this phenomenona b no-stcontrolledlitd omanieayor atenion t oro beefits, dnt wantt dilute teircontroloerqutyfinancin,nd erfore more inclnd o detfinancing, wich myso lain te nn-statcotrolled lted ompnes bttr us

10、e of financia everae entrries bige ad strngr mplse.n addition, the ctualcontrolof lstedcomanies aegry otterm impacto asset-liailit rai i a 2.3 me its imct o og-term debt ati, whc sho thnon-st-ontoledisted opaes preto tak advant f shot-term btto xnd ts prtion.urrent reserh factors affecincpitl tcture

11、 point ofvw thereremany factrinvarus ndustries cocernd i ntth a, accoring t indsrycharacteristics and ticularity, we manly ocus on he follwinsect to aalze thefacosindsrycapial stucture Th tiexlained vriabe- cpitalstrctre for the aset-laility rtio,generllrefers to tetal debt rao, t ormoe n-eptstuy o

12、capittructureof lste cmpaie, tepaper frthe toa debtrto, short-e set andabilitie nlontem dbt rai o three angs ofCpial trutre xpntr.t preent, omestand freign scolar anyzed ftors on ctal strucurmostl d multipe lnear eression, asuual stticl egresso fcioninthe frm of thir choiceis ofte subectie aor, btrd

13、inary regrionehos to ma fuction ith verage rsitnce, most such untios exellentadobjeivitar ofte ifficul to ret.base stochatic fontir mdel (tochastic Frote) daaenvelot analysis(DEA) mhod, estiate theeecve pductinfrntier usinathmaicalprogrammig metho, nly the experienc o frontierroductin fncti,ovrcme D

14、EA methd aumes ttthre is no andom error term, tbetterto rlct th objctityandopmalit J funcion, urently n the field of conomicmanagment, ocilogy and mediine,egan get me an moreapplati. Therfr, in this paper, stocastic frner odl data on hcapita structefctor isted ea estate cmanies ouced a cmpreensieanl

15、ysi, in orer to pvideettercentifi bsforthsudy of thetmal capitastrutue of rel estate etrpisesisted copan olve and verall sst-liability rati wasgfanly negativly correled with shrtm liuidiy ha a dcisive iflunce n te shrtte selibili raio.milrly,log-ter ency also a a decise influence onlonerm sts adibil

16、tie. Idstryihe oaldbt ratiopailrly high ropoion f shrt-term deb ison ofthe man bunes k, hus ncresi solvncy of lscomaes, eeciay hort-tem liuidit(that is,to otain a table shrt-erms flow) rdue i asse liailityratio ndeffectiv risk agementchoe ROA o lsted compan is muchgreae nflunce hanROE of aelibiliy a

17、t,and affct therelationhip isinonsisten, ROE is hghr, th gerhe toal d rtio, while h ROA high,th owe he rate te total assets an liabiltis, ndshotterm iabilities RA moe oviou,this fferece smanlyueto the seiltrutre ofistd compniesduet t nure ofth cait, nd theefo eed o mprove t cital strucure of ise cmi

18、es, nmey reduc th toa assets and aiities rtedetsrre and the eed toreduce theprtonof hort-erm bt in pricuar, in rder onne tcompanysprofiabiliy RO owt ndompany size s sigificant psive mpat th apia structr,which is mainy due o hegth of the copany solencisfndameta,Tesize of the compan is he man idicator

19、 tomasre he bankrty crditr ik. Thefore, lisd companies sholdb raillo grow hroughcntinuugroth d dveopmetof nterprs, so that he tl eb atioasa high mai o fety, thugh growth to ontinu o resolv the nancalrisk tha on-st-owe olng omanis controllinmoe ue f finca leverg mtivatn ndapparentyrlied on sht-trmaii

20、ties, wich ay ledto moreeusfancia rsk espcialhor-term busines risks, so ta he nn-staeowneholding lis comanieshoul establs ore srit rs reventin syste.译 文介绍 虽然债权人可以通过制定各种保护性条款来保障自己的利益,但都是一些辅助性的措施,能够有效保障他们利益的关键还得看公司的偿债能力。所以,提高一个公司的偿债能力,负债有上升的趋势。另一方面,一个公司的偿债能力越强也就越容易产生项目投资所需的现金,其总资产负债率也往往比较低,这与优序融资理论的观点

21、相吻合。同理,一个公司的短期偿债能力越强则短期资产负债率也就越低,长期偿债能力越强则长期资产负债率也就越低。Harr Erots等表示短期偿债能力和长期偿债能力与总资产负债率具有显著的负相关关系。考虑到数据搜集的便利,本文用速动比率和现金流量债务比分别表示短期偿债能力和长期偿债能力来研究对上市公司资本结构的影响。上市公司偿债能力分析企业在需要资金时,对筹资方式的选择有偏好顺序,即按照内部留存收益,发行债券,发行股票的顺序筹资。根据该理论,盈利能力强的企业,内部留存收益较多,若需筹资首先会考虑内部留存收益。所以,盈利能力应与总资产负债率负相关。然面对于债务避税的理论认为,在其它条件相同的情况下,

22、盈利性高的公司应当借更多债,因为它们利用债务避税的需要更大,因此资产负债率更高。公司的快速成长离不开财务杠杆的支持,基于此,从美国最大的500家公司中选取37个样本,研究发现不管是否存在最优的资本结构,公司的负债都与成长性直接正相关。目前,大家对资本结构影响因素的分析大多采用多元线性回归,由于通常的统计回归方法其函数形式的选择往往带有主观因素,同时普通回归方法使函数带有平均性,这样函数的最优性和客观性往往难以体现。随机前沿面模型(tastic Fnter)在数据包络分析(DEA)方法的基础上,利用数学规划方法估计出有效生产前沿面,即经验的前沿生产函数,克服了DEA方法不存在随机误差项的假定,比






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