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1、.Chapter 9 The Political Economy of Trade TheorynMultiple Choice Questions1.The efficiency case made for free trade is that as trade distortions such as tariffs are dismantled and removed,(a)government tariff revenue will decrease, and therefore national economic welfare will decrease.(b)government

2、tariff revenue will decrease, and therefore national economic welfare will increase.(c)deadweight losses for producers and consumers will decrease, hence increasing national economic welfare.(d)deadweight losses for producers and consumers will decrease, hence decreasing national economic welfare.(e

3、)None of the above.Answer: C2.The opportunity to exploit economies of scale is one of the gains to be made from removing tariffs and other trade distortions. These gains will be found by a decrease in(a)world prices of imports.(b)the consumption distortion loss triangle.(c)the production distortion

4、loss triangle.(d)Both (b) and (c).(e)None of the above.Answer: E3.It is argued that special interest groups are likely to take over and promote protectionist policies, which may lead to an increase in national economic welfare. This argument leads to(a)a presumption that in practice a free trade pol

5、icy is likely to be better than alternatives.(b)a presumption that trade policy should be shifted to Non-Governmental Organizations, so as to limit taxpayer burden.(c)a presumption that free trade is generally a second-best policy, to be avoided if feasible alternatives are available.(d)a presumptio

6、n that free trade is the likely equilibrium solution if the government allows special interest groups to dictate its trade policy.精品.(e)None of the above.Answer: A4.The 精品.optimum tariff is(a)the best tariff a country can obtain via a WTO negotiated round of compromises.(b)the tariff, which maximize

7、s the terms of trade gains.(c)the tariff, which maximizes the difference between terms of trade gains and terms of trade loses.(d)not practical for a small country due to the likelihood of retaliation.(e)not practical for a large country due to the likelihood of retaliation.Answer: E5.The optimum ta

8、riff is most likely to apply to(a)a small tariff imposed by a small country.(b)a small tariff imposed by a large country.(c)a large tariff imposed by a small country.(d)a large tariff imposed by a large country.(e)None of the above.Answer: B6.The prohibitive tariff is a tariff that(a)is so high that

9、 it eliminates imports.(b)is so high that it causes undue harm to trade-partner economies.(c)is so high that it causes undue harm to import competing sectors.(d)is so low that the government prohibits its use since it would lose an important revenue source.(e)None of the above.Answer: A7.The existen

10、ce of marginal social benefits which are not marginal benefits for the industry producing the import substitutes(a)is an argument supporting free trade and non-governmental involvement.(b)is an argument supporting the use of an optimum tariff.(c)is an argument supporting the use of market failures a

11、s a trade-policy strategy.(d)is an argument rejecting free trade and supporting governmental involvement.(e)None of the above.Answer: D8.The domestic market failure argument is a particular case of the theory of(a)the optimum, or first-best.(b)the second best.(c)the third best.(d)the sufficing princ

12、iple.精品.(e)None of the above.Answer: B9.The difficulty of ascertaining the right 精品.second-best trade policy to follow(a)reinforces support for the third-best policy approach.(b)reinforces support for increasing research capabilities of government agencies.(c)reinforces support for abandoning trade

13、policy as an option.(d)reinforces support for free-trade options.(e)None of the above.Answer: D10.The authors of the text believe that(a)second-best policy is worse than optimal policy.(b)special interest groups generally enhance national welfare.(c)national welfare is likely to be enhanced by the i

14、mposition of an optimal tariff.(d)market Failure arguments tend to support free-trade policy.(e)there is no such thing as national welfare.Answer: E11.The simple model of competition among political parties long used by political scientists tends to lead to the practical solution of selecting the(a)

15、optimal tariff.(b)prohibitive tariff.(c)zero (free-trade) tariff.(d)the tariff rate favored by the median voter.(e)None of the above.Answer: D12.The median voter model(a)works well in the area of trade policy.(b)is not intuitively reasonable.(c)tends to result in biased tariff rates.(d)does not work

16、 well in the area of trade policy.(e)None of the above.Answer: D13.The fact that trade policy often imposes harm on large numbers of people, and benefits only a few may be explained by(a)the lack of political involvement of the public.(b)the power of advertisement.(c)the problem of collective action

