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1、马鞍山市第四中学20142015 学年第一学期第一次月考七 年 级 英 语 试 题座位号题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、( 15 分)默写题(本题共默写26 个大小写字母,每一组字母0.5 分,书写规范2 分。请在横线上正确默写)_班_级二、( 20分)单项选择题(本题共20 小题,每小题1 分。每小题列出的三个选项中,只有一项符合题意。请将正确答案的英文字母填写在答题栏内)题号1234567891011121314151617181920答案1._you Millie ?Yes, I_ .A.Are,isB.Is,amC.Are,am2.Lucy is in_.A.Grade 7,Class

2、1B.Class 1,Grade 7C.class 1, Grade 73.Tom is good_English.姓A.forB.inC.at名4.I_this e-dog.A.lovesB.loveC.lovin g5.My mother is ill (生病 ).My father wants to look_her.A.atB. /C.after6.Good morning , Mr Li !_ , Millie.A.Good morningB.Good eveningC.Good afternoon7.Lucy_from the USA.A.amB.isC.are8.Daniel a

3、nd I_tall.A.am notB.arentC.isnt9.A:Hi,Kitty.This is my friend Andy.Andy,this is my sister Kitty.B:_.A.Glad to meet you!B.How are you?C.Thank you.10.This_my book , those_your books.A.is , areB.is , isC.are , are11.Lets_football .A.playsB.playC.playing12.She_every day.A.goes shoppingB.go shoppingC.goe

4、s shopping13.He_from Nanjing and_in Shanghai.A.is , livesB.are , livesC.is , live14.Tom_a basketball star .A.want to beB.wants beC.wants to be15.Mike is from America . He_English well.A.speakB.speaksC.will speak16.He_his homework in the evening.A.doesntdoB.don tdoC.isntdo17._he en joy_football ?A.Do

5、 , playB.Does ,playC.Does , playing18._ does he come from ? He comes from Beijing.A.WhatB.WhereC.When19.This is _bag ,_is over there.A.my , yoursB.my , yourC.mine , yours20.A:I like Yao Ming . What about you ?B:_ , He is my hero .A.OkB.Thank youC.Me too三、( 15 分)完形填空题 (本题共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分。每小题列出的三个选项中

6、,只有一项符合题意。请将正确答案的英文字母填写在答题栏内)题号12345678910答案Daniel is a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School . He is twelve years old . He is very good_1_Maths . After school , he likes_2_basketball_3_his friends . He is_4_the school basketball team . Daniel_5_very_6_ . His _7_basketball player is Yao Ming

7、. He always watches NBA matches on TV and listens_8_radio programs( 节目 ) about him . Today , he would like_9_an article ( 文章 )about Yao Ming for the Basketball Club newsletter . He is now listening to a radio program about Yao Ming and taking some notes . Yao Ming is his_10_ .1.A. inB.atC.on2.A. pla

8、ysB.playC.playing3.A.withB.andC.of4.A.inB.atC.with5.A.playsB.playC.playing6.A.goodB.wellC.nice7.A.favouriteB.wellC.good8.A.atB.inC.to9.A.writeB.to writeC.writing10.A.friendB.heroC.player.四、( 20 分)阅读理解题(本题共10 小题,每小题2 分。每小题列出的三个或四个选项中,只有一项符合题意。请将正确答案的英文字母填写在答题栏内)题号12345678910答案( A )Hello,everyone!Myna

9、me is Bob.I am 12 years old.I m in Class 4,Grade7.I come fromShanghai ,but I live in Beijing now. I like Beijing very much.I love reading.I am in the ReadingClub.I also love playing computer games after school.I have a dog.His name is Eddie.I love himvery much.I have short yellow hair. I wear glasse

10、s.I am good at English, but Im not good at Chinese.Ihope we can help each other.1.How old is Bob?A.He is eleven.B.He is twelve.C.He is thirteen.2.Wh ere does Bob live ?A.He lives in Shanghai.B.He lives in Beijing.C.He lives in Tianjin.3.What does he love doing?A.He loves swimming.B.He loves playing

11、football.C.He loves reading.4.What is his dog s name ?A.PollyB.AmyC.Eddie5.Bob s hair is_ .A.redB.blackC.yellow( B )Dear friend.My name is Erick.I am 12.My birthday is on 12 October.I am from America.I am in Class 3, Grade7.We are learning Chinese in our school.Our Chinese teachers name is Wang Hao.

