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1、Module 5 过关测试一、 1.D 点 : offer 后跟 不定式。2 C 3.A 4.D5 B 点 :本 用句意分析法。由句意“你能把意外事故向警察描述一下 ?”可知 B。6 D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A12D 点 :考 不定式。 由句意 “保 做了一个好看的 子来养那只生病的小 ,直到它能 。”后面 不定式作目的状 ,故答案 D。特 注意 里的made不是使役 。13 A 点 :考 足 。 feel 表示 “感 ”,后跟 不定式作 足 不定式符号to 要省略。故 A 。14 B 点 : be named. 被命名 。15C 点 : have difficulty d

2、oing sth.意 “干某事有困 ”;remember to do sth.意 “ 得去干某事 ”。二、 16.D 点 :句意:在1927 年,他离开家去了巴黎。leave 离开。17 B 点 :他遇 了 多重要的人物,故用met。 18.C19 A 点 : 27 ,巴金写了一部小 。故填wrote。20A 点 :句意:它 述了有关高家三个兄弟的生活。about 关于,故 A 。21 B22 B点 : but 表示 折。 23.C 24.A25 D 点 : 系上文得知 作家曹禺把家改 成了 。故 D。三、 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.C四、 31.took place 32

3、.offering your help33 is famous for 34.no idea35 gave them a warm welcome五、 36.E 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.G第 1页六、 41.born 42.died 43.Later 44.taught45 to write 46.During 47.artists 48.When49 His 50.plays七、范文:A few years ago, Mo Yan got the Nobel Prize. He is the first Chinese writer to win theprize, and he

4、 is a great writer. He_is_so_successful_that_I_really_admire_him . He was born in an ordinary family. He worked hard at his lessons, especially at Chinesebecause_he_loved_ _writing_very_much. Heloved_nature_and_observed_things_and_people_around him _carefully. He spent moretime writing than other st

5、udents. When he grew up , he joined the PLA and wrote quite a lotof works in the army. His_success_came_from his diligent and hard work for so many years.As a student, my_dream_is_to_be_a_writer,_too . I will learn from Mo Yan, and spend more time on my lessons, so that I can write like the great wr

6、iters besides Mo Yan.点评:本文运用了“五 W 法”对莫言进行了人物描写,表达了自己的梦想以及自己追梦的计划和打算。添彩点:1. He is so successful that I really admire him because he loved writing very much loved nature and observed things and people around him carefully 等短语和句型的使用表达了复杂而完整的意思,显示了作者较好的语言功底。2. His success came from my dream is to be a w

7、riter, too 等的运用使得短文思路清晰,结构完整。限时: 60 分钟满分: 100 分一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分 )1 Tom offered _ me study English.A helpB helpingC helpsD to help2 The teacher _ physics to life for his students.A takesB makesCbringsD does第 2页3 He tried many different jobs; _ he became a teacher.A in the endB at the endC to the

8、 endD on the end4 Bill and I both went to live in Guangzhou _ the same time.A inB onC forD at5 Can you _ the accident to the police?A giveB describeC takeD write6 Her mother couldnt afford to pay for her _ alone.A schoolB educationalC educateD education7 Three years _ he _ his hometown.A later; retu

9、rned toB late; returnedC after; returnedD later; returned8 Nobody knows if he _. If he _ here, Ill call you at once.A will come ; will arriveB will come ; arrivesC comes; will arriveD comes; arrives9 Mum , the beautiful card I made last night is just for your_ birthday.Oh , thank you , my dear!A for

10、tyB fourteenC fortiethD fourth10 My father bought a computer _ me last week.A toB forC ofD on第 3页11 How far is Yuhua Middle School from here?Its around five minutes walk.A aboutB overC more thanD less than12 Paul made a nice cage_ the little sick bird till it could fly.A. keepB. keptC. keepingD. to

11、keep13Everyone may feel time_ very quickly when they do something interesting.A go byBto go byC went by14 Shouguang, a small city in Shandong , _ the City of Vegetables.A namesB is namedC namedD is naming15 Mr Ling , I have some difficulty _ the article.Remember _ it three or four times at least. A

