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1、七年级语法填空点 +例题 - 全面解析经典一、七年级语法填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1语法填空Dogs show off their skillsDogs can be good friends of people. They can also be in dog shows!Well, the US held the 141st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show(威斯敏斯特犬种大赛)_New York City on February 13, 2017. This is the_ ( two ) oldest sporting eventin the US.T

2、o take part in this show, a dog must be 100 percent one kind of breed (品种) .On the day of the show,_( own ) try theirbest_( make) theirdogslook_ ( well ). Then, they show their dogs to the audience (观众)and judges(裁判) . The judges are looking at everything, how a dog acts, their fur(毛发) and more.To b

3、e in dog shows like this, it_( cost) around $50,000 ( about 330,000 yuan ) to$100,000 a year. So_do people do it?Some do it to teach people about dog breeds, while_( other ) want to make somemoney. But they must_ ( love) their dogs a lot because they spend so much time andmoney_them.【答案】 in; second;

4、 owners ; to make ; good; costs; why; others ; love; on 【解析】 【分析】文章大意:文章主要讲了在美国纽约举行的狗展,说明了人与狗之间的亲密关系。( 1)句意:美国于2017年2 月13日在纽约举办了第141 届威斯敏斯特犬俱乐部狗展。表示在某某城市时,其前的介词一般用in,故填in。( 2)句意:这是美国第二古老的体育赛事。根据后面的我来的高级前数词的使用,根据句意知,此句表示第二古老的体育赛事,故填oldest可知,此题考查最second。( 3)句意:在节目当天,狗主人尽力地使他们的狗看起来更好。因本句缺少主语,根据题干中的 the

5、ir 可知此句的主语是复数形式,填 owners 。( 4)句意:在节目当天,狗主人尽力地使他们的狗看起来更好。此句考查try的用法,try ones best to do sth尽某人最“大的努力做某事”,故填to make 。( 5)句意:在节目当天,狗主人尽力地使他们的狗看起来更好。此句考查well的变形。look是系动词,其后跟形容词,表示“看起来怎么样”, well表示好的时候是副词,故填good 。( 6)句意:费用每年大约5 万美元(约33 万元)到10 万美元。此句考查cost的用法。sth cost some money 表示某物的花费是多少钱,cost 的形式根据前面的主语

6、确定,在本句中主语为it,且时态是一般现在时,故填costs。( 7)句意:为什么有人这么做?联系上下文,上文说明狗展的费用高,下文阐述人们进行狗展的目的和意义,故此句应表示为什么,故填why 。( 8)句意:有些人这样做是为了让人们了解狗的品种,而另一些人则想赚钱。折,上半句写有些人是为了教人们狗的品种,下半句表示另一些人想挣钱,while表转other “其他的”,当表示 “另一些人 ”时,一般用others 。注意,others表示另一部分人,the others 表示另外的全部。故填others 。( 9)句意:但是他们一定非常爱他们的狗。must情态动词,其后的动词直接用动词原形,故

7、填love。( 10)句意:因为他们花了很多时间和金钱。此句考查spend的用法。sb spend sometime/money on sth,表示某人在某方面花费了多少时间/钱。故填on。【点评】考查语法填空。根据所给单词的提示通读全文,理解大意;再根据句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素来确定所给单词的具体形式。2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个词)Good morning, _( class) . I am _( you ) Chinese teacher. My _( name ) Alice. _ is a photo of my fam

8、ily. This is my husband. He is a teacher, _.He is _ English teacher. But he is not in our school. I have a son _ a daughter.This is my son. His name is Jim. And that is my daughter. Her name is Gina. They are in the samegrade, but in different classes. Jim is in _( class) 3, and Gina is in Class 7.

9、They likesports very much and they often do sports with their friends after school. Jim _( like)Yao Ming. So _is his favourite sport.【答案】class; your ; names;This; too ;an; and; Class; likes; basketball【解析】 【分析】本文是Alice 的自我介绍。( 1)句意:同学们早上好。Alice 是老师,此处是问候全体学生,class,同学们,故填class。( 2)句意:我是你们的语文老师。teache

10、r是名词其前是形容词性物主代词,you 是主格, your 是形容词性物主代词,故填your 。( 3)句意:我的名字是Alice。自我介绍是My name is ,此处是缩写形式,故填names。( 4)句意:这 是我的全家福。This is 是介绍用语, 故填 This。( 5)句意:他也是老师。根据He is a teacher, 可知夫妇俩都是老师,位于肯定句句尾表示也,是副词too,故填 too。( 6)句意:他是一名英语老师。 teacher 是名词单数, English 以元音音素开头,故是不定冠词 an,表示泛指,故填 an。( 7)句意:我有一个儿子和一个女儿。此处表示并列关

