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1、初中英语过去将来时技巧小结及练习题及解析一、初中英语过去将来时1Mr. Wang said he _ us _ for another two weeks.A. will allow; to work B. will allow; work C. would allow; to work D. has allowed; work 【答案】 C【解析】 【分析】句意:王先生说他将允许我们再工作两周。根据句子结构可知,这是含有宾语从句的主从复合句,主句的谓语动词是said,是过去时,故从句也要用过去的某种时态;从句的时间状语是for another two weeks ,又两周,所以从句是将来时,

2、故用过去将来时,所以第一个空填would allow ;另外第二个空allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,固定短语,故选C。【点评】此题考查宾语从句和固定短语。注意从句的时态和allow sb. to do sth. 固定短语。2Mr. Wu said he _ us to the zoo the next week.A. would takeB. will takeC. takeD. takes【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意:吴老师说他下周会带我们去动物园。在这个句子中,said 后面跟的是一个宾语从句,从句中的时态是由主句决定的。主句中said 用的是过去时,故宾语从句

3、中也需用过去时态。the next week 下周,是一个将来的时间。故应该用过去将来时。故选。【点评】考查动词时态。3Mr. Wu said he _ us to the zoo the next week.A. would takeBwill. takeCtake.Dtakes.【答案】A【解析】 【分析】通过分析本句可知,本句是一个宾语从句。根据next week 可知,从句应该将来时,故排除CD;在宾语从句中,主句用过去时,则从句也应该用过去时的某种形式,故用would take 。所以本题选A。【点评】对于宾语从句应该注意四点:1、语序:用陈述句语序;2、引导词: A.thatB.特

4、殊疑问词C.if/whether3、时态: ?当主句是一般现在时,从句的时态根据从句的时间变化?当主句的时态是过去时时,从句应该用过去的某种时态?当从句表示客观事实或客观真理等时,从句要用一般现在时。4、人称:根据实际情况变换人称。而本题只考查了时态。4What did Alice say?She said sheme at eight oclock tomorrow morning.A. is callingB. was callingC. will callD. would call【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:爱丽丝说了什么?她说她明天上午八点钟给我打电话。结合语境可知下文从句中描述

5、的是站在过去角度看将来发生的动作,故用过去将来时态。选D。【点评】英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。英语疑问句中一般具有时态上的对应关系,注意结合这一特点进行区分。5What did the teacher say to you just now?She asked _.A. where did I buy the dictionaryC. where do I buy the dictionary【答案】BB. where I bought the dictionaryD.

6、where I buy dictionary【解析】 【分析】考查宾语从句。一方面,宾语从句要用陈述语序;另一方面,主句是一般过去时,宾语从句也要用过去的某种时态,故选B。6 What time shall we leave for the airport? Its foggy today. Im not surebe closed soon. Lets go now.A. whether the highway willB. whether will the highwayC. when the highway willD. when will the highway【答案】 A【解析】 【

7、分析】句意:我们什么时间出发去机场? 今天多雾。我不确定高速公路是否很快要关闭。我们现在就走吧。 be sure 后跟的是宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述句语序, B、 D 错; soon 与 when 含义重复, C 错。故选 A。【点评】考查宾语从句7 _ you reading at this time yesterday? No, I was _.A. Were; singingB. Are; watching TVC. Were; danceD. Are; having a rest【答案】 A【解析】 【分析】句意:昨天这个时候你在读书吗?不,我在唱歌。时态为一般过去时。故选 A。【点评

8、】考查时态。8When she was in China, sheto some Chinese after doing morning excise.A. talkB. talksC. talkedD. would talk【答案】 D【解析】【分析】句意:当她住在中国的时候,她会在晨练之后和一些中国人聊天。When引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去将来时,would+ 动词原形,表示过去习惯性的动作。故选D。【点评】考查would+ 动词原形表习惯性动作。9Shea rest after long times work two years ago.A. would haveB.

