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1、名校名 推荐 Unit 3 Under the sea language points课时作业 .单项填空1. To better our cultural moral character, we students might as well increase our for reading.A.qualificationB.tendencyC.appetiteD.application2.The world s leading thinkers and policymakers examine what s come apart in thepast year, andwhat will d

2、efine the year ahead.A.evaluateB.innovateC.anticipateD.regulate3.What do you think of her suggestion?, it would be much more sensible to talk about it later.A.UsuallyB.GenerallyC.ActuallyD.Exactly4.I had my computer stolen in my office, but luckily the police got it back to me. How unbelievable!The

3、thiefit.A.need have soldB.might have soldC.should have soldD.must have sold5.to finding ways to make music accessible to all children is Ms. Thompsonwith a touring company of professional musicians.A.DevotingB.DevotedC.Being devotedD.Having been devoted6.Last month, part of Britain was struck by sno

4、wstorms, fromeffects mostpassengers in Heathrow were suffering a lot, especially those with children.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.whose7.Next door to ours, who seem to have settled in this community for quitea long time.A.are living a black coupleB.live a black coupleC.are a black couple livingD.do a black

5、couple live1名校名 推荐 8. All rights reserved. The content above shall not be reprintedwithoutpermission, thanks.A.arbitrarilyB.barelyC.offensivelyD.optionally9. If you want to improve your figure and health, the most effective thing to do is toshow up at the gym every time yoube there.A.canB.willC.mayD

6、.shall10. Must I stay at home reviewing lessons even at weekends? Last time you did pass the exam unexpectedly, but donthistime becauseit is much more difficult.A.pull your weightB.seal your fateC.push your luckD.break your back .完形填空I was 18 years old, fit, strong and ambitious. One day, I fell dow

7、n for no 11 reason. I saw many different specialists and was finally diagnosed with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD).It was a very difficult time. I had no idea what life was going to12at me andI was scared. By my late 30s it was 13and I had transitioned (转变 ) from awalking stick to a wheelchai

8、r. I wanted to be master of my own14, so I had torecognise my15and play to my weaknesses. What I wanted to make16was a trip to the North Pole.People with LGMD feel cold. So why did I want to go to one of the mostextreme, cold and17places on Earth? I d read about Chris Cope, who wantedto go to the No

9、rth Pole to raise money for LGMD, and it had18myadventurous spirit:I wanted to raise awareness about the 19, but I also wanted tofind out what I was capable of. I20m very.In the two years it had taken to organise the expedition, my muscles hadworsened but we21regardless. The unpleasant life coaching

10、 and cold traininghelped me to22how my body would behave in extreme cold, which made meaware of what to23.2名校名 推荐 I had an amazing team around me, 24the four different flights we took toget to the inner Arctic ice shelf were nevertheless discouraging. While we were on theice the runway25and we had t

11、o wait for it to refreeze.26 we reached theNorth Pole, I was bitterly cold, exhausted and a complete27 . I was on the ice forthe best part of three long days, then28 the final 350m. The expedition raised 50,000 for29 .LGMD is slowly destroying my life but I have chosen to fill it with 30 and Ilive l

12、ife to the full.11.A.adequateB.apparentC.soundD.major12.A.yellB.targetC.throwD.direct13.A.advancedB.initialC.modestD.minor14.A.diseaseB.fateC.fortuneD.business15.A.strengthsB.privilegesC.achievementsD.commitments16.A.differB.workC.countD.happen17.A.autonomousB.mysteriousC.inaccessibleD.fantastic18.A

13、.referred toB.applied toC.belonged toD.appealed to19.A.significanceB.conservationC.conditionD.ambition20.A.trustworthyB.delicateC.ridiculousD.competitive21.A.pulled outB.pressed onC.took offD.hung about22.A.assessB.illustrateC.stressD.clarify23.A.valueB.expectC.requireD.forgive24.A.butB.thoughC.soD.

14、as25.A.floatedB.splitC.disappearedD.twisted26.A.BecauseB.UnlessC.BeforeD.Once27.A.messB.failureC.prideD.envy28.A.ranB.climbedC.walkedD.rolled29.A.treatmentB.ecologyC.trainingD.charity30.A.experiencesB.imaginationsC.recreationsD.responsibilities3名校名 推荐 参考答案 .单项填空1.C句意 :为了改善我们的文化道德品质,我们学生倒不如增加阅读爱好。 本题

15、考查名词辨析。 qualification 资格 ,资历 ;tendency 趋势 ;appetite 欲望 ,喜爱 ;application应用。根据语境可知选C 项。2.C句意 :全球领先的思想家和政策制定者审视过去一年里分崩离析的事,预测将决定未来一年的事。本题考查动词词义辨析。evaluate评价 ;innovate 创新 ;anticipate 预期 ,预料 ;regulate 管理 ,调节。根据句中的the year ahead可知 ,是对将来的事做出预测 ,故选 C 项。3.C 句意 : 你觉得她的建议怎么样 ? 事实上 ,稍后再谈论这件事情会更明智一些。本题考查副词词义辨析。