11、系故用and,故填 and。( 8)句意:吉姆在三班,吉娜在七班。根据Class 7可知此处是表示班级,用名词首字母大写,故填Class。( 9)句意: Jim 喜欢姚明。 Jim 是第三人称单数,描述客观事实用一般现在时,故谓语动词是单三式,故填 likes。( 10)句意:所以篮球是他最喜欢的运动。 Yao Ming是篮球运动员故此处喜欢篮球,故填 basketball 。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。3阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两词。Dea

12、r Tom,I am _ China now. Everything _ ( go) well with tile. I hope you and Peter arevery well too. _ is Christmas Day today. I think you must get many _(present ) .Things in Beijing _ different. Im very happy _( see) the white Christmas.There is snow (雪) here and there, _ the snow is very thick(厚的)on

13、 the ground. 1like to go out to play _ the snow with my friends. Now it must be very hot in Australia.Do you often go _( swim ) ? I cannot swim here, but Im learning to ski. Its _( real) interesting. Please write to me soon.Yours,Daniel【答案】in; goes; It ; presents; are; to see;and; with ;swimming ;re

14、ally【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文是Daniel写给Tom 的一封信。在信中,Daniel介绍了自己在北京过圣诞节的情况。( 1)句意:我现在在中国。地点名词China 前用in,故填in。( 2)句意:我一切都很顺利。不定代词Everything 在句中做主语,谓语动词应用单数,故填 goes。( 3)句意:今天是圣诞节。代指时间用it ,句首单词的首字母要大写,故填It。( 4)句意:我想你一定收到了很多礼物。many 后跟可数名词的复数,故填presents。( 5)句意:北京的情况不同。be different,不同的,固定搭配,主语things是复数,故填are。( 6)句意:

15、我很高兴看到白色圣诞节。固定搭配,be glad to do ,高兴做某事。故填see。( 7)句意:到处是雪并且地面上的雪很厚。根据上下文,是递进关系,故填and。( 8)句意:我想和朋友一起出去玩雪。固定搭配,play with sth,玩某物,故填with 。( 9)句意:你经常去游泳吗?固定搭配,go swimming,去游泳,故填swimming 。( 10)句意:它真地有趣。副词修饰形容词,形容词interesting应用副词修饰,故填really。【点评】本题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,注意固定搭配和基本句型。4阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个

16、适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Animals are helpful. And animals are _ very important part of the world. October 4 isWorld Animal Day. This is a great chance to celebrate our lovely _(friend ) .They help keep nature on the right track. For example, bees move pollen(花粉)and seedsamong plants. If they dont do so,

17、 things may stop _(grow) , and we would have nofood _ eat.Animals can also tell _( we) about our past. Studies on monkeys show us humanevolution (进化) .We also keep animals _ pets. They give us support(支持) and make us happy. Sowe _ ( not ) get lonely.We need animals in our _ ( life) , and we cant liv

18、e _ ( with ) them. Soalways show respect (尊敬)and love _ ( to) them.【答案】a; friends ; growing ; to; us; as; dont ; lives; without ; to【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍动物对人类的好处,设立动物界来表现我们尊重和爱他们。( 1)考查不定冠词。句意:动物是世界上非常重要的一部分。空格后. veryimportantpart of,可知前有形容词修饰的情况,要用不定冠词a, a part of.一部分,故答案为:a。( 2)考查可数名词复数。句意:这是一个庆祝我们

19、可爱朋友的好机会。friend朋友,可数名词。空格前有形容词性物主代词our我们的,要用可数名词复数friends ,故答案为:friends 。( 3)考查固定搭配。句意:如果他们不这样做,事情可能会停止增长,我们将没有食物吃。 stop doing sth.停止做某事;stop to do sth. 停下来做某事。根据上文For example, beesmove pollen(花粉)and seeds amongplants. If they dont doso,可知植物会停止生长,要用stop doing sth. ,要用动名词形式growing,故答案为:growing 。( 4)考

20、查不定式。句意:如果他们不这样做,事情可能会停止增长,我们将没有食物吃。句子谓语动词 have,非谓语动词 eat 与 food 之间是动宾关系,要用不定式作定语,要用 to eat ,答案为: to 。( 5)考查人称代词宾格。句意:动物也可以告诉我们关于我们的过去。故答案为:tell告诉,及物动词,要用人称代词宾格。主格we 的宾格 us,故答案为us。( 6)考查介词。句意:我们也把动物当作宠物养。keep.as pets 把 .作为宠物来养,要填 as,故答案为: as。( 7)考查助动词。句意:所以我们不会感到孤独。整篇文章都用一般现在时,谓语动词是连系动词 get ,否定句要借助于