9、 will haveC. hasD. have【答案】 A【解析】 【分析】句意:两年前她长时间工作之后就会休息一会。twoyears ago 是过去时的时间状语,休息是长时间工作之后发生的事情,would+ 过去原形,表示过去习惯性的动作。故选A。【点评】考查would+ 动词原形表习惯性动作。10 Whenever we had trouble, heto help us.A. comesB. comeC. would comeD. will come【答案】 C【解析】 【分析】句意:每当我们遇到困难时,他总会给予帮助。When引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去将来时,wou

10、ld+ 动词原形,表示过去习惯性的动作。故选 C。【点评】考查would+ 动词原形表习惯性动作。11 Wesailing on the lake in summer when we were young.A. goB. would goC. wentD. goes【答案】 B【解析】 【分析】句意:年轻的时候,我们经常在夏天泛舟湖上。When引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去将来时,would+ 动词原形,表示过去习惯性的动作。故选 B。【点评】考查would+ 动词原形表习惯性动作。12 When we were boys weswimming every summer.A.

11、goB. would goC. wentD. goes【答案】 B【解析】 【分析】句意:小时候,每到夏天我们都要去游泳。When 引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去将来时,would+ 动词原形,表示过去习惯性的动作。故选B。【点评】考查would+ 动词原形表习惯性动作。13 When we lived in Hangzhou ten years ago, wefor a walk after dinner.A. goB. would goC. wentD. goes【答案】 B【解析】 【分析】句意:当十年前我们还住在杭州的时候,我们吃完晚饭会出去散步。When引导时间状语从

12、句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去将来时,would+ 动词原形,表示过去习惯性的动作。故选B。【点评】考查would+ 动词原形表习惯性动作。14 What did your son say in the letter?He told me that he _ the Great Wall the next day.A. will visitB. has visitedC. is going to visitD. would visit【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:你的儿子在信中说什么?他告诉我他第二天要去参观长城可知从句描述的是站在过去角度看将来发生的动作,故用过去将来时态,故选 D.【

13、点评】英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,.结合语境首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。英语疑问句中一般具有时态上的对应关系,注意结合这一特点进行区分。15 Look at the sky. It _ rain.Yes. The TV reporter said that it _.A. is having; hadB. may; willC. will; couldD. is going to; would【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意: 看天。要下雨了。 是的。电视预报员说会下雨。根据Look at the

14、sky. 可知让看天气情况,说明要下雨了,句子用一般将来时,根据主从句时态保持一致,根据 The TV reporter said 主句是过去时,可知从句用过去某一时态,所以此处是预报员说的会下雨,时态用过去将来时,故选D。【点评】此题考查一般将来时和过去将来时。根据句意和语境确定句子时态。注意主句是过去时宾语从句的时态。16 The students were told that they _ at the school gate at 2: 00 this afternoon.A. metB. will meetC. were to meetD. were met【答案】C【解析】 【分析

15、】句意:学生们被告知今天下午两点在学校门口集合。主句的谓语动词是were told,一般过去时,因此宾语从句的时态用过去将来时,选C。【点评】考查时态,本题涉及过去将来时。17 She said that she _to the Zoo the next Sunday.A. will goB. is goingC. would goD. has gone【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意:她说她下周星期天去动物园。A.一般将来时;去将来时; D.现在完成时。去动物园还没发生,用将来时,根据时间状语可知,用过去将来时,would go ,故选 C。【点评】考查动词的时态。注意过去将来时的用法。B.

16、一般将来时;C.过thenext Sunday18 Uncle Sam said he _ my birthday party, but he never showed up.Thats Uncle Sam. He forgets everything!A. will attendB. would attendC. has attendedD. had attended【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意:Sam 叔叔说他将参加我的生日聚会,但是他从没有出现。那是 Sam 叔叔,他忘记所有事情了。A.一般将来时;B.过去将来时;C.现在完成时;去完成时。根据showed 可知与过去有关,Sam 叔

17、叔说将参加聚会,但是没来,所以用过去将来时,故选B。D.过【点评】考查过去将来时,注意平时识记,理解句意。19 It was believed that the TV series The Legend of Miyue _ millions of peoplesoon.A. would attract【答案】AB. has attractedC. will attractD. attracted【解析】 【分析】句意:人们相信,电视连续剧羋月传很快就会吸引数百万人。本句是宾语从句。因为主句是过去时态,所以从句要用某种过去时态,B, C不对;根据后面的soon 可以知道,应该是过去将来时态;故

18、答案为A。【点评】考查过去将来时的基本结构及用法。注意would是will的过去式。20 Kate said that she _ us as soon as she got home.A. calledB. callsC. will callD. would call【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:凯特说她一到家就打电话给我们。分析句子结构可知,此处是宾语从句,主句时态为一般过去时,从句时态根据主过从过原则可知,从句应该用相对应的过去时;再根据从句结构可知,从句为as soon as 引导的条件状语从句,时态根据主将从现原则,主句用一般过去时,从句应该用过去将来时,用would do 形式

