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1、阅读理解(人生百味)选择题( 难 ) ( word)一、九年级中考英语阅读理解(人生百味)(含答案详细解析)1阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。CIn the old times, there was a king. He had a very beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a tree with golden apples on it. But one day, one of the apples was missing. The king decided to order a person to

2、 keep watching the tree at night.The king had three sons. He decided to send the eldest one to watch the tree. But in the middle of the night, the eldest son fell asleep. The next morning, another apple was missing.The second night, the king sent the second eldest son. But the second eldest son also

3、 fell asleep at midnight. And another apple was missing the next morning.The third night, the king sent his youngest son. The youngest son kept watching the tree. At twelve oclock, he saw a bird. It was a golden bird. It picked an apple and flew away, but it left a golden feather. The youngest son p

4、icked it up, and the next morning, he took it to the king. He told his father what he had seen at night.Hearing this, the king was very happy. He ordered his youngest son to guard the tree every night. He wanted him to catch the bird. However, in the end, they couldnt catch the bird and all the gold

5、en apples on the tree were taken away by the golden bird.( 1) Before the third night, how many apples have been missing?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four( 2) What can we know from Paragraph 4?A. It was a bird that stole the apples.B. The youngest son fell asleep at twelve oclock.C. The youngest son tried

6、to catch the golden bird but failed.D. The king asked the youngest son to bring the golden feather to him.( 3) What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. The king was very angry with the bird.B. The youngest son was very busy every night.C. The king wanted his youngest son to catch the bird.D

7、. The youngest son didnt catch the bird and lost all of the apples.( 4) Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Dont be lazy when you are working.B. Where there is a will, there is a way.C. Dont give up the whole forest because of one tree.D. A bad beginning may cause a bad ending.【答案】 ( 1) C( 2) A( 3

8、) D( 4) C【解析】 【分析】短文大意:国王发现自己的金苹果树丢了个金苹果,于是派出了自己的三个儿子去看守,前两晚因为两个儿子半夜睡着了,两个苹果丢了,第三晚,最小的儿子发现了是一只金鸟偷了一个苹果,但是也留下了一根金色的羽毛,国王获知后,他想抓住这只鸟,但结果是所有的苹果都被鸟儿带走了。(1)细节理解题。第三晚前总共丢失了三个苹果,故选C。(2)细节理解题。从It was a golden bird. It picked an apple and flew away可知苹果是金色的鸟儿偷走的,故选A。( 3)细节理解题。从 in the end, they couldnt catch

9、the bird and all the golden apples on thetree were taken away by the golden bird. 可知选 D。( 4)主旨概括题。国王因为想要金色鸟儿而丢失了树上的所有苹果,得不尝试。故C“不要因为一棵树而放弃整个森林”。【点评】考查对篇章的把握和对细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的关键词,在文章中寻找答案。2阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、 B、C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。During the summerholidays, two classmates, Tom and Peter, were travelling

10、in thedesert. Asthey were walking, they had an argument. Tom was so angry that he beat Peter hard across-theface.Peter felt hurt, but without saying anything, he wrote down in the sand these words,“ Tobest friend Tom beat me in the face.”It was very hot, but they kept on walking and walking until th

11、ey found a river, where they decidedto take a bath. Suddenly Peter got stuck in the mire(泥潭) and started getting down. Seeingthat, Tom rushed over and saved him. After Peter got recovered from the danger, he wrote with aknife on a stone,“ Today my best friend Tom saved my life.”Feeling surprised, To

12、m, who had slapped (掌掴) and saved his best friend, asked Peter,“ After Ibeat you, you wrote something in the sand but just now you put down what I had done on astone. Why? ”Peter replied, When someone hurtsus, we should take it down inthe sand wherewinds offorgiveness can blow it away. But when some

13、one does some-thing good for us, we must carve(雕刻) it on a stone where no wind can ever do that. ”Hearing that, Tom was deeply moved. He understood what Peter had said and done.(1) What happened when Tom and Peter were travelling in the desert?A.Peter hit Tom in the face.B.They had an argument.C.The

14、y didnt believe each other.D. Peter got lost while walking.( 2) Where did Peter write the thank-you words after he was saved?A.In the sand.B.In the mire.C.On his face.D.On a stone.( 3) What can we learn from the story?A. We can learn how to write down something.B. We can learn how to fight back when

15、 being hurt.C. We can learn how to thank or forgive others.D. We can learn how to move somebody deeply.( 4) What is the best title of the passage?A.Sand and stoneB.A dangerous travelC.Someone hurts usD.Someone is friendly to us【答案】 ( 1) B( 2) D( 3) C( 4) A【解析】 【分析】短文大意:Tom 与 Peter 是同学,两人在沙漠中旅行时发生了争吵