21、助动词 do,主语 we,要用 dont ,故答案为: dont 。( 8)考查可数名词复数。句意:我们生活中需要动物,没有它们我们就活不下去。life生活,可数名词。空格前有形容词性物主代词our,后接可数名词复数lives ,故答案为:lives。( 9)考查介词。句意:我们生活中需要动物,没有它们我们就活不下去。由否定句,要用表示否定意义的介词 without ,没有 .,故答案为: without 。( 10)考查固定短语。句意:所以永远要尊重和爱他们。show .to . 向 .展示 .,故答案为: to。【点评】考查语法填空。考点涉及名词,不定式,代词,介词、冠词以及固定搭配等的考

22、查,要求考生在理解信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,迸行分析推理,写出正确的答案。5阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Its a good day to be a panda. Starting from September 11, the _( panda) are notthe worlds endangered( 危的)animals.There are about 1, 850 pandas in the wild in _( Chinese) now. In 2003, the number_ ( be) 1, 600.China set

23、s up reserves (保 区)and plants a lot of bamboo _ ( forest) . Now,about two thirds of pandas are living in the 67 panda reserves.Baby pandas are only 15cm longits as small as _ pencil! They are also born blind(盲的)and only open _( they ) eyes six to eight weeks after birth. So researchersneed to take _

24、( real) good care of them in labs( 室) . _ there is stillbad news.Our planet is _ ( get) warmer. Its going to get too hot for the bamboo to grow. More than a third of bamboo forests could go away within 80 years, scientists say. Its still dangerous _ pandas.【答案】pandas; China; was; forests; a; their ;

25、really; But; getting ; for【解析】 【分析】文章大意:介 了熊猫的 状以及面 的 。( 1)句意:从9 月 11 日开始,熊猫不是世界上的“ 危 物 ”。 panda,熊猫;可数名 。根据 干中的are 可知,主 要用复数形式,故填pandas。( 2)句意: 在中国野生大熊猫大 有1850 只。 Chinese,中国人;在中国,in China,固定短 。故填China。( 3)句意:在 2003 年, 个数字是 1600。the number , 的数字,作主 , 要用 数形式,因 状 是2003,要用 去 ,故填 was。( 4)句意:中国建立了保 区,种植了大

26、量的竹林。forest ,森林,可数名 ,由 干中的 a lot of 可知,此空要用复数形式,故填forests。( 5)句意:熊猫宝宝只有15 厘米 ,像 笔一 小!pencil , 笔,可数名称, 数前面要有不定冠 ,故填a。( 6)句意:他 出生 也是盲的,出生后六到八周才 开眼睛。they ,他 ,人称代 。他 的眼睛要用形容 性的物主代 ,故填their 。( 7)句意:因此,研究人 需要在 室里 它 行真正的照 。real,形容 ,真的。根据 干中的good 可知,此句需要副 ,故填really 。( 8)句意:但仍然有坏消息。由there is still bad news与由

27、前文中的 句Its a good day tobe a panda.提示可知,此空需要一个表示 折的 ,故填But。( 9)句意:我 的星球正在 暖。get, 得,由前面的is 提示可知此空需要 在分 ,表示正在 行,故填getting 。( 10)句意: 熊猫来 仍然是危 的。固定短 ,be dangerous for sb. , 某人来 危 ,故填for 。【点 】考 法填空。通 全文理解大意,然后根据上下文或者所 的提示 所缺部分 行逐一解答。6 法填空JimandAnn_ ( be )inthepark.Theyfireplayingfootball.Theycan_ ( play)

28、many sports, but they cant play basketball. They are very thirsty. They want_ ( drink ) something.Jim _ ( want ) some orange juice. And Ann wantssome tea _ ( they ) mother buys them some _ ( drink ) . They ask their mother _ drink first. But she _ ( say) she isnt thirsty. Jim and Ann think thedrinks

29、 are nice. Jim gives _ orange juice to Ann and Ann give _ to Jim, too. Theyare very happy.【答案】are; play; to drink ;wants; Their; drinks ;to ; saves; his;hers【解析】 【分析】短文大意:Jim和Ann在公园里,他们很喜欢运动,他们很渴,妈妈买了饮料,他们想让妈妈先喝,但是妈妈不渴。( 1)句意:Jim和Ann在公园里。结合注意提到两个人,为复数,谓语用复数,填入are。( 2)句意:他们能够玩很多运动。结合can 后面加动词原形,短语pla

30、y sports ,做运动,故答案为play。( 3 ) 句 意 :他 们 想 要 喝点 东 西 。 短 语wanttodosth , 想 要 做 某 事, 短 语drinksomething ,喝点什么,可知空缺填入to drink。( 4)句意:Jim想要一些桔汁。结合主语为Jim可知谓语用单三,want wants ,故答案为 wants。( 5)句意:他们的妈妈为他们买了一些饮料。结合空缺单词修饰mother,可知用形容词性物主代词,they their ,故答案为Their。( 6)句意:他们的妈妈为他们买了一些饮料。结合单词前面用了some修饰,可知填入名词复数,drinkdrin

