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1、Unit 5Wonders of Our Body 同步练习Period ThreeGrammar基础落实 . 对划线部分进行强调1He didn trealize his mistake until_the_teacher_had_told_him._2Three_years_ago he went to Americafor a furtherstudy._3I met him in _the _street yesterday._4She was injuredin the accident because _she _was _driving_very _fast._5What _th

2、e _professor _said had a great effect on us._6Her uncle moved out of the big city because he couldn beart the big noises there._ . 单项填空1 He got his first book published. It turned out to be a best-seller. When was_? _was in 2000 when he was still in college.A that; ThisB this; ItC it; ThisD that; It

3、2It is not who is right but what is right_is of importance.A whichB itC thatD this3It was in 1969 _ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship.A thatB beforeC whenD since4Was it in the room _ Mr. Johnson lived _ the exhibitionwas held?A that; thatB where; thatC where; whereD that; where5Itwas _ he

4、came back from Africa that year _ he met the girlhe wouldliketo marry.A when; thenB not; untilC notuntil ; thatD only ; when6It is inSteven Spielbergfirstfilm ,Jaws,_ a bigwhiteshark attacksswimmers _ are spendingtheirholidays in a smallvillageby thesea.A where; whoB which ; thatC that;thatD where;

5、that7 _made Daisy wild withjoy ? Her success in the A- level examthis year.A How was it thatB When was it thatC Why was it thatD What was itthat8When was _ youmet withthe famous scientist ?A it thatB itC theplaceD the place that9Is it the years _ you worked in the factory _ have a good effect on you

6、r literary works ?A that; whereB that; thatC when; whereD when;that10It was _ the exam results were known _ a lot of time on computer games.A until ;didtheboybegintoregrethavingwastedB notuntil ; thattheboybegantoregrettohave wastedC notuntil ; thattheboybegantoregretwastingD until ;didtheboybeginto

7、regretto waste11 It wasaftercarefulconsideration _ we decided to takeaction.A whichB thatC whyD when12 I reallydon knowt_ Iput my wallet after I paid thebill.A where was itB itwaswhere thatC whereit was thatD wherewas it that13 _you write so well ? By readingand keeping diaries everyday.A How is itB

8、 WhatisitC Howis it thatD Whatisitthat14 On the contrary, Ithink itis Truman ,_you ,_to blame.A morethan; areB less than; who areC ratherthan;thatisD ratherthan; is15In myopinion ,Mr. White_goodto hisstudents in hisclass at present. Heis very strict in theirstudy.A does doesB does didC does doD did

9、do能力提升阅读理解“ Old wives tales ”are beliefs passed down from one generation to another. For example, most of us remember ourparents telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain things. Is there any truth in these teachings? Some ofthem agree with present medical thinking ,but others hav

10、e not passed the test of time.Did your mother ever tell you toeat carrots because theyare good for your eyes? Scientists now report that eating carrotscan help prevent a seriouseyedisease calledmacular degeneration. Eating just one carrot a daycan reduce the possibilityofgetting this disease by 40%.

11、 Garlic isgoodforyou ,too. Itcan killthe typeofvirusthat causes colds.Unfortunately , notallofMom s advice passed the test ofmedicalstudies. Forexample,generations ofchildrenhave been told notto go swimmingwithinan hour aftereating.But research suggests that thereis no danger in doing so. Do sweets

12、cause tooth problems? Well ,yes and no. Stickysweets made with grainstend tocause moreproblemsthansweets made withsimplesugars.Even thoughscience cantellusthat some of ourtraditional beliefsdon holdt_water ,there is stilla lotof truthintheoldwives tales. After all,muchofthisknowledge hasbeen accumul

13、atedfromthousandsofyears ofexperience in familyhealthcare. We shouldrespect this body of knowledgeevenas wesearch for clear scientificsupport to prove ittrue or false.1Which of thefollowingisTRUEaccording to thetext?A Eatinggarlic is good for our eyes.B Stickysweets aredamagingto (有破坏性的 )our teeth.C

14、 Swimmingafter a mealis dangerous.D Carrots prevent people from catching colds.2The author develops the third paragraph mainly_.A by cause and effectB by order in spaceC by order in timeD by examples3The phrase “ holdwater A to be believable C to be admirable”in the last paragraph most probablymeans

15、 “ _”B to be valuableD to be stable4What is the authorattitudes toward “ oldwives tales”in the text ?A Subjective.B Objective.C Dissatisfied.D Curious.答案基础落实 . 1. It was not until the teacher had told him that he realized his mistake. 2It was three years ago that he went to America for a further stu

16、dy.3It was in the street that I met him yesterday.4It was because she was driving very fast that she was injured in the accident.5It was what the professor said that had a great effect on us.6Her uncle did move out of the big city because he couldn beart the big noises there. . 1. D 2C 3A 4B 5C 6C 7D 8A 9 D 10C 11B 12C13 C14 C15 C能力提升1 B2 D3 A4 B


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