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1、台州市2020年4月高三年级教学质量评估试题英语续写评讲课件以及范文 -by Lance (兰银清) 读后续写: Freddie woke up to see it was snowing again. The world outside was white. Snow covered the roads, the cars, the houses, and even the driveway Freddie had just shoveled the day before. “Ugh,” said Freddie. “Not more snow!” He got out of bed and

2、 headed to the bathroom for his regular morning shower. As he reached for the taps, his mother appeared in the doorway. “Ive got news,” she said. “Theres been so much snow overnight that the roads are slippery and dangerous. I just heard on the radio that they canceled the school buses for the day.”

3、,His father smiled. “Since we are all staying home today, I thought wed have a nice hot breakfast together.” Freddie nodded in agreement. Normally, the family was rushing to get out on time, so he usually just ate some cereal and a banana on school days. He sat at the table and watched his father fl

4、ip the eggs over in the pan. His mother poured juice and coffee and joined them. It was relaxing, thought Freddie.,After breakfast his mother suggested he go out and build a snowman. Freddie wasnt too sure. He didnt really like the cold and the snow. Hed rather stay inside and play video games. “You

5、 can play after, but how about you go outside for a little bit? Its good to get some fresh air, and who knows, you might even enjoy yourself.” His mother handed him a scarf, hat, and mitts. Freddie reluctantly put on the warm clothes and headed outside.,Standing alone in the front yard, with the col

6、d wind blowing, was not Freddies idea of a good time. Knowing his mom meant what she said, the boy sighed, thinking the quicker he completed his snowman, the faster he could go back inside to his video games. He set to work packing up some snow into a large ball. Moments later, he saw one of his fri

7、ends emerging from his house up the street. Dion waddled out in his snow pants and heavy overcoat. He waved to Freddie.,二)思要处理的问题 1.文章的主题:life 2.划线词归类 characters: Debbie, mom, Dion(classmate) time/place: outside actions: realized play emotions: relaxing, a good time others: snowman,company 3.根据已知人物关

8、系,故事发展情节,所给两段落的首句,划线词预测故事情节的发展。 可以通过提问的方式预测故事情节的发展,Freddie was surprised but happy to see his classmate. 1. Did Debbie ask Dion to help him build the snowman? 2. How did they build the snowman? How did they feel? 3. What was the idea? Whose idea?,Delighted at the idea , Freddie ran into his house. 1

9、. Why did Freddie run into his house? 2. What did Freddie do next? 3. Did Freddie change his idea of a good time ? How did his mother feel?,4.叙述和描写的方式 A: 叙述:顺序,倒叙,插叙,补叙 此续写是顺序(一般都是顺序哈) B: 需要心理描写吗?需要对话吗? 此续写可以有心理描写,也可以没有。此续写对话可以有,但是要少而精(一般来说续写的对话要少而精)。,5.思考一个恰当的结尾 记叙文或者小说的结尾方式很多。根据具体文章以及自己写作最擅长的方式,可以

10、采用余味悠长,回味无穷的方式结尾;也可以采用升华主题的方式结尾;还可以采用寄情于景,定格画面的方式结尾等等。 此续写可以考虑余味悠长、回味无穷的方式结尾,三)写作过程中处理的问题 写是在“读和思”有效进行后,具体写作的一个综合的过程。 1.续写的第一段要和前文要有效衔接,第二段要和第一段有效衔接。尤其要注意续写的第一段不能和原文脱节,也不能重复原文内容。第二段不能和第一段脱节,也不能第二段重复续写第一段的内容。 2续写的段落要和续写首句有效衔接,衔接的方式有主要有三种: 1) 与首句主语衔接 2) 与首句宾语衔接 3)与首句逻辑衔接,范文:,台州2020年4月续写范文(-by Lance 兰银

11、清) Freddie was surprised but happy to see his classmate. “Yeah, sure. Help me make this snowman, would you?” Dion nodded, and they got to work, building the snowman a solid base and lifting a heavy snowball on top of it. Dion found some stones for buttons, and Freddie stuck a couple of broken branch

12、es into the body to make arms. Finally, the snowman was finished! Then,they stood back to admire their work, exhausted and red-cheeked but excited and happy. Suddenly, Dion said, “Hey, I know what we can do next!” He told Freddie his idea and Freddie grinned.,Freddie ran into the house. His mom met

13、him at the door. Seeing snow full of Debbies face and overcoat,she couldnt help laughing. “Are you ready to come in ?” she asked. “Not yet, Mom!” Freddie said. Still excited, he asked his mother if he could go to the park with Dion and go sledding down the hill. Knowing Debbie would rather enjoy himself outside than play video games at home, his mother agreed without hesitation , with her face shining like a diamond. “Snow days are the best!” Freddie yelled as he ran off to play with his friend- Dion.,


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