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1、定语从句教案evision :he ttibutiv Clause Tahe: Cdy chingims:1. toevewhe attribe clase 2 tobe aleo dsibe oh o smee with the arrtbutiv ause. 3 ok ard rta and diffuty: 1. the use of atriuie las. o exrcisesaout teatribte clausType o lso: Reinforcementachn approac: funcionalapproacheadi oo:Slideeaching stp: 1.

2、Wa is thttibtivelaus 2. kind f the attrbutie clause summr f the seo that ,whih,wh, hom,whose hen,wher, why 4. someexerises aout te tribie claue .ae: deibe seoy rsome ly i 定语从句(The ttruv Clause)一、定语从句的概念在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。二、定语从句的分类根据定语从句与先行词的关系,定语从句可分为限制性定语从句及非限制性定语从

3、句。限制性定语从句紧跟先行词,主句与从句不用逗号分开,从句不可省去,非限制性定语从句主句与从句之间有逗号分开,起补充说明作用,如省去,意思仍完整。三、定语从句的关系词引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词和关系副词,常见的关系代词包括tat,wich, who(宾格wh,所有格whose)等,关系副词包括her, hen,why等。关系代词和关系副词放在先行词及定语从句之间起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的重要成分。 四、关系词的用法关系代词例 句hat在从句中作主语或宾语指物.A plan s machine is mache that cany (作主语) 2. Th nooes(tha) I coo

4、ed er deicious (作宾语)指人1. ho ithemthat is readng t booker the? (作主语)2. The (tt)we saw yesterday w Jis itr. (作宾语)which在从句中作主语或宾语指物1Teypntd te tree which didtneduch water.(作主语)2.Theish (which) we ough werenot resh. (作宾语)who,whom从句中分别作主语和宾语指人1The foeiger hoviite r las yesterday is fr Canad( 作主语)2. h by

5、h broketewin is lled Tm (作宾语)3 The person wo u just talked is r. Li. (作宾语)4. Mr Read the potowhmyoshoul rit. (作宾语)whoe 在从句中作定语指人Miss Floweis the wma whose huse cauhtfire lst autumn.2. Thi the boywose oter is a doctor.指物1 sawa oswhose wdoswere broken.2. dot know the ame fthe tree whoelaves are still

6、reen.关系副词例 句hen作时间状语1 tillremberth dahe first ceo ejin.2. Illnever frge he tme when we wrkdn ar.where 作地点状语1. his i he ous wher e lived at .2. The faory where his arworks is ntheet of the cit.why作原因状语1. D ou know the asonwhy he ddnt coe?2.he easo why he i abset issill unknown.xrcies: 定语从句专项练习题初中(一)I

7、. 单项填空 -o you n he ma _is talg whor at? -Yes, hes our eadster. A. B o C. which D. whom2 Is thih rier _Ica wm? A. hich B. i whch C. that .th oe3. his s the bet otel in e iy _I now. A.wher B. whih C. tt .it4. Can you lend m te ditnary _te other day? .tatu ug . ou bouht it C. ta you ought D. whic you b

8、ughtit Anon _ih whatI saiday ut up youhands. A. hi agrs B. wo agree . whrees D. whih greMy wth is n the only hing _ismissing A. tat B it C wih D wh 7. The mn_coat is black isaiting t t gae. A w B. wose C. tha D of wich. 8. The gil _is readig under the te _ istr A. which; i B.whm; was C who; is D. w;

9、 as9. Ilov paes _teople re real frindly. A. hat B. which C. whe D. who10 The ol _ s md of mttr. A. tha e i B owhch we iv C. where we in D. e ie i 用适当的关系代词that,which, h, ho, woe,when, why,here 填空。1. Tefirst ing_you s do iso have meal.2. Ail st ish day _s caled Aril Foay ine ws3 he peope _had lost eer

10、ything big fire got muc elp frm their friends.4 he hose _welv in er ol. e hoein _ we lie is very od. h houe, _we liv in,is vr od.5.Dint you se theman _I tlke wit jusnow?.Do youkte oy _oheris urChnse tace? Do yu nowhe boy, the moher o _ su Chinese teher?7. Iwontforet teays _we spentoetr.wot foge te d

