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1、2012年考研英语完形填空The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. The court cannot _1_ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law _2_ justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that _3_ the courts reputation for bein

2、g independent and impartial. Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the courts decisions will be _4_ as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not _5_by an ethics code. At the very least, the court

3、 should make itself _6_to the code of conduct that _7_to the rest of the federal judiciary. This and other similar cases _8_the question of whether there is still a _9_between the court and politics. The framers of the Constitution envisioned law _10_having authority apart from politics. They gave j

4、ustices permanent positions _11_they would be free to _12_ those in power and have no need to _13_ political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely _14_. Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fun

5、damental social _15_ like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it _16_ is inescapably political-which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily _17_ as unjust. The justices must _18_ doubts about the courts legitimacy by making themselve

6、s _19_ to the code of conduct. That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, _20_, convincing as law. 1. Aemphasize Bmaintain Cmodify D recognize 2. Awhen Blest Cbefore D unless 3. Arestored BweakenedCestablished D eliminated 4. Achallenged Bcompromised Csuspected D a

7、ccepted 5.Aadvanced Bcaught Cbound Dfounded 6.Aresistant Bsubject Cimmune Dprone 7.Aresorts Bsticks Cloads Dapplies 8. Aevade Braise Cdeny Dsettle 9.Aline BbarrierCsimilarity Dconflict10.Aby Bas Cthough Dtowards 11. Aso Bsince Cprovided Dthough 12.Aserve BsatisfyCupset Dreplace 13.Aconfirm Bexpress

8、Ccultivate Doffer 14.Aguarded Bfollowed Cstudied Dtied 15. Aconcepts Btheories Cdivisions Dconceptions 16. Aexcludes Bquestions Cshapes Dcontrols 17. Adismissed Breleased Cranked Ddistorted 18. Asuppress Bexploit Caddress Dignore 19. Aaccessible Bamiable Cagreeable Daccountable 20. Aby all mesns Bat

9、all costs Cin a word Das a result1.【答案】B【解析】从空后信息可以看出,这句表达的是“_法官表现得像政治家”的情况下,法庭就不能保持其作为法律法规的合法卫士的形象,所以应该选C,maintain“维持,保持”,其他显然语义不通。2.【答案】A【解析】从第三段可以看出,文章认为法院和政治之间应该是有界限的。所以这里应该是当法官像政治家一样行事,模糊了二者之间的区别时,就失去了其作为法律卫士的合法性。只有B,when表示这个意思。3.【答案】B【解析】第二段给的具体事例说明,法官出现在政治活动中会使法官形象受损,影响他们独立、公正的名声。只有B,weaken能表





14、句主要表达“法官必须。有关法庭(裁决的)公正合理的质疑。”四个选项中,仅C符合题意。19.【答案】D【解析】本题考察短语搭配及相似短语辨析。四个选项均可与连用,其中accessibleto易接近的;可归属的;可得到的可归因的amiableto可亲,多指人和蔼可亲,易于接近 agreeableto欣然同意的;适合的,适宜的accountableto对负责此题的理解需承接整个句,首先此空所在后半句乃一方式状语,承接前半句说明法官怎样来解决有关法庭(裁决的)公正合理的质疑。将此四个选项分别代入,可得出正确答案D,法官只有对对行为准则负责,也即是遵循一定的行为准则才可确保其裁决的公正与合理。20.【答案】D【解析】此题考察逻辑搭配。此句承接上句,旨在说明由此带来的结果,也即是文中所说的“。使得裁决看起来完全不受政治的影响,如法律一般令人信服。”结合四个选项意思,可知选D。


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