17、.精品.(d)the basic impossibility of the democratic system to reach a fair solution.(e)None of the above.Answer: C14.Protectionism tends to be concentrated in two sectors:精品.(a)agriculture and clothing.(b)high tech and national security sensitive industries.(c)capital and skill intensive industries.(d)

18、industries concentrated in the South and in the Midwest of the country.(e)None of the above.Answer: A15.Judging by the changes in the height of tariff rates in major trading countries, the world has been experiencing a great(a)trade liberalization.(b)surge of protectionism.(c)lack of progress in the

19、 trade-policy area.(d)move towards regional integration.(e)None of the above.Answer: A16.The World Trade Organization (WTO) was organized as a successor to the(a)IMF.(b)UN.(c)UNCTAD.(d)GATT.(e)The World Bank.Answer: D17.The WTO was established by the _of multilateral trade negotiations.(a)Kennedy Ro

20、und(b)Tokyo Round(c)Uruguay Round(d)Dillon Round(e)None of the above.Answer: C18.The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 has generally been associated with(a)falling tariffs.(b)free trade.(c)intensifying the worldwide depression.(d)recovery from the worldwide depression.精品.(e)Non-tariff barriers.Answer:

21、 C19.A trade policy designed to alleviate some domestic economic problem by exporting it to foreign countries is know as a(n)精品.(a)international dumping policy.(b)countervailing tariff policy.(c)beggar thy neighbor policy.(d)trade adjustment assistance policy.(e)None of the above.Answer: C20.The Gen

22、eral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization have resulted in(a)termination of export subsidies applied to manufactured goods.(b)termination of import tariffs applied to manufactures.(c)termination of import tariffs applied to agricultural commodities.(d)termination of intern

23、ational theft of copyrights.(e)None of the above.Answer: E21.The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization have resulted in(a)the establishment of universal trade adjustment assistance policies.(b)the establishment of the European Union.(c)the reciprocal trade clause.(d

24、)reductions in trade barriers via multilateral negotiations.(e)None of the above.Answer: D22.Trade theory suggests that Japan would gain from a subsidy the United States provides its grain farmers if the gains to Japanese consumers of wheat products more than offsets the losses to Japanese wheat far

25、mers. This would occur as long as Japan(a)is a net importer in bilateral trade flows with the United States.(b)is a net importer of wheat.(c)has a comparative advantage in wheat.(d)has an absolute advantage in producing wheat.(e)None of the above.Answer: B23.Countervailing duties are intended to neu

26、tralize any unfair advantage that foreign exporters might gain because of foreign(a)tariffs.精品.(b)subsidies.(c)quotas.(d)Local-Content legislation.(e)None of the above.Answer: B24.Throughout the post-World War II era, the importance of tariffs as a trade barrier has精品.(a)increased.(b)decreased.(c)re

27、mained the same.(d)fluctuated wildly.(e)demonstrated a classic random walk with a mean-reversion tendency.Answer: B25.In 1980 the United States announced an embargo on grain exports to the Soviet Union in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This embargo was mainly resisted by(a)U.S. grai

28、n consumers of bread.(b)U.S. grain producers.(c)foreign grain producers.(d)U.S. communists.(e)None of the above.Answer: B26.Export embargoes cause greater losses to consumer surplus in the target country(a)the lesser its initial dependence on foreign produced goods.(b)the more elastic is the target

29、countrys demand schedule.(c)the more elastic is the target countrys domestic supply.(d)the more inelastic the target countrys supply.(e)None of the above.Answer: D27.The strongest political pressure for a trade policy that results in higher protectionism comes from(a)domestic workers lobbying for im

30、port restrictions.(b)domestic workers lobbying for export restrictions.(c)domestic workers lobbying for free trade.(d)domestic consumers lobbying for export restrictions.(e)domestic consumers lobbying for import restrictions.Answer: A28.The average tariff rate to data on dutiable imports in the Unit

31、ed States is approximately(a)5 % of the value of imports.(b)15% of the value of imports.(c)20 % of the value of imports.(d)25% of the value of imports.精品.(e)more than 25% of the value of imports.Answer: A29.In 1990 the United States imposed trade embargoes on Iraqs international trade. This would in

