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1、最新 料推荐Module 4 Unit 2 How much is it?一、教材分析本 是第四模 的第二 , 既延 了第一 的内容又向外 展 物知 的内容。以 商品 内容。考 到本班 情况,整 以 主, 学生学以致用的 言活 提供了 言 。 物作 我 生活中的相关 ,有助于吸引学生学 趣,帮助学生 极开展英 日常会 。二、教学目 1、知 目 A、能理解 flower, dumping, help, buy 四个 并要求会写。B、能掌握 物 双方能使用的基本句型:-can I help you?-Yes, please. How much is it?- It s.yuan. -Here yo

2、u are.-Thank you.2、能力目 :1)通 学 物常用句型提高学生英 交 口 能力2)通 真 情景任 提高学生 合运用 言的能力3、情感目 :引 学生 生活, 极投入社会,享受沟通 趣,同 有意的培养学生 的合作意 。三、教学重 点句型: How much is it? Its.1最新 料推荐 : flower, dumpling, help, buy.四、教学准 : 片, 卡片, PPT, 子 本。五、教学 程Step1: Warming upGreeting: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?Ss: Fine, t

3、hank you. And you?T: I m very well, thank youNow. let s look at the screen. Can you see it? Ss: Yes, its 4, 5.T: So, lets count the numbers together. One, two, three, go播.(放数字 ) (count the numbers 1-20 )Step 2: Review展示卡片 (cake, rice , noodles , fish, milk)T:Whats this?Ss : cake, rice , noodles , fi

4、sh, milk (学生快速 出 )Step 3: PresentationPart 1. Listen, point and say.1. T:Whats this?(flower)( 展示 flower 的 片 ) Ss : T:Read. flower, flower, flower. ( 卡 ) Ss :跟 1)抽 3-5 名学生 flower. 2)分 、全班 2最新 料推荐2. T: Now let watchs a video. And answer my question: is the flower ten yuan or the bottle? (播放 part 1)T:

5、the flower is ten yuan? Ss: yes.T: the bottle is ten yuan? Ss: no.T: so how much is it? (板书句子 ) (教读 )Ss: 1)全班读 2)单个读 3)分组读 4)全班读T: so how much is it?(手示 Part1 中的 10 元)Ss: ten.T:(引导说出) It s ten yuan.Ss: it s ten yuan(板.书句子)1)抽 3-5 名学生读 .2)男生、女生一问一答How much is it?- It sten yuan.3. T: Guessing game:(食物

6、卡片)请学生到前面。到前面的学生能看到食物卡片但是不能看价格。下面的同学知道食物及价格。Thing(物品 )Price(价格 )milk¥2fish¥5rice¥1noodles¥3cake¥43最新 料推荐T: listen, and look carefully. (抽同学 例 ) -How much is it?-Sa: it s one yuan?-Ss: no.-Sa: it s two yuan?-Ss: yes.T:Are you clear?Ss: yes.T: OK. Who wants to try?(3-4 组)(每 完成都掌声鼓励)4. T:How much is it

7、? Read after me. Ss :跟 T: Its 5 yuan. Ss :跟 Part 2 listen and say.Conversation 11. T: ( 呈 part 2 三人的 片 )this is Amy, this is Daming and this is Daming mum. Yes or no?Ss: yes.2. Q1: T: What is Mum doing?4最新 料推荐A. Shes buying some dumplings.B. Shes buying some noodles.T: Now, let s watch the video播放.(

8、 Part 2 , 对话一 )T: So what is Mum doing? Noodles or dumplings?Ss: dumplings.T: yes, dumplings. (教读 dumpling, 同时板书单词 )Ss: 跟读 dumpling.1)抽 3-5 名学生读 dumpling.2)分组读、全班齐读Conversation 2.1. T: then read after the video. Part 2, conversation 2. Can we help you? (同时板书新单词: help)T: 教读 help. Ss: 跟读。1) 抽 3-5 名学生读

9、 .2)男生、女生分别读3)分组读、全班齐读2. Can you go to buy some eggs?同(时板书新单词: buy)T: 教读 buy.Ss: 跟读。1)抽 3-5 名学生读 .2)男生、女生分别读3)分组读、全班齐读T: read after the video. (跟读 Part 2, conversation 2)T: from this we know they help mum to buy some eggs, yes or no? Ss: Yes.Conversation 35最新 料推荐1. T: so where do they buy eggs? (呈现

10、Part 2, 图片 3) Ss: supermarket. (呈现 Part 2, 对话 3)T: (point to the assistant)what does she say? Ss: can I help you?T: yes, can I help you? 教(读句子,并板书 ) Ss :跟读1)抽 3-5 名学生读 .2)男生、女生分别读3)分组读、全班齐读2. T:Yes, please.(同时板书句子并教读)Ss :跟读1)抽 3-5 名学生读 .2)男生、女生分别读3)分组读、全班齐读Conversation 41. T: then read after the vid

11、eo. Part 2, conversation 4. Here you are. (表演出动作 ) (同时板书新句子并教读 )Ss: 跟读。1) 抽 3-5 名学生读 .2)男生、女生分别读3)分组读、全班齐读2. Thank you. (同时板书新句子并教读 ) Ss: 跟读。Step 4 Activity1. Work in group to buy some things with the conversation.(抽学生举例对话)(提前准备好钱、物品)-Can I help you?6最新 料推荐-yes, please. How much is it? ( 呈现物品)- Itsy

12、uan.-Here you are! (将物品交给 “顾客”)- Thank you.T: understand? Ss: yes.T: ok, two minutes. Go.T: time s up. Are you ready? Ss: yes.2. Show time (all groups act it out.) ( 及 学生学 行鼓励性 价.)Step 5: SummeryLead Ss to sum upT: so what have we learnt today? Ss: Step 6: Homework.1. Read the dialogue in groups.2. Write the words.T: Ok, class s over,-bye. Ss: bye.T: turn back, and say bye to the teachers. Ss: thank you for your coming, teachers.7最新 料推荐六、板书设计Module 4unit 2How much is it?-Can I help you?flower-Yes, please. How much is it?dumpling-It you you.8


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