19、,故选D。【点评】考查宾语从句和条件状语从句的时态。注意宾语从句的时态为主过从过原则,条件状语从句时态为主将从现原则。21 They made up their mind that they_ a new house once Larry changed jobs.A. boughtB. would buyC. have boughtD. had bought【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意:他们打算只要Larry换了工作他们就买新房子。once引导的是条件状语从句,根据主句将来时从句一般现在时的用法可知,从句一般过去时,主句应是一般将来时的过去时。故答案选 B。【点评】考查动词时态,本题涉及

20、过去将来时的应用。22 Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child, few people guessed that hewhose theories would change the world.A. has beenB. had beenC. was going to bea famous scientistD. was【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意:阿尔伯特爱因斯坦生于1879 年。作为一个孩子的时候,很少有人猜到他会成为一个提出的理论能改变世界的科学家。横线部分表示过去将要发生的动作,应用过去将来时,仅有C 项 was going to

21、be 为过去将来时。故正确答案为C。【点评】考查动词的时态,本题涉及过去将来时的应用。23 Our TV set sell well, but ten years ago no one could have imagined such a big share in the market that they_.A. were to have【答案】AB. had hadC. were havingD. had【解析】 【分析】句意:我们的电视卖的很好,但是十年之前没有人能够想像他们将会有这么大的市场份额。根据句意可知用过去将来时, A 项中的 were to have 表过去将来,故答案为 A。

22、【点评】考查时态。24 Tony has just arrived here, but I didnt know heA. would comeB. had comeuntil yesterday.C. cameD. will come【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意:托尼已到了,但我直到昨天才知道他要来。分析句子可知,在昨天才知他要来,表示过去将来时,故选A【点评】考查时态,本题涉及过去将来时的应用。25We packed all the hooks in wooden boxes so that theydamaged.A. dont getB. wont getC. didnt getD

23、. wouldnt get【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:我们把所有的钩子都装在木箱里,这样它们就不会被损坏。根据主句用过去时,这里表示“不会 ”,是将来可能的状态,故用过去将来时态,故答案为D。【点评】考查情态动词和时态,本题涉及过去将来时的应用。26 Just an hour ago he told me on the phone that he _ home right after his work.A. has comeB. comesC. cameD. would come【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:就在一个小时前,他在电话里告诉我,他下班后马上回家。根据句意可知一小时前他说

24、下班后回家,表示从过去某个时间点看将来的动作,要用过去将来时,故答案选 D.【点评】考查时态,本题涉及过去将来时的应用。27 He promised he _ the assembly on time. I am at a loss what happened.It doesnt matter. We are starting without him.A. will attendB. had attendedC. will have attendedD. would attend【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:他保证将按时参加会议,我不知道发生了什么事。没关系,我们不等他就开始。根据“pro

25、mised ”断此处表示从过去某一时间看将要发生的事情,应判该用过去将来时,故选D。【点评】考查时态,本题涉及过去将来时的应用。28 Now we cant do without the Internet. But no one could imagine the part it _ in ourdaily life 20 years ago.A.was to playB.had playedC.playedD.plays【答案】 A【解析】 【分析】句意:现在我们离不开互联网。但是20 年前,没有人能够想象它在我们日常生活中所起的作用。根据时间状语20 years ago 可知用过去时态,这

26、里为从过去的观点看将来发生的动作或存在的状态,故用过去将来时。故选A。【点评】考查时态,本题涉及过去将来时的应用。29 Our air- conditioners sell well, but decades of years ago no one could have imagined such abig share in the market that they _ .A. were to haveB. were having【答案】AC. have hadD. had had【解析】 【分析】句意:我们的空调畅销,但是十年前没有人能够想象他们将会有这么大的市场份额。根据句意可知,该处的时态应为过去将来时,were to have表过去将来时,故选 A。【点评】考查时态,本题涉及过去将来时。30 When I was a student , Imy homework every night.A. doB. will doC. didD. would do【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:当我还是个学生的时候,我每天晚上做作业。When引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去将来时,would+ 动词原形,表示过去习惯性的动作。故选D。【点评】考查would+ 动词原形表习惯性动作。


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