12、He is good at playing basketball.He is a member of the Basketball Club.May is short and she wears glasses and a yellow dress.Sandra has long hair.She can speak English.Sally is a black girl.She has short hair.She likes swimming.She is in the swimming team.I like music.I am the boy with glasses.Write

13、 to me soon and tell me more about your friends.YoursErick6.How many people are there in this letter( 信 )?A.TwoB.Four7.Who is good at playing bask etball ?A.ErickB.Sally8.Who wears glasses ?A.SallyB.May9.Who is black ?A.JimmyB.Sally10.Is the writer ( 作者 ) a boy ?A.No, he isn t.B.Yes,he is.C.FiveC.Sa

14、ndraC.ErickC.SandraC.Yes,she is.D.SixD.Wang HaoD.Both B and CD.MayD.We don tknow.五、(共 10 分)句型转换题 (共 10小题,每小题1 分。按题目要求在横线上写出正确答案。)1.Are you Simon ? ( 作肯定回答 )_ , _ _ .2.My name is Hobo .( 对划线部分提问 ) _ _ name ?3.Im Kitty.( 改为同义句 )_ _ _ Kitty.4.Good morning ! ( 写出答语 ) _ _ !5.Nice to meet you. ( 写出答语 ) _

15、_ _ _ ,_.6.Daniel watches TV every evening . ( 改为否定句 )_7.I do my homework every day . ( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_8.She likes m ilk.( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_9.Simon likes playing football. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_10.We go to school every day. ( 改为否定句 )_六、(共 10 分)翻译题。(本题共10 小题,每题1 分。根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 )1.我擅长英语。I_good_English.2

16、,他来自上海。He_ _Shanghai 。3.你好吗?How_ _ ?4.我经常放学后踢足球。I often play football _ _.5.她头发长,喜欢运动。She_long hair and she_sports.6.杰姆经常听音乐吗?_Jim often_ _music ?7.她不居住在北京。She_ _ _Beijing.8.你喜欢看电视吗?Do you _ _ TV ?9.让我们去上学吧。Let s _ _ _ .10.这使我很高兴。It_ _ very happy .七、(共 10 分)。短文填空题。 (本小题共10 个空,每空1 分。从方框中选词填空。)hair ,

17、swimming , long , classroom , are , classmates,dancing , years , after , prettyI am at a new_.I have some_.Kitty is tall and_.She is twelve _old.She has_hair . She love_.Amy is short.She is cute.Her_is short.She is good at_.She often dances_school.We_goodfriends,too._The End_七年级英语参考答案一、( 15 分)默写题(本题

18、共默写26 个大小写字母,每一组字母0.5 分,书写规范2 分。请在横线上正确默写)(略)二、( 20 分)单项选择题(本题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分。每小题列出的三个选项中,只有一项符合题意。请将正确答案的英文字母填写在答题栏内)题号1234567891011121314151617181920答案CBCBCABBAABCACBACBAC三。( 15 分)完形填空题(本题共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分。每小题列出的三个选项中,只有一项符合题意。请将正确答案的英文字母填写在答题栏内)题号12345678910答案BCAAABACBB四。( 20 分)阅读理解题(本题共10 小题,每小题

19、2 分。每小题列出的三个或四个选项中,只有一项符合题意。请将正确答案的英文字母填写在答题栏内)题号12345678910答案BBCCCCDDBB五。(共 10 分)句型转换题 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分。按题目要求在横线上写出正确答案。1.Yes,I am.2.What s your3.My name is4.Good morning5.Nice to meet you,too.6.Daniel doesnt watch TV every evening.7.Do you do your homework every day ?No, I don t8.Does she like mil

20、k ? Yes,she does. 9.Does Simon like playing football?No,he doesnt.10.We dont go to school every day .)六。(共10 分)翻译题。(本题共10 小题,每题1 分。根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。)1.am,at2.is ( comes ) from3.are you4.after school5.has,likes6.Does,listen to7.doesnt live in8.like watching9.go to school10.makes,me七。(共10 分)。短文填空题。 (本小题共10 个空,每空1 分。从方框中选词填空。)1.classroom2.classmates3.pretty4.years5.long6.swimming7.hair8.dancing9.after10.are


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