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1、七年级英语下册完形填空专题复习(word)1一、七年级英语下册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项。Almost everyone has his own hobby. My hobby is reading. When I was young, I didnt have anyhobbies. I always watched TV at home all day and my parents were1about me.One day, my father took me to my aunts home.

2、 When I got there, I saw my cousin2inhis room. I ran to him and said, Reading books is so boring. Why not go out to play games?Thats more3. I dont think so. Reading is really interesting, and I can also get a lot of4from mybooks. Then my cousin asked me some questions, but I couldnt5most of them. He

3、 wastwo years younger than me, but he knew much more. My face turned red.That day he told me many interesting stories. I6myself in his stories. From then on, Ibecame interested in reading. Now I have a room7hooks. In my free time, Im happy tobe8and read the books. I do well in my subjects because of

4、 all the books Ive read, andIm especially good at9. I have won many prizes in writing contests. That makes me feelvery10.1.A. tiredB. scaredC. worried2.A. sleepingB. readingC. playing3.A. importantB. enjoyableC. surprising4.A. activitiesB. programmes C. knowledge5.A. receiveB. repeatC. answer6.A. he

5、lpedB. taughtC. lost7.A. full ofB. short ofC. opposite of8.A. specialB. earlyC. alone9.A. writingB. EnglishC. PE10. A. nervousB. sickC. proud【答案】( 1) C;( 2) B;( 3) B;( 4) C;( 5)C;( 6) C;( 7)A;( 8) C;( 9)A;( 10) C;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了人人都有自己的爱好,并阐述了他的爱好 阅读的养成过程。( 1)句意:我整天在家看电视,我的父母为我担心。A.累的; B.害怕的;C.担心

6、的,根据watched TV at home all day可知父母对 “ I的”担心。故答案是C。( 2)句意:当我到达那里时,我发现我的表弟在读书,根据Reading books is so boring.可知是在读书。A.睡觉;B.读书;C.玩耍。故答案是B。( 3)句意:为什么不出去玩呢?那更快了。根据前面的描述可知,在作者眼里玩游戏比读书快乐。 A.重要的; B.快乐的; C.令人吃惊的。故答案是 B。( 4)句意:读书真的有趣,我也可以从中学到很多知识。根据Reading is really interesting可知,读书可以获得知识。A.活动; B.节目;C.知识。故答案是C。

7、( 5)句意:然后我的表弟 了我一些 ,但是我不能回答大多数 。根据answer 可知,后面的 是回答。A.收到; B.重复; C.回答。故答案是C。( 6)句意:我迷失在了故事当中。根据That day he told me many interesting stories. 可知,是作者迷失在了故事中。A.帮助; B.教; C. 失。故答案是C。( 7)句意: 在我的房 里装 了 。根据 I became interested in reading. 可知,我的房 里充 了 。 A.充 ; B. 的 称; C.与 相 。故答案是 A。( 8)句意:在我 余 ,我很高 一个人 。根据前面的m

8、y free time可知,是我独 。 A.特殊的; B.早的; C. 独的。故答案是C。( 9)句意:我特 擅 写作。根据 I have won many prizes in writing contests. 可知,作者擅 写作。 A.写; B.英 ; C.体育。故答案是 A。( 10)句意:那 我感到非常 傲。根据前面的I have won many prizes in writing contests.可知,作者非常 傲。A. ; B.生病; C. 傲的。故答案是C。【点 】考 完形填空,先跳 空缺部分初步理解短文,然后根据前后之 的 关系,推 空缺 的意思及 ,最后确定答案,再 一遍

9、短文,核 答案。2完形填空When you go to England, you can be1many people take an umbrella( ) or araincoat (雨衣)2them in the sunny morning. On a bus or a train, you can usually see3is looking out of the window or reading newspapers. But they dont talk much. When youmeet English people, they often talk about one th

10、ing-the4.5is it so? Because the weather is changeable (多 的) in England. People there canhave spring, summer, autumn and6in one day. When they get on the bus, the weather issunny and7just like in spring. However, when they get out of the bus, it can be8and cold. At noon, the weather will be sunny and

11、 a little hot and it will be summer at this time ofa day.In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in9they can swim sometimes and in summer sometimes you can see people10warm clothes.1.A. surprisedB. surprisingC. boredD. boring2.A. onB. toC. withD. for3.A. many

12、people B. everyoneC. all the people D. some of the people4.A. bookB. newspaper C. windowD. weather5. A. WhyB. WhereC. HowD. What6.A. SundayB. winterC. rainD. snow7.A. coldB. coolC. hotD. warm8.A. sunnyB. snowyC. windyD. humid9.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter10. A. sellB. sellingC. takingD. take