11、ys _e were togethr in Hainn 8. Can you tellme the reason o_o re for epla? Ca yutelme e reason _ yo re for he plan? 定语从句练习(二). one know h s _ heleft there. A.where B tht C. why D. hc 2Is ti hefactory_ u viitd theter day? .ht .where C. i wich . the Is thisfctor _ som rinfriendsviite at riday? .ht B. h

12、ereC whc D the one4. s ths th fatory _eoedn yers go? A.thatB. whereC. whch D.e ne 5 heolvshidthemelves n thlacs_culdnbeou.A. tat . whe C.in whih .in that . The freezi point s th tmerature _ warchangesinto e. .t which B on a C. hich D. of wha 7 Thisi jut th pa _ I amager to visit thee yeas. . t . whe

13、re C.in hic D. where8. Thereso _ he tld mewasn reA.which hy thtD. A or C 9. tell you _ e toldme ast we. A. al hic B. th C.allat D. wich 10 Tha tre, _brachr lmost bare(光秃的), svy old se Bof hch C. wichDo which 1. Were takingao thepno and te pinist _ reathe nc last ih.A.whch B.whomC. wh D that12. irl _

14、an English song inth next romis Tos sste. A.who is singi issiging sag w singing 3. Tos _ not oly from boks bu aso thouh cticewil sucee A. ler . wo C. thatlearns D. who len 1.Didnt yousee h ma _? A.I nodded jus now B whoI noded ut C. noded t hi jsnw D. I ode tjust now1. Can yu lend ehe nove _hohe day

15、? A hat youtake u tald aboutitC. whh ou taked wt D you taldbout 1. Is hreantg _ t yo? A. hat is beloed . tat beons .tha bn D. whchbeons 1 Hehs o sons,_ wok as cemts. A two ofho B boh f whomCt of wich D. llowom 8. I, _ yourgod frie, ilr my est t lp t. who B. woa . tat s D.wht is 19.It li_you sea to h

16、r.Ahe ay B. hewaynhat C.the wawhi . he w of whih 20 Te two this _ ey fet vey pud are Jim god wat andells hai . butwhich Bof hch C. in whichD fowhih . D you knw which tel _?A. heisstying B. shestying n C.is she stayig D. is he stg in 22.Tey wereitresed _ u told them. A.n whih B. inhat Ca htD. in eery

17、ting 2. Tegreat day looked forad to_ at last. Aome B.ae C. cominD. coes24. I ke theseodfootbamach, _ was hldlast e. . hic .ho C that . 25. A chil _ prents are ad is clledan orhn (孤儿). A wo B whos C hoe D. Whch 26The doctor _is eavig forArica nextonh the usis alingto im wm he ris talkingC thnurse i t

18、aligto D who enure is talking27.He showe me round the ool _hestudd three ys ag A ha B hre C when Dthre.He didnt e hi ngr t resn _he was latorhe etng .h B beause tha D wh29.We admiredhi r the wayhe ced his diiculiesA inhich n tht which Dhw30.lase paethe tioar _e blck A whic B itCwose hich f定语从句练习(三)请

19、找出下列各句中的错误并加以改正。 1. Tisisthe factryhere wevied las wk. . Tis sthewatchfo wih Tomi looin.3.he perso o whoo spoe a stdent of Gade To.4.These in thte ivi vey smll. 5. The sn ivesoff light ad wart,tha makes t pssible fo plant togrow6 Iveead all theboo which boowd fomthelibry. 7.his is te best im whichI

20、aeeere. 8. M ather ad r. ithalked bout thingsndprsnswo they rmember i hecounry. Everything hih e aw as grat interest. . i og,that wasnwverold, ecme l ndid .T reason hich didnt o t shoo is that he wa il1. Toseho wats to with mept up ur ands3. Te bo, h moter die lastyr, stdesvery ha.14. h two sisters,bth tem aroctors.15ee oing t istthe scholwher yor bthr worsher 6. Heisthe on oe thesuents wh haebeen invte to he glish Evnn. 17.Tha is e ay wchtey ork 8. Those haveesinsnaktheteachers ordvie 1. o isthe man who haswhihairs? 20. il neverfetthe s hic we ha aood time togethr t th sa.Postscrit:


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