12、to understand; readingB understanding; reading C understanding; to readD to understand; to read二、完形填空(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分 )Ba Jin was one of the most famous writers in the 20th century.He was born in Chengduin 1904.In 1927 , he _16 his family and went to Paris.There, he _17 manyimportant people and the

13、y helped _ 18 a lot.At last , he became a great writer.At theage of 27, Ba Jin _19 a novel named Family and it was successful.Family was Ba Jins most popular work.It tells _20 the lifeof three brothers21society.The threefrom the Gao family.The Gao family is just the symbol of the _brothers cant do w

14、hat theylike , _22 they must do what their parents ask them to第 4页do.The story _ 23 how they fight with the old society._24, Cao Yu,a famous25playwright , made the great novel into a _.It was also very popular.16 A.calledB foundC arrivedD left17 A.fedB metC likedD killed18 A.itB meC himD her19 A.wro

15、teB toldC readD looked20 A.aboutB withC forD in21 A.modernB oldC newD rich22 A.withB butC orD then23 A.repeatsB asksC describesD notices24 A.LaterB AfterC ButD Next25 A.recordB songC bookD play三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 10 分 )Lao She Teahouse opened in 1988. Its name is after the famous Chinese writer, Lao Sh

16、e(1899 1966). At Lao She Teahouse, visitors sit in an old Beijing setting, and can drink thebest tea in China. They watch all kinds of traditionalChinese performance( 表演 ) arts andenjoy delicious traditional Beijingstyle snacks(小吃 ). Since it opened, Lao She Teahouse hasentertained(款待 ) many famous

17、people from China and all over the world.第 5页The teahouse can hold ( 容纳 )up to 250 guests at once. At Lao She Teahouse, there areopera fans activities from 2 : 30 to 5 : 00on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.There are also opera and folk music performances from 2 :30 to 5: 00 on Tuesday andTh

18、ursday afternoons each week. People can enjoy performances of Peking Opera, folk arts,acrobatics and magic shows from 7 :40 to 9: 20 every evening.To get there, take the subway to Qianmen Station.Tel: 6302 1717; 6303 6830; 6304 6334.Ticket price: 40 yuan (US$5), 60 yuan (US$7.2), 80 yuan (US$10), 10

19、0 yuan (US$12.5), 120 yuan (US$15) or 130 yuan (US$16) according to different seats, tea and pastries.26 How many people can Lao She Teahouse holdat once?A 1, 500.B 250.C 400.D. 500.27 When can people watch opera and folk music performances?A On Tuesday afternoons.B On Wednesday afternoons.C On Frid

20、ay afternoons.D On Monday afternoons.28 What performances can people watch every evening at Lao She Teahouse?A Peking Opera, folk arts, pop songs and magic shows.B Peking Opera, folk arts, acrobatics and magic shows.C Pop songs, folk arts, acrobatics and magic shows.D Peking Opera, Western music, ac

21、robatics and magic shows.29 How does the writer advise us to go to Lao She Teahouse?A By plane.B By train.C By bus.D By subway.30 The passage may be from _A a novelB a magazineC an advertisementD. a story第 6页四、根据 提示完成句子(每小 2 分,共 10 分 )31 The story _ _( 生 )in old Beijing.32 Dont mind _ _ _( 提供你的帮助)to

22、 others when necessary.33 Beijing_ _ _( 以 著名 )many places of interest in the world.34 I have_ _( 不知道 ) who he is.35We_ _ _ _ _( 烈 迎他 )at the party.五、 全 (每小 2 分,共 10 分 )从方框中 恰当的 完成 ,其中有两 多余。A I want to see the teahouse.B Its a novel.C Then which work do you like best?D He has written lots of plays.E

23、Whos your favourite writer?F Lao She was one of the greatest Chinese writers.G The performance was great.A: _36B: Lao She. He was called a“ Great Master of Language”A: Youre right. _ 37B:Four Generations in One Household (四世同堂 ). _ 38A: And it mainly talks about the life of Qis family, doesnt it?B:Y