13、s【答案】( 1) A;( 2)C;( 3) B;( 4) D;( 5) A;( 6 )B;( 7) D;( 8) B;( 9)D;( 10) C;【解析】 【分析】短文大意: 篇短文主要 的是在英国因 天气多 ,人 在晴朗的早上出 雨衣,当你遇 英国人,人 一个 天气,在英国人 在一天内可能会 春夏秋冬四季的 化。( 1)形容 辨析。句意:当你去英国 ,你可能会很吃惊在晴朗的早上人 着一把雨 或一件雨衣。根据 many people take an umbrella ( ) or a raincoat (雨衣) with them inthe sunny morning. 所以你会吃惊,su

14、rprised 吃惊的,和表示人的 主 用;令人吃惊的,和表示物的 主 用;bored 的和表示人的 主 用,;surprisingboring令人 的,和表示物的 主 用,故 A。( 2)介 辨析。句意:当你去英国 ,你可能会很吃惊在晴朗的早上人 着一把雨 或一件雨衣。 on 在 上; to 到达; with 和 一起,随身携 ; for 了,故 C。( 3) 意辨析。句意:在公共汽 或火 上,你通常会看到每个人在看向窗外或 。根据主 一致, is lookingoutof the window, 可知主 是第三人称 数,manypeople 很多人; everyone 每个人; all t

15、he people 所有人; some of the people其中一些人,只有 everyone 是第三人称 数 构,故 B。( 4 )名 辨析。句意:当你遇 英国人,他 常 一件事 天气。根据下文 Because the weather is changeable (多 的) in England. 因 英国天气多 。可知人 常会 天气情况。book ; newspaper ; window 窗 ; weather 天气,故 D。( 5)疑 辨析。句意: 什么会如此呢:根据Because the weather is changeable (多 的) in England. 可知此 原因

16、, why 什么; where 在哪里; how 如何; what 什么,故选 A。( 6)名 辨析。句意:那里的人 一天内可 春夏秋冬。根据spring, summer, autumn可知此 是指四个季 ,Sunday 星期日;winter冬天;rain雨; snow雪,故 B。( 7)形容 辨析。句意:当你上公共汽 天气晴朗暖和就像春天一 。根据However,when they get out of the bus, it can be snowy and cold. 根据此 指温度。我 知道春天是暖和的, cold 冷的; cool 凉的; hot 的; warm 暖和的,故 D。(

17、8)形容 辨析。句意:然而,当他 下 ,天气可能会下雪而且很冷。根据知此 指下雪,sunny 晴天的; snowy 下雪的; windy 有 的; humid 湿 的,故 cold B。可( 9)名 辨析。句意:因此在冬季他 有 可能会游泳,在夏天有 你会看到人 着暖和的衣服。根据 in summer sometimes you can see people taking warm clothes. 在夏天 着暖和的衣服,所以在冬天会游泳,形成 比。spring 春天; summer夏天; autumn秋天;winter 冬天,故 D。( 10) 意辨析。句意:因此在冬季他 有 可能会游泳,在

18、夏天有 你会看到人 着暖和的衣服。 sell , ; selling , 名 ; taking 着, 名 , takes 着,第三人称 数, see sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事,固定搭配,故 C。【点 】此 考 完形填空。 首句,跳 空格,通 全文,掌握大意。理解 意,瞻前 后,先易后 ,各个 破。复 全文, 核 , 答案。3完形填空It is Sunday today. We have1classes. Were going to the zoo. How happy we are! Wewant to take the early bus,2we get up very

19、 early. There are many different kinds of3there. First we go to see the elephants. They have very4noses. The monkeys are5all the time. Its6to count (数) the number. We want to see the pandas. I hear they liveonly in7before. But now some other countries have8in the zoos. But we cant9any of them today.

20、10a pity (遗憾) ! We go to see many other animals. We have agood time in the zoo.1.A. someB. manyC. anyD. no2.A. soB. andC. butD. or3.A. treesB. animalsC. birdsD. flowers4.A. smallB. tallC. longD. short5.A. jumping and runningB. singing and dancing C. talking and listening D. eating and drinking6.A. f

21、reeB. easyC. difficultD. dangerous7.A. AustraliaB. ChinaC. CanadaD. England8.A. itB. himC. herD. them9.A. findB. hearC. look forD. listen to10. A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. What【答案】( 1) D;( 2) A;( 3)B;( 4) C;( 5) A;( 6)C;( 7) B;( 8) D;( 9)A;( 10) D;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了周日在动物园的所见所闻,感觉过得非常愉快。( 1)句意:今天是星期天。