16、,Tom生气地打了Peter, Peter 很受伤的在沙子上写了:Tom 打了我的脸。后面他们遇见了一条河, Peter 在河里洗澡时被泥潭陷住了,Tom 救了他,这是Peter 在石头上写了:Tom 救了我。 Tom 很好奇的问为什么要在沙子上和石头上写这些话?Peter 说:当有人伤害你时,要让原谅之风吹走它,但有人帮了你,就要永远怀着感恩之心。( 1)细节理解题。从 During the summer holidays, two classmates, Tom and Peter, weretravelling in the desert. As they were walking, t

17、hey had an argument.可知他们有了争吵,故选B。( 2)细节理解题。从 After Peter got recovered from the danger, he wrote with a knife on astone,“ Today my best friend Tom saved my life可.知选 D。”( 3)主旨概括题。从 When someone hurts us, we should take it down in the sand wherewinds of forgiveness can blow it away. But when someone d

18、oes some-thing good for us, we must carve (雕刻) it on a stone where no wind can ever do that. 可知从故事中我”们学到的是感谢与原谅,故选C。( 4)主旨概括题。 A.石头与沙子; B.一次危险的旅行; C.有人伤害了我们; D.有人对我们好。通读全文后可知选 A 最合适。【点评】考查对篇章的把握对细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的关键词,在文章中寻找答案。3阅读理解Kathy could still remember the night she had to leave her home in Hu

19、ngary. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to leave their country as soon as possible. She quickly filled a bag with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her treasure a beautiful silk scarf.Kathy and her best friend, Monica, had asked their parents to buy them matching scarve

20、s. They each would wear the scarves as a symbol of their friendship. Kathy had no idea that she was going to America that night and would not be returning.Kathy kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview

21、 for good luck. Kathy was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, Dont worry, Grandma, nothings going to happen to your scarf. Youll see. It is going to bring both of us luck today, And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother and left for the interview.That afternoon

22、Eliza left the interview, feeling sure that she had got the job. So she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. As she was sitting at her table, she felt someone looking at her. Sitting next to her was an old woman, who could not take her eyes away from herIm sorry, do I know you ? Eliza aske

23、d.Im sorry, dear, but you make me think of someone I once knew, the old woman replied. My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one youre wearing around your neck. Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had heard stories of hergrandmothers best

24、friend and knew the meaning of the scarf. Could this be Monica, her grandmothers childhood friend ?Eliza introduced herself and waited to hear the name of the other woman.My names Monica, dear, I lived in Hungary as a child, but my family had to leave when I wasfourteen years old. Ive been living he

25、re in California ever since, said the old woman.ELiza could not believe her ears( 1) Kathy and her family left their country because_.A. Kathy found a job in the USAB. Kathy would study in CaliforniaC. they had no friends in EuropeD. they wanted to get away from the war( 2) From the underlined sente

26、nce in Paragraph 6, we can infer that Eliza felt _.A. surprisedB. thankfulC. sorryD. nervous(3) What would Eliza most probably do after the dinner?A. She gave the silk scarf to Monica.B. She went for another job interview.C. She showed Monica around California.D. She took Monica to meet her grandmot

27、her.(4) The best title for this passage can be.A. A Gift from ParentsB. A Scarf of LuckC. A Successful InterviewD. A Story in the War【答案】 ( 1) D(2) A(3) D(4) B【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文主要 述了一 分 多年的老朋友在一个偶然的情况下凭借一条 巾重逢的故事。( 1)细节理解题。根据第一段中It was the beginning of World War II and her family had toleave their cou

28、ntry as soon as possible.可知,那是第二次世界大战的开始,她的家人不得不尽快离开他们的国家。故选D。( 2)推理判断题。由划线句Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. 可知, Eliza 认真地听着,张大了眼睛与嘴巴。因此Eliza 此时的心情是感到惊讶(surprised )的。故选A。( 3)推理判断题。由全文可知,Eliza 遇见的 Monica 就是祖母Kathy 小时候最好的朋友,而祖母已经很多年没有见到Monica ,但至今仍保存着象征她们友谊的围巾。说明Kathy 十分希望能

29、再见到Monica 。因此 Eliza会把 Monica 带回家见祖母。故选D。( 4)主旨大意题。由第三段倒数第二句It is going to bring both of us luck today可知,今天它(围巾)会给“我们 ”俩都带来好运。又由下文可知,Eliza 戴上围巾后,不仅面试十分顺利而且还遇见了祖母Kathy 多年未见的好友Monica ,而Monica 也一直注意着这条象征她和 Kathy 友谊的围巾。故选B。【点评】本文涉及细节题、推断题和主旨题三种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想

