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1、Module 5 Unit 1教案二 Teaching modelListening and speaking Teaching methodInteractive approach Teaching aims1. To understand time expressions and identify school subjects .2. To understand conversations about “a school day”.3. To process information of time and school subjects in the listening.4. To ta

2、lk about ones lessons with given information. Teaching ObjectivesKey vocabulary: half, past, o clock, art, geography, history, IT, maths, (AM E math ), PE( physical education ), lesson, then, difficult, love, subject, because, interesting,talk, begin, whenKey structures: It s six oclock .Its half pa

3、st six. Teaching aidsTape recorde , OHP , video , a clock Teaching StepsStep 1 Work in pairs.Talk about your lessons.1. Go through the language in the substitution table with the class.2. Pair them to ask and answer.I have / We haveI don t have / We don t haveI like / I don t likeart , chemistry , C

4、hinese , English , history , maths , science 3. Circulate and monitor their production.Step 2 Important and difficult points.1 Asking the time and responses( 1) 的表达法: What time is it?/Whats the time?( 2) 的表达法:整点:Its 基数 ( one, two,) oclock.e.g. Its twelve oclock. 在 12 点整。几点 几分:Its 分 past小 (基数 )(基数 )e

5、.g. Its twenty past five. 在 5: 20。几点差几分:Its分 to小 (基数 )(基数 )e.g. Its twenty to six. 在 5:40。 / 在 6 点差 20。注意: A 、介 to, past 前的分 通常在30 之内,但几点半,通常用介 past.e.g. Its half past six. 在 6: 30。B、 的表达有一种 的方法:即直接用小 分 (基数 )(基数 )e.g. Its eight twenty five 在 8: 25。Step 3 Do exercises:A 、用英 写出下列 6: 00_8: 00_6: 30_7:

6、45_8: 01_1: 15_2: 30_3: 45_7: 20_9: 40_8: 15_5: 10_6: 35_9: 55_Answers:6: 00six o clock8: 00eight o clock6: 30six thirty7:45seven forty-five8: 01one past eight1: 15a quarter past one2: 30half past two3: 45a quarter to four7: 20twenty past seven9: 40twenty to ten8: 15a quarter past eight5: 10ten past

7、 five6: 35twenty-five to seven9: 55five to tenB.单词拼写:1. It s ten钟)now( .2. I like _ ( 数学 ), What about you, Tony?3. I am good at _ ( 地理 ).4. We don t have_ ( 历史 ) on Friday afternoon.5.IT is my favourite _ ( 科目 ) because it s very interesting.6. At twenty _ ( 过 ) ten we have English.7. We have two _

8、 ( 课 ) in the afternoon.8. We have _ (语文 ) at nine oclock in the morning.Keys:1. o clock2. maths 3. geography 4. history 5. subject6. past 7. lessons 8. Chinese C、翻译下列句子:1我们 11: 00 上美术课。_2. 他们 9:10 上历史课。_3. 我经常和我的朋友谈话。_4. 我周六、日不去学校。_5. 星期五我们不上地理课。_Answers:1. We have art lesson at eleven oclock. 2. We have history lesson at ten past nine .3. I often talk to my friends.4. I don tgo to school on Saturday or Sunday .5. We donthave geography lesson on Friday .Step 4 Homework


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