22、我们没有课。A 一些; B 很多; C 任何一个; D 没有。根据前文语句 It is Sunday today. 可知,在周日应该没有课,故选D。( 2)句意:我们想坐早班车,所以我们起得很早。A 因此,表原因;B 并且,表并列;C但是,表转折;D 或者,表选择。根据语句We want to take the early bus与we get up veryearly.的含义可知,它们是因果关系,故选A。( 3)句意:那里有许多不同种类的动物。A 树木; B 动物; C 鸟类; D 鲜花。根据语境可知,此文介绍的是动物园,故选B。( 4)句意:他们有很长的鼻子。 A 小的; B 高的; C

23、长的; D 短的。根据生活常识可知,大象的鼻子很长,故选 C。( 5)句意:猴子们一直在跳跃和奔跑。A 蹦跳; B 唱歌和跳舞; C 谈话与听; D 吃喝。根据生活常识可知,猴子的性格就是蹦跳,故选A。( 6)句意:很难数清它们的数目。 A 自由; B 简单; C 困难的; D 危险的。根据文中的语句 The monkeys are jumping and running all the time. 可知,想数清猴子的数量是很难的,故选 C。( 7)句意:我听说他们以前只住在中国。A 澳大利亚; B 中国; C 加拿大; D 英格兰。根据生活常识可知,熊猫最初只生存在中国,故选B。( 8)句意

24、:但是现在其他一些国家的动物园里也有了它们。A 它; B 他; C 她; D 它们。根据前文语句中的they 可知此句要用人称代词的宾格形式,故选D。( 9)句意:但我们今天找不到他们中的任何一个。A 找到; B 听说; C 寻找; D 听。根据语境可知,到动物园是看动物的,故选A。( 10)句意:好遗憾啊!固定句型结构what a pity ,好遗憾,故选D。【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。4请先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A, B, C, D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。It wa

25、s a hot, sunny day .Thewaves(浪) offSanta Barbarawerealmostthree feethighbecause of a strong wind. Surfers (冲浪者) were having fun. Then the fun1. One surferstarted shouting. Surfers on the2saw his arms going up and down. He went under water.Then he came back3, shouting for help.He was in big4, said on

26、e woman. She called 911. He was still shouting and5.They could not see a shark (鲨鱼) , but they6the surfer was being attacked(袭击) by one. Again, the surfer wentunder. Four surfersjumpedontotheirboards and swamquickly out to the surfer. By the time they got to him, he was7. The shark had given upon th

27、e taste of the swimwear and the fight with the surfer.The 24-year-old man was in great pain, but he was still alive. The surfers put him on a boardand swim back to the beach. I dont think hes going to make it, said someone on the beach.Look at his8.A helicopter (直升机) arrived quickly and doctors jump

28、ed out. They9the surfersand the woman for their help, and took the man to the hospital. An hour later, the hospital saidthat the surfer would keep on10. The man lost one of his legs but he was still so lucky1.A. endedB. beganC. stayedD. lost2.A. groundB. hillC. seaD. beach3.A. overB. belowC. downD.

29、up4.A. troubleB. happiness C. fashion D. health5.A. swimming B. fightingC. running D. playing6.A. hopedB. knewC. phoned D. showed7.A. awayB. aroundC. aloneD. along8. A. armB. headC. faceD. leg9. A. metB. invitedC. thanked D. prepared10. A. livingB. swimming C. surfingD. working【答案】 ( 1) A;( 2 )D;( 3

30、) D;( 4) A;( 5) B;( 6) B;( 7) C;( 8) D;( 9)C;( 10)A;【解析】 【分析】 篇短文主要 述了在一个炎 晴朗的日子,冲浪者 正在玩得开心,有个冲浪者被 了。大家一起把他拯救了。( 1)句意:然后 趣就 束了。 A. ended 束; B. began 开始; C. stayed 呆着; D. lost 失去。根据One surfer started shouting. 可知 束才开始喊,故 A。( 2)句意:海 上的冲浪者看到他的胳膊上下 。A. ground 地面; B. hill小山; C. sea大海; D. beach 沙 。冲浪者 站在的

31、只能沙 ,故 D。( 3)句意:他下了水。然后他又出来,大声呼救。A. over 在 上方; B. below在 下面; C. down 朝下; D. up 向上。根据上文 He went under water. 可知下文是返回水面上来,故用向上 up,故 D。( 4)句意:一个女士 “他有麻 了 ”。A. trouble 麻 ; B. happiness 幸福; C. fashion 时尚; D. health 健康。根据be in big trouble. 可知是麻 ,故 A。( 5)句意:他 在叫喊和 扎。 A. swimming 游泳; B. fighting 打架; C. runn