30、。4阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。During the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, many Chinese sports fans sat in front of the TV and cheered our athletes on, hoping that they would get as many gold medals as possible.But sometimes our hope for getting more gold medals can result in our more disappointment(

31、失望)if the athletes fail to get them. For example, when Liu Xiang, Chinas track hero, pulledout of the 2008 Beijing Olympics because of his injury(伤势) , he greatly disappointed manyChinese sports fans.But things are different now. In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, we saw a healthier and more lenient (宽容

32、的) Chinese attitude towards the sportspeople, fully in line with the Olympic spirit that is friendship, participation, fair play and never give up.China didnt win any gold medals on the first day. But, instead of criticizing (批评) the athletes, most of the fans were happy with their efforts. They hav

33、e tried their best. Athletes dont feel good after they miss the gold medal. Thats the attitude of most audience. It shows the maturity (成熟) of a person, and is also a development of a country.Swimmer Fu Yuanhui won fans hearts, even though she only won a bronze medal in the 100m backstroke final. He

34、r fans on her Sina Weibo have increased from 100,000 to over 6 million. Many sports fans like her straightforward character and attitude towards competitions.The attitude towards the Olympics has got to a higher level. We are happy to see this warm change. said an article in Peoples Daily.( 1) When

35、sports fans were watching the Olympic Games on TV, they _.A. cheered for themselvesB. had a celebration partyC. wished their athletes to winD. played sports with the family( 2) What can we know about Liu Xiang from the passage?A. He didnt complete his event in the Beijing Olympics.B. He was asked to

36、 give up the competition.C. The audience had little hope for him.D. He never disappointed Chinese sports fans.( 3) People like Fu Yuanhui because of her _.A. winning a bronze medal B. kindness to the fans C. Sina Weibo D. attitude to competitions( 4) The passage is mainly about _.A. the changing att

37、itude towards sportspeople in ChinaB. the importance of winning gold medalsC. the maturity of a person and a countryD. the development of sports in China【答案】 ( 1) C( 2) A( 3) D( 4) A【解析】 【分析】主要讲了2016 年里约奥运会中国人对运动态度的变化。( 1)细节题。根据 many Chinese sports fans sat in front of the TV and cheered our athlete

38、s on, hoping that they would get as many gold medals as possible. 可知他们希望运动员赢得越多的金牌,即希望他们赢,故选 C。( 2)细节题。根据 when Liu Xiang, Chinas track hero, pulled out of the 2008 Beijing Olympicsbecause of his injury (伤势) , he greatly disappointed many Chinese sports fans可知刘翔因为伤势被淘汰,即没有完成他的比赛,故选A。( 3)细节题。根据 Many s

39、ports fans like her straightforward character and attitude towardscompetitions 可知粉丝喜欢她的原因是她对比赛的态度,故选D。( 4)主旨题。根据 The attitude towards the Olympics has got to a higher level. We are happyto see this warm change. said an article in Peoples Daily 可知主要讲了对待奥运会的态度的变化,故选 A。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题和主旨题常考题型,细节题要注意

40、从文中寻找答案;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。5阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、 C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When Jan and Brian Dutchermoved to San Diego for Brians new basketballcoaching jobat the university , the neighbours smiled and introducedthemselves But therewere nobring a plate invitations , no recipe (食谱) sharing andn

41、o car pooling forherdaughters Liza, 12, and Erin , 15 The families really didnt know each other, and we missedthat saysJan We have moved a lot and are far from relatives Neighbours areourfamily So Jan decided to repeat a project she had done for Lizas fifth-grade class : ask each person to paint his

42、 or her face on a big canvas(帆布) The finished piece would become theDutchersnew family picture First, Jan painted a grid (网格)on the canvas and put it Lip on a board in the garage(车库), next to a table of paints Then whenever she was home , the art room door was up,with an open invitation for neighbou

43、rs to paint a square The first to stop in were kids riding by on their bikes They thought it was cool , says Jan, but the adults werent so interested init Most said they hadnt picked up a paint brush since primary school, she says They wereafraid theyd mess it up But as word slowly spread, they came

44、, some using their drivers licence photos as models Then something started to happen They came back-to see who had painted , or if they couldfind out who was who While in Jans garage , they began to chat about news, schools, jobsand families Almost daily Wendy Schucholz, who lived across the street

45、and was fighting aserious illness, came in her wheelchair to watch the fun Neighbours began to offer theirsupport When the worst happened and Wendy died, they stood by her husband,Bill, and invitedhim over for dinners This year has been differentin the neighbourhood Families take turns hosting happyhours They share birthdays and swim in one anothers pools Were watching over each othernow, says JanJust like in the painting (1) When the Dutcher fami


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