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1、任务型阅读精练(1)During the Paralympic Games(残奥会) in Beijing next year disabled people may climb the Great Wall by themselves, as disabled facilities will be provided.Disabled access will be provided _,all part of the aim to offer a barrier-free city.Beijing will have a barrier-free city for participants o

2、f the Paralympic Games, said Tang Xiaoquan, executive vice-president of the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee (BOCOG) and president of the Executive Board of the China Disabled Persons Federation. Besides all the competition venues, the city will be accessible to disabled people, which will be a

3、 huge legacy(遗赠物 ) for the people of Beijing, Tang said yesterday.She said Beijing has built 781 tracks for the blind, with a total length of 1,300 km. About 275 barrier-free buses will be put into use and over 50 subway entrances, including those at Beijing Railway Station, will have disabled acces

4、s.The Beijing municipal government has invested over 7 million yuan ($928,000) to provide better accessibility for severely disabled people, Tang said.Through test events in the time ahead of us we will further improve the barrier-free environment.The 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games, that will run thr

5、ough September 6 to 17, is estimated to attract 4,000 athletes from 150 countries or regions, 2,500 coaches and technical officials, plus 4,000 journalists.In addition to experiencing an accessible host city, participants will be welcomed by smiling faces.Preparing for the Paralympic Games will help

6、 get rid of peoples prejudice against disabled people, which will be another legacy left by the Games, Tang said.Training for all the Olympic and Paralympic volunteers includes caring for disabled people. Through our efforts, more people will understand and respect those people with a disability.The

7、 Beijing Paralympic Games will feature 20 sports, with 18 being held in Beijing. The sailing events will be held in Qingdao, while theequestrian(骑马 ) events will be in Hong Kong. For the first time rowing will be included in the Paralympics.1What does the writer mainly want to tell us in this passag

8、e ?(Please answer in less than 10 words)_2. Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to make the sentence complete. (Please answer in less than 10 words)_3.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one ?Apart from all the competition facilities, disabled people w

9、ill have access to the city._4. What effects do you think will the Paralympic Games have onpeople? What has caused these effects? (Please answer in less than 30 words)_5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._参考答案:1. Paralympics offers access to everyone2. at other tourist attractions too/

10、as well.3. Besides all the competition venues, the city will be accessible to disabled people.4. Disabled people can go to tourist attractions as well and more people will understand and respect those people with a disability, because of the Beijing municipal governments great effort.5. 北京市政府已经投入了 7

11、 百万元的人民币折合美元为 92 万 8 千,为那些残疾严重的运动员提供更 易进入北京的设施。(2)As Some Animal Diseases Spread, One May Be Near an EndRinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease and bluetongue disease are all animal viruses that can ruin a farmer.An outbreak of one disease is bad enough. Britain has been dealing with foot-and-mouth - and

12、 now its first cases of bluetongue. United Nations officials see the recent arrival of that virus in the United Kingdom as another sign of a bigger problem.The Food and Agriculture Organization says animal diseases once limited to warm, tropical climates are on the rise around the world. It says cou

13、ntries need to invest more to control them. It says things like the globalization of trade, the movement of people and goods and probably also climate change may only further their spread.Bluetongue can kill sheep and cattle and other ruminant(反刍的 ) animals like goats and deer. It does not affect hu

14、mans. The virus isspread by small biting flies called midges.It was first discovered in South Africa. It spread widely and by the end of the nineteen nineties had crossed the Mediterranean. Since last year, bluetongue has been found in several countries in northern Europe.There are safe vaccines aga

15、inst forms of the southern virus, but not yet for the northern one.But there is better news about one of the deadliest of all animal diseases: rinderpest. Some experts are hopeful that the world can be declared free of it by two thousand ten. This is the goal of the Global Rinderpest Eradication Pro

16、gram. Vaccines have helped speed the progress.Rinderpest can lead to starvation in areas where people depend on cattle and buffalo for food and work. In the eighteen hundreds, it killed eighty to ninety percent of cattle in southern Africa. After another epidemic in the nineteen eighties, thirty-fou

17、r African nations combined their efforts to fight the disease.Rinderpest has also struck hard in central Asia, where it started.There have still been some outbreaks in recent years.But the World Organization for Animal Health has declared most nations in the world _. They have not reported a case fo

18、rat least five years.Some other nations have declared themselves free of it for at least two years. But they still need official recognition for trade purposes. Other animals affected by include yaks, sheep, goats and some pigs. It can spread through the air. It can also spread through water infecte

19、d with waste from sick animals. Some animals die after just a day or two.1. What does the writer mainly want to tell us in this passage ?(Please answer in less than 8 words)_2. Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese ._3. Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases t