32、ing 跑步; D.playing玩。根据He was still shouting. 可知 里 扎,故 B。( 6)句意:他 看不到 ,但他 知道那个冲浪者被 了。A. hoped希望;B.knew 知道; C. phoned 打 ; D. showed 示。根据 Four surfers jumped onto their boards and swam quickly out to the surfer 可知下文是他 知道情况不妙故跳上船或游向他去救他。故 B。( 7)句意:当他 到他身 的 候,他是 独一个人。 ; C. alone 独一个人; D. along 沿着。根据下文A. a

33、way 离; B. around 在周The shark had given up on the taste of theswimwear ,可知 走了留下 独一个人,故 C。( 8)句意:看他的手腿。A. arm 手臂;B. head ; C. face ; D. leg 腿。根据The manlost one of his legs可知是 看他的腿受 了。故 D。( 9)句意:他 感 冲浪者和 女的帮助,把 个男人送到了医院。A. met 面; B.invited 邀 ; C. thanked 感 ; D. prepared 准 ;根据下文the surfers and the woman

34、 fortheir help可知上文是 感 他 的帮助,故 C。( 10)句意:一小 后,医院 冲浪者将 生活。A. living 活着; B. swimming 游泳;C.surfing 冲浪; D. working 工作。根据he was still so lucky可知,幸运他 可以 活着,故选 A。【点 】考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先要跳 空格通 文章掌握其大意,然后 文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素。最后通 一遍 。5完形填空Do you like animals? There are a lot of animals in the1. They are

35、 pandas, koalas, tigers,lions, dolphins, penguins, elephants and so on. I think dolphins are very2. They are kindof3. When Im free, I4watching them. They can5fast (快) and jumpvery high (高) . They can6with a ball. They can7 “” up and“ walk ” on thewater. They are very8to people. If you fall into(掉进)

36、the water and9swim,they may come up and10you. Do you like them?1.A. home B. shopC. libraryD. zoo2.A. scary B. interesting C. boringD. ugly3.A. smart B. shyC. uglyD. lazy4.A. runB. wantC. haveD. like5.A. swim B. runC. jumpD. walk6.A. liveB. playC. goD. speak7.A. stand B. sitC. goD. walk8.A. clever B.

37、 friendlyC. funnyD. cute9.A. canB. cantC. doesnt D. are10. A. help B. visitC. meetD. eat【答案】 ( 1) D;( 2) B;( 3) A;( 4) D;( 5) A;( 6) B;( 7) A;( 8) B;( 9)B;( 10)A;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:文章主要讲述了动物中的海豚的特点。(1)考查名词词义。句意:动物园里有动物。A. 家, B. 商店, C. 图书馆, D. 动物园。根据语境,故选 D。( 2)考查形容词。根据上下文意思可判断,这里用意为“有趣的 ”形容词 interesting

38、,故选B。(3)考查形容词。句意:它们有点聪明伶俐。A. 聪明伶俐的, B. 害羞的, C. 丑的, D. 懒惰的,根据下文可知海豚是聪明的,故选A。( 4)考查动词。句意:当我有空的时候,我喜欢看它们。A. 跑, B. 想要, C. 有, D. 喜欢,根据语境可知是喜欢做某事,like doing sth. ,故选 D。( 5)考查动词。句意:它们游泳很快,跳得很高。根据常识可知海豚游泳很快,游泳:swim, 故选 A。(6)考查动词。句意:它们可以玩球。玩:play, 根据语境可知答案,故选B。(7)考查动词。句意:它们能在水中“站立 ”和 “走路 ”。 A. 站, B. 坐, C. 去,

39、 D. 走, standup: 起立,故选 A。(8)考查形容词。句意:它们对人们非常友好。根据后文If you fall into (掉进) the waterand9swim, they may come up and10you.可知它们对人们很友好,friendly,故选 B。( 9)考查情态动词。句意:如果你掉进水里,不能游泳,它们可能靠近帮助你。根据语境可知不能游泳才会需要帮助, cant :不能,故选 B。( 10)考查动词。句意:如果你掉进水里,不能游泳,它们可能靠近帮助你。根据语境可知它们会帮助人类,故选 A。【点评】考查词汇短语句式等在语境中的运用,首先通读全文,掌握大意,然后根据语境、语法、上下文、逻辑推理斟酌字句选出正确答案,最后通读全文,确保通顺、完整。6根据短文理解,从所给的A、B、 C、 D 四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Ted sat next to me when we were in primary school(小


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