31、ks ,故答案为drinks 。( 7)句意:他们让他们的妈妈最先喝。短语ask sb to do sth,邀请某人做某事,可知空缺填入 to,故答案为to 。( 8)句意:但是她说她不渴。结合主语为she,可知谓语用单三,填入says,故答案为says。( 9)句意: Jim 把他的桔汁给了额Ann 并且 Ann 把她的给了Jim。结合空缺修饰orangejuice ,表示某人的,可知填入形容词性物主代词,结合Jim 为男性,填入his。( 10)句意: Jim 把他的桔汁给了额 Ann 并且 Ann 把她的给了 Jim。结合空缺表示名词,可知填入名词性物主代词,结合Ann 为女性,填入 h

32、ers,故答案为 hers。【点评】考查语法填空,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,联系上下文,确定空缺单词,结合语法知识,给出单词的正确形式,即可。7语法填空Dear Tom,Are you surprised to hear from _ ( I) ? I have not heard from you since the _( begin ) of the summer holidays.How are you getting _with your sisters?How are your parents? Is your brother Bill back_Canada yet?My stam

33、p collection_ ( be) getting bigger and bigger. I have collected stamps of_ thanfortydifferentcountries.In my stampbooks, I usually putthe_( stamp ) from each country together. I have got a pen friend from Britain. She gave me some_ ( Britain )stamps.MyAmerican_( teach)gave me some beautifulAmerican

34、and Canadian stamps. Im glad _(know ) you are going to give me someforeign stamps, but I still did not receive the stamps of Nepal which you said to post me. Did yousend them off?Please write to me soon.Yours,Zhou Jia【答案】me;beginning ; on;from ; is; more ;stamps; British ; teacher ; to know【解析】 【分析】

35、文章大意:这是周佳给Tom 写的一封信,告诉Tom 在美国收集了很多外国邮票,希望Tom 能把他许诺的尼泊尔的邮票寄给她。( 1)句意:收到我的来信你很惊讶吗?短语hear fromsb,收到某人来信,当sb是人称代词时要用宾格形式,故填me。( 2 )句意:我从暑假开始就没有收到你的信。短语thebeginningof在开始,故填beginning 。( 3)句意:你和你的姐妹相处得怎么样?短语( 4)句意:你哥哥比尔从加拿大回来了吗?短语get on with sb ,与某人相处,故填on。be back from+ 地方,从某地回来,故填from 。( 5)句意:我的集邮越来越大了。此句

36、考查现在进行时的基本构成be +doing ,因主语是my stamp collection,第三人称单数,系动词要用is,故填is。( 6)句意:我收集了四十多个不同国家的邮票。固定短语more than 超过,多于,故填more 。( 7)句意:在我的邮票册中,我通常把同一个国家的邮票放在一起。根据语境可知此空要用复数形式,故填 stamps。( 8)句意:她给了我一些英国邮票。根据语境及句意可知此空需要形容词,Britain是名词,其形容词是British ,故填 British 。( 9)句意:我的美国老师给了我一些漂亮的美国和加拿大邮票。由语境及句意可知此空需要名词,表示老师,故填

37、teacher 。( 10)句意:我很高兴知道你会给我一些外国邮票。be glad to do sth 高兴做某事,故填toknow 。【点评】考查语法填空。通读全文理解大意,然后根据上下文或者所给单词的提示对所缺部分进行逐一解答。8语法填空Tom had a tour to England last winter. He _ ( go) by plane. There were lots of_( people ) on the plane. When he arrived at the airport, his friend Jack was waitingfor _ ( he) . Wh

38、en they _ ( arrive ) at Jacks home, Tom was very happy. Thehouse was so beautiful_many flowers. He lived with Jacks family. They were very_( friend ) to him.He was able to _( cook) Chinese food At Christmas, Tom _( receive ) some presents from Jacks family and he had _good time. He hopes he will _(

39、come ) there again.【答案】went ;people ;him ;arrived ; with ; friendly ; cook; received; a; come【解析】 【分析】文章大意:汤姆去年冬天去英国旅行,他的朋友在机场去接他,在家了热情地款待了他。( 1)句意:他坐飞机去那里。根据lastwinter ,可知句子为过去时,go的过去式是went ,故答案是went 。( 2)句意:飞机上有很多人。people是集体名词,按照复数对待,故答案是people 。( 3)句意:他的朋友在等着他。he在句中做宾语,应使用宾格人称代词him ,故答案是him 。( 4)句意:当他们到达杰克家里的时候,汤姆很高兴。根据短文的第一句可知句子为一般过去时,使用 arrive 的过去式 arrived ,故答案是 arrived 。( 5)句意


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