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1、苏教版六年级英语上册各单元练习六年级英语上册各单元小练习Ut1一、写出下列形容词的比较级形式。old( ) young( ) t( ) lg( ) ht( ) stong( ) big( ) mall( ) fat( ) hi( ) eavy( ) lght( ) happy( ) go( ) ad( )二、 根据句意填写单词。 1. The mos is _,and he antis _2 Th hale(鲸)is _ _ e elpant. 3 Jordn(乔丹)is_. Yao ing is _ ordan. 4. Th itl ca is a_ _ he litleog. 5. he

2、reatWll s he_i the world. 6. Te bers_ than the ig.7. Mybagis _ _ yors 8The Europea(欧洲人)are _ _ the sians(亚洲人). . Wos pencil is _?Yu or _? 0.Who s _?Your mohr o _ _? 三、根据实际情况判断正误,用T或F表示。1. a Mig tlle thn Jodan. ( ) . Elentarebig than wales. ( ) 3. or fher isfatter han yourther. ( )4. You are tale tan

3、 our t fen(最好和朋友). ( ) 5. he Chisefooballams btr tanhe Italian footbal eam ( ) 6 or English teaesyunge han yCinese eacher. ( ) ui is bigge tan hina. ( ) 8 he Pacii Oean is smaer tha theAtlti Ocean. ( )四、 根据自己家的实际情况,依照上题中的叙述形式完成短文。 Tisis my familyhto. My father is_ tha my _. My moher i _ tan my _. My

4、 fther los _五、补充阅读。 One day, a moneydove his car near a lke. Sddnl,hs a tgr nder tee. Te tgr saw hi, oo. The tier rn ery fast at the oey. he mokey w vraraid andh and hscarfell inth ake Themoke cdntwim e souted. abbt came andhejumpd oth k The rabbt swm to the monkyut did nol hm h ofh soute for hlp Lu

5、cly,a irffe cam log. He s very tall. He edthe rabit andthe mnke1W did e money seunder a te? _ Dd hetiger see t rabit?_ 3.Whatfl ino h ake?_4.Who heedterabi and he monke? _ .er d henkey ee te tige? _一、汉译英。.发烧( ) 2.牙痛( ) 感冒( ) .喉咙痛( ) 5.头痛( ) 6受伤( ) 7.吃药( ) 8.看医生( ) .喝热水( ) 10.休息几天( ) 11.生气( ) 1高兴( )

6、13.伤心( ) 4.无聊( ) 1.劳累( ) .兴奋( ) 1.好( ) 二、变换句型:1. _? I hae tothach.2._? am hay.3_?( Mike)e hasa toahe.4._? I feel sic.5_ _? (Srah) Sels sad .6._?( John)ei bo .7._? y tat is sor.8._?( Sarh) Her s urts.9._? es, ha a oothache._?No, I have aheadahe1 _? es,my oe urt2._?( Jon)No, is(他的) leg hts.13. _? Ye, I sd .14._? Ye,I feel happy15_?No, isnt tred.1._?Ys, she eelsangry.17_? s ,Sara ha a eve1._? m 164 cm .9._?( os fathe) Heis fft kg .0._?(Me)Hes forty years l .21._?Mypenil is twey cmng.22._?( Che e) es, hrhai isshor than Amy r.3._?I amfie,thk yo 4._? No, e doesnthav a feer.5._?es, myhasa tohahe.


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