20、o make the sentence complete. (Please answer in less than 3 words)_4. Which sentencein the passagecan be replaced by the following one ?_Water that is infected with waste from sick animals can also spread rinderpest .5. Please describe rinderpest :where it started, what effect it had, how it can spr

21、ead and be stopped(Please. answer within 30 words)_参考答案:1. Some animal viruses can ruin a farmer.2. 联合国粮食农业组织说曾经只是发生在温暖热带的气候的动物疾病现在在全世界范围里呈上升趋势。3. free of rinderpest.4.It can also spread through water infected with waste from sickanimals.5.It started in central Asia. It can affect cattle, buffalo, y

22、aks, sheep, goats and pigs. It can spread through the air and through water infected with waste from sick animals.(3)Parents Warned on Use of Cough and Cold Medicines in ChildrenHow safe and effective is the use of cough and cold medicines in children? Some doctors say cough and cold products do not

23、 work in children, and they worry about possible risks. F.D.A. officials say that some reports of problems appear to be the result of giving too much medicine to children. This may lead to serious and life-threatening side effects, especially in children age two and younger.The products are sold wit

24、hout the need for a doctors approval. Yet cough and cold medicines can be harmful if people take them more often or in greater amounts than _. There is a risk, forexample, in taking more than one product containing the same active chemicals.Too much cold medicine may affect the heart. Some medicines

25、 have also been linked to high blood pressure and strokes.Products for children may contain medicines that were approved many years ago based on studies in adults. The drug approval process has changed since then.F.D.A. officials have this warning for parents:Do not use cough and cold products in ch

26、ildren under two years of age unless a health care provider tells you to.The officials also have other advice. For example, children should never be given medicines that are meant for adults. Cough and cold medicines are sold in different strengths. Ask a medical professional if you are not sure abo

27、ut the right product for a child.If a child is being given other medicines, the childs health care provider should approve their combined use.Read all the information and warnings provided with a drug and carefully follow the directions for use.For liquid products, use the dropper(点滴器 )or other meas

28、uring device that comes with the medicine or buy the correct one at a drug store. Do not use household spoons; they could provide the wrong amount of medicine.The F.D.A points out that children get better with time and that cough and cold medicines only treat signs of the common cold. Theyare not a

29、cure. If a childs condition gets worse or does not improve, stop using the product and have the child examined immediately.1. What does the passage mainly tell us ? (Please answer within 10 words)_2. Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to make the sentence complete. (Please answer in less

30、 than 2 words)_3.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one ?_High blood pressure and strokes have resulted from some medicines as well.4. How can parents avoid serious and life-threatening side effects caused by the use of cough and cold medicines in children?(Plea

31、seanswer within 30 words)_5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last but one paragraph into Chinese ._参考答案:1.Bad effectsof use medicinesand advice given by officials.2. they should.3.Some medicines have also been linked to high blood pressure and strokes.4. Ask for a medical professionals advi

32、ce .If there is a necessity, give the required amount of the medicine according to the the instruction.5如果使用液体药物,要使用 点滴器或与药物配套的测量器具,也可以在药店买合适的测量器具。(4)Workplace wellness is a serious issue. With terms like stress-related-illness and burnout becoming household words, organizations are increasingly loo

33、king for ways to keep their workforce happy, healthy and productive.Up to now, most organizations tended to devalue the idea of laughter at work, seeing it as a distraction from getting the real job done. This attitude is also reinforced by the work ethic many of us were raised with: No pain, no gai

34、n, Work isnt supposed to be fun, and Its only worthwhile if you have to suffer for it.However, were starting to realize that all of this suffering is killing us. Not only that, but were finding that its actually counter-productive to the bottom-line results so sought after in this time of change and

35、 downsizing.And amazingly enough, this is confirmed by scientific research. A recent study conducted at Canadian financial institutions found that managers who developed the highest level of employee performance used humor the most often.The scientific data is also proving that laughter is a complet

36、e part of physical wellness. Dr. William Fry of Stanford University found that laughing 200 times burns off the same amount of calories as 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Another study found that after a bout of (一阵子 )laughter, blood pressure drops to a lower, healthier level than before the laughte

37、r began. Laughter also oxygenates(氧化 ) your blood, thereby increasing energy level, relaxes your muscles and works out all your major internal systems._, researchers are discovering that laughter alsoaffects the immune system. According to Dr. Lee Berk of the Loma Linda School of Public Health in Ca

38、lifornia, laughing makes it grow stronger, with the bodys T-cells, natural killer cells and antibodies all showing signs of increased activity.1. What does the passagemainly tell us ? (Please answer within 8 words)_2. Translate the underlined sentence in the 4th paragraph into Chinese._3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence or phrase. (within 3 words)_4. Which of the sentences in the passage can be replaced by the following one ?_It was found in another study that


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