24、es,it does.Do you like Lao She?A: Yes, but Cao Yu is my favourite writer. _ 39B:Have you watched any of his plays?A: Yes.Last year I saw Sunrise(日出 )in Beijing. _ 40六、 填空(每小 1.5 分,共 15 分 )第 7页artist, later, teach, play, when,born,die ,write , he, duringLao She was _ 41 in Beijing.His father _42 when

25、 he was young.Lao Shestudied at a teachers school in 1913.Afterthat, he became a headmaster of a primaryschool._43 he was a district supervisor( 区督导员 ) From 1924 to 1929 , Lao She_44 Chinese at a college in London.In 1930 , Lao She returned to China and continued _45 and teach in differentuniversiti

26、es._ 46 the AntiJapanese War period(抗日战争时期), he wrote a number ofplays to unite( 团结 ) many _47 in China.From1946 to 1949 , Lao She lived in theUnited States._ 48 the Peoples Republic of China was founded(建立 ) in 1949 , Lao49The Drum Singers, which was publishedShe returned to China._ last novel waso

27、nly in English in 1952. Teahouse, written in 1957,was one of his best _ 50.Lao Shedied in 1966.七、书面表达 (25 分 )莫言出身于普通家庭,参过军,酷爱写作,曾经是军旅作家。 他以其特有的创作灵感、细致入微的观察和独到的视角、细腻的笔触, 创作了许多优秀作品,是第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国作家。莫言在创作生涯中几十年如一日,笔耕不辍,著作颇丰,深受全世界读者喜爱和追捧。请结合下表内容,写一篇80 词以上的短文。born in an ordinary familyworked hard at his

28、 lessonsMo Yanloved writing, spent moretime writing than otherstudentsloved nature, observed carefullyYour dream.How to realize your dream ?_第 8页_第 9页Module 5 过关测试一、 1.D 点 : offer 后跟 不定式。2 C 3.A 4.D5 B 点 :本 用句意分析法。由句意“你能把意外事故向警察描述一下 ?”可知 B。6 D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A12D 点 :考 不定式。 由句意 “保 做了一个好看的 子来养那只生

29、病的小 ,直到它能 。”后面 不定式作目的状 ,故答案 D。特 注意 里的made不是使役 。13 A 点 :考 足 。 feel 表示 “感 ”,后跟 不定式作 足 不定式符号to 要省略。故 A 。14 B 点 : be named. 被命名 。15C 点 : have difficulty doing sth.意 “干某事有困 ”;remember to do sth.意 “ 得去干某事 ”。二、 16.D 点 :句意:在1927 年,他离开家去了巴黎。leave 离开。17 B 点 :他遇 了 多重要的人物,故用met。 18.C19 A 点 : 27 ,巴金写了一部小 。故填wrot

30、e。20A 点 :句意:它 述了有关高家三个兄弟的生活。about 关于,故 A 。21 B22 B点 : but 表示 折。 23.C 24.A25 D 点 : 系上文得知 作家曹禺把家改 成了 。故 D。三、 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.C四、 31.took place 32.offering your help33 is famous for 34.no idea35 gave them a warm welcome五、 36.E 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.G第 10 页六、 41.born 42.died 43.Later 44.taught45 to w

31、rite 46.During 47.artists 48.When49 His 50.plays七、范文:A few years ago, Mo Yan got the Nobel Prize. He is the first Chinese writer to win theprize, and he is a great writer. He_is_so_successful_that_I_really_admire_him . He was born in an ordinary family. He worked hard at his lessons, especially at C

32、hinesebecause_he_loved_ _writing_very_much. Heloved_nature_and_observed_things_and_people_around him _carefully. He spent moretime writing than other students. When he grew up , he joined the PLA and wrote quite a lotof works in the army. His_success_came_from his diligent and hard work for so many

33、years.As a student, my_dream_is_to_be_a_writer,_too . I will learn from Mo Yan, and spend more time on my lessons, so that I can write like the great writers besides Mo Yan.点评:本文运用了“五 W 法”对莫言进行了人物描写,表达了自己的梦想以及自己追梦的计划和打算。添彩点:1. He is so successful that I really admire him because he loved writing very much loved nature and observed things and people around him carefully 等短语和句型的使用表达了复杂而完整的意思,显示了作者较好的语言功底。第 11 页


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