32、duce smaller losses in Iraqs consumer surplus the精品.(a)less elastic Iraqs demand schedule.(b)more elastic Iraqs demand schedule.(c)greater is Iraqs dependence on foreign products.(d)more inelastic is Iraqs supply schedule.(e)None of the above.Answer: B30.The World Trade Organization provides for all

33、 of the following except(a)the usage of the most favored nation clause.(b)assistance in the settlement of trade disagreements.(c)bilateral tariff reductions.(d)multilateral tariff reductions.(e)None of the above.Answer: C31.Which organization determines procedures for the settlement of international

34、 trade disputes?(a)World Bank(b)World Trade Organization(c)International Monetary Organization(d)International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(e)The League of NationsAnswer: B32.The WTOs intervention against clean air standards(a)has earned it universal approval.(b)was done in order to limit

35、 national sovereignty.(c)has resulted in much criticism.(d)has resulted in much criticism among professional economists.(e)None of the above.Answer: C33.Under U.S. commercial policy, the escape clause results in(a)temporary quotas granted to firms injured by import competition.(b)tariffs that offset

36、 export subsidies granted to foreign producers.(c)a refusal of the U.S. to extradite anyone who escaped political oppression.(d)tax advantages extended to minority-owned exporting firms.精品.(e)tariff advantages extended to certain Caribbean countries in the U.S. market.Answer: A34.Under U.S. commerci

37、al policy, which clause permits the modification of a trade liberalization agreement on a temporary basis if serious injury occurs to domestic producers as a result of the agreement?精品.(a)Adjustment assistance clause(b)Escape clause(c)Most favored nation clause(d)Prohibitive tariff clause(e)None of

38、the above.Answer: B35.Today U.S. protectionism is concentrated in(a)high tech industries.(b)labor-intensive industries.(c)industries in which Japan has a comparative advantage.(d)computer intensive industries.(e)capital-intensive industries.Answer: B36.The reason protectionism remains strong in the

39、United States is that(a)economists can produce any result they are hired to produce.(b)economists cannot persuade the general public that free trade is beneficial.(c)economists do not really understand how the real world works.(d)the losses associated with protectionism are diffuse, making lobbying

40、by the public impractical.(e)None of the above.Answer: D37.An issue never confronted effectively by GATT, but considered an important issue for WTO is that of(a)the promotion of freer World trade(b)the promotion of freer World commodity trade(c)the promotion of freer World services trade(d)the lower

41、ing of tariff rates(e)None of the above.Answer: C38.The political wisdom of choosing a tariff acceptable to the median U.S. voter is(a)a good example of the principle of the second best.(b)a good example of the way in which actual tariff policies are determined.(c)a good example of the principle of

42、political negotiation.精品.(d)is not evident in actual tariff determination.(e)None of the above.Answer: D39.A game-theory explanation of the paradox that even though all countries would benefit if each chose free trade, in fact each tends to follow protectionist policies is精品.(a)Trade war(b)Collectiv

43、e action(c)Prisoners dilemma(d)BenefitCost analysis(e)None of the above.Answer: C40.When the U.S. placed tariffs on French wine, France placed high tariffs on U.S. chickens. This is an example of:(a)deadweight losses(b)multilateral negotiations(c)bilateral trade negotiations(d)international market f

44、ailures(e)none of the aboveAnswer: E41.The quantitative importance of U.S. protection of the domestic clothing industry is best explained by the fact that(a)this industry is an important employer of highly skilled labor(b)this industry is an important employer of low skilled labor(c)most of the expo

45、rters of clothing into the U.S. are poor countries.(d)a politically well organized sector in the U.S.(e)None of the aboveAnswer: DnEssay Questions1.Developing countries have often attempted to establish cartels so as to counter the actual or perceived inexorable downward push on the prices of their

46、exported commodities. OPEC is the best well known of these. How are such cartels expected to help the developing countries? At times importing countries profess support for such schemes. Can you think of any logical basis for such support? How are cartels like monopolies, and how are they different from monopolies. Why is there a presupposition among economists that such schemes are not likely to succeed in the long run?精品.Answer:Such cartels are expected to shift the exporters terms of trade in their favor. Also they are expected to produce the maximum profit, w


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