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1、M7U2 Fit for lifeProject学案第一部分:重点 解1. adjustableadj. 可 整的I want to buy an adjustable chair tomorrow.我想明天去 把可 整的座椅。 拓展:adjust to 使 适 adjust oneself to使自己适 于make an adjustment作出 整 :She found it hard to_ working late into the night.A. used toB. adjust toC. be adjustableD. adjust of2. sharp adj. 利的;急 向的

2、;尖刻的;灵敏的I cut my foot on a sharp stone.我的脚被一 利的石 割破了。She has a sharp mind.她 机敏。 : 猜猜sharp 在下列句子的含 。1. Be careful. The knife s very sharp.2. He has very sharp eyes; he catches sight of things quickly.3. The boss was very sharp with me when I was late this morning.3.let out放出; 出; 出去;泄漏Let me out! I m

3、locked放in我.出去!我被 住了。The girl let out a scream of fear.女孩 出恐惧的叫声。练习He accidentally_ he had qua rreled with his wife and that he hadn t been home for a couple ofweeks.A. let outB. took careC. made sureD. made out4. point n. 尖,尖端;分数; v. 指;瞄准She pointed to the house and said“ That 她swhere指着那I做live房子 :”

4、.“我就住在那里。 ”1 拓展:on the point of正要 的 候to the point中肯;扼要off the point离 point out指出point at指向There s no point in doing sth做. 没有意 练习Your suggestion is very _. I think the boss will take it.A. off the pointB. to the pointC. beside the pointD. at the point5. functionn. 功能;作用v. 运 ; 作用The function of a chai

5、rman is to lead and control meetings.主席的 是主持会 。 拓展:function as起 作用练习1. 心 的功能是推 血液循 全身。2. 部机器运作不正常,我 必 人修理一下。6. addictionn. 上 ,沉溺It is a problem of heroin addiction. 是海洛因成 的 。 拓展:a television addiction 迷be addicted to对 上 be addictiveto对 上 练习It doesn t take long to become_ these drugs.A. addicted toB.

6、 addiction toC. addict toD. addictive to7. relieve v. 减 (疼痛、 ) , 解Take the drug to relieve the headache.吃了 来减 疼。2 拓展reliefn. 解除;救 to one s relief使人欣喜的是relieve sb. of解除某人的 relieve sb. from anxiety消除某人的 练习1. Hearing the news that her son was found, she breathed a sign of_.A. excitementB. joyC. reliefD

7、. belief2. This will_ pressure on the train to some extentA. reduceB. relieveC. reliefD. increase答案: 1. B 利的, 利的;敏 的; 的2. AB第二部分: I. 完型填空I was shown into the waiting-room, which as I had expected, was full. There were dirty1on the wall, and the tattered( 撕碎 ) magazines on the table2a great pile of w

8、aste paper. I tookmy seat and decided to3the time watching people around me.A young man beside me was turning over the4of a magazine quickly and nervously. Itwas5to understand what he was looking at for every three minutes or so he would6themagazine on to the table, seize7 , and sink back into his8

9、. Opposite me there was a youngmother who was trying to keep her son from9 . The boy had clearly grown tired of10 . Hehad placed an ash-tray on the floor and was making plane sounds as he waved a pencil in his hand.Near him an old man was fast11 , and the boy s mother was afraid12 sooner or later he

10、r sonwould 13 the gentleman. At the same time the 14 loudly. At last he got up, walked towards the door and beganman next to me kept sighing( 气 )15the pictures on the wall. Soongrowing16 , he snatched(抓起 ) one magazine out of the bottom of the pile and dropped tiredlyinto a chair. Even the bo y had

11、become quiet and was sleeping in her mother s arms.There was a complete17in the room as the door opened and a nurse18 . The peoplelooked up with a ray of19in the eyes, then settled down again as the next20patient waslet out of the room.31.A. noticeB. picturesC. mapsD. holes2.A. were made ofB. change

12、d intoC. looked like D. were same as3.A. costB. takeC. passD. use4.A. storiesB. articlesC. booksD. pages5.A. easyB. possibleC. uselessD. hard6.A. throwB. takeC. dragD. push7.A. the othersB. otherC. anotherD. the other8.A. chairB. pocketC. sleepD. picture9.A. hurting himselfB. tearing the magazineC.

13、falling asleepD. making a noise10.A. sleepingB. waitingC. readingD. playing11.A. in sleepB. asleepC. sleepyD. sleeping12.A. whatB. thatC. thenD. before13.A. do harm toB. knock intoC. turn againstD. wake up14.A. oldB. kindC. youngD. handsome15.A. drawingB. taking downC. examiningD. putting up16.A. gl

14、adB. unhappyC. angryD. uninterested17.A. lonelinessB. hopelessnessC. tirednessD. silence18.A. enteredB. turned outC. entered inD. came out19.A. successB. satisfactionC. joyD. hope20.A. unluckyB. tiredC. luckyD. happyII. 根据中文提示和括号中所 的 ,将下列句子 成英文1. 始 于两千年前的中医 灸, 不 能 减 和 解病痛, 能 治 多疾病。 (develop,reduce,

15、relief, not only but also)2. 由金、 等不同金属制成的九种不同种 的 , 在已被复 的外科手 器械所替代。(kinds of, be made of, replace)3.在 去的 2000 年中, 灸穴位逐 增 到大 2000 个。 (the number of, increase to)4.大多数 灸 根据病人的病症 扎 的位置。(select, based on)5.他的 告将集中在 中医 灸和草 的 用和推广上。(focus on, promotion andapplication)4第三部分:练习答案I. 完型填空1-5 BCCDD6-10 ACADB11

16、-15 BBDCC16-20 DDADCII. 根据中文提示和括号中所给的词语,将下列句子译成英文1. Chinese acupuncture, which was developed over 2,000 years ago, can not only reduce and relief pain, but also cure many diseases.2.The nine differentkinds of needles, make of different metals such as gold and silver, havebeen replaced by complex sur

17、gical instruments.3. Over the past 2,000 years, the number of acupuncture points has increased to about 2,000.4. Most acupuncturists select acupuncture points based on the symptoms that the patient has.5. His lecture will be focused on the application and promotions of traditional Chinese acupuncture and herbal medicine.5


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