16、usually 通常地 ,平常地 ;generally 普遍地 ,广泛地 ;exactly 恰好 ,精确地 ;actually 事实上 ,实际上 ,一般用于说明个人观点或者纠正他人观点 ,故选 C 项。4.B此题考查虚拟语气。 句意 : 我的电脑在办公室被偷了,但幸运的是警察把它还给了我。 难以置信 !小偷本来可能卖掉它的。might have done在句中表示过去本可能发生但实际上并没有发生的事。故选B。5.B考查固定搭配和倒装。固定搭配:be devoted to doing.。恢复成正常语序是Ms. Thompson is devoted to finding ways to make

17、 music accessible to all children.,把 be 动词后面的部分提前就变成了devoted to.is.,选 B。6.D考查定语从句。句意 :上个月 ,英国的一部分地区遭到暴风雪袭击,在希恩罗机场的多数乘客严重遭受到它的影响,特别是那些带孩子的乘客。此处snowstorms是先行词 ,在后面的定语从句中作定语,故答案为 D。7.B考查倒装句。 Next door to ours 是地点状语 ,置于句首时句子要全部倒装,即主谓倒装。句意 :我们隔壁住着一对黑人夫妇,他们似乎已经在这个社区定居很久了。根据句意可知时态为一般现在时,故选 B。8.A 考查副词辨析。句意

18、:版权所有 ,以上内容未经允许不准随意重印 ,谢谢。 arbitrarily 随意地 ,武断地 ;barely 勉强可能 ;offensively 冒犯地 ,讨厌地 ;optionally 有选择地。故选 A 。4名校名 推荐 9.A考 情 。句意 :如果你想改善你的身材和健康,最有效的要做的事情是每一次你能去健身房的 候就一定出 在那里。本 can 表示能力。10.C句意 : 道我甚至在周末都必 待在家里复 功 ? 上次你出人意料地通 了考 ,但是 次不要 碰运气了,因 考 会 得多。本 考 英 在情景交 中的运用。pull your weight 尽本分 ;seal your fate 决

19、定你的命运 ;push your luck 再次冒 , 碰运气 ;break your back拼命工作。根据 境可知 ,答 者 方上次通 考 是靠运气,所以在提醒 方要 真复 而不能再凭运气 ,故 C 。 .完形填空 篇解 作者被 断患有肌肉萎 症,尽管病情 化 ,他依然努力去 以到达的北极。疾病破坏了生活,但他 生活充 丰富的 。11.B一天 ,没什么明 原因我就摔了一跤(莫名其妙摔了一跤 )。 adequate充分的 ;apparent 而易 的 ;sound 合理的 ,健康的 ;major 主要的。故 apparent。12.C 是个 的 期 ,我不知道生活会 我 来什么。yell a

20、t sb.朝某人喊叫 ;target at sb把. 作 攻 目 ;throw at sb.把 扔向某人 ;direct at sb. 准某人。故 throw。13.A后文 “我从拄拐杖 到坐 椅 ”,可 病情 化 (推 )了 ,advanced符合 意。14.B be master of my own fate主宰我自己的命运 ,故 fate。15.A与后文的 weaknesses相呼 ,我得意 到我的 点 /长处 ,故 strengths。16.D我想做的就是去北极旅行。 make.happen 使“ 生 ”,符合文意。17.C考 形容 辨析。 autonomous 自治的 ;myster

21、ious 神秘的 ;fantastic 极好的 ;inaccessible 到达的。前文出 了extreme 和 cold,可 北极的 劣 ,故 inaccessible。18.Dappeal to my adventurous spirit投合了我 冒 的精神。19.C我想提高 种病的 。condition 病“情 ,情况 ”符合文意。20.D前文 述了 多我想做的事,想知道自己的能力如何 ,可 作者是一个有 争力的人。 trustworthy 可“靠的 ”,delicate脆弱“的 ”,ridiculous荒唐“的 ”,均不符合文意 ,故 competitive。5名校名 推荐 21.B

22、虽然我的肌肉情况更糟糕了 ,但我们不顾一切继续前行。 pull out 离站 ;press on 坚决继续前行 ;take off 脱下 ,起飞 ;hang about 闲荡 ;徘徊。故选 B。22.A生活指导和寒冷训练帮助我评估在极度寒冷中我的身体反应。assess评估 ;illustrate 举例说明 ;stress强调 ,着重 ;clarify 澄清。根据句意选 assess。23.B这使我知道将会发生什么。expect 预期 ,预计。24.A 我有一个了不起的团队 ,后半句中 “ were nevertheless discouraging指仍然 ” 令人退缩 ,前后应为转折关系 ,故

23、选 but。25.B下文 refreeze 指重新结冰 ,故可知冰应该是裂开了 ,故选 split。26.D考查连词。当我们到达的时候,我非常冷、疲惫不堪、一团糟。故选D。27.Abe a mess固定搭配 ,指处境狼狈 ,精神状态不好。故选A 。28.C作者是一个残疾人 ,到北极去也是为了证明自己;再者为慈善机构筹钱 ,因此 ,作者拼尽全力 ,从轮椅上站起来 ,坚持走了 350 米 ,此处选择走 ,体现了作者身残志坚。故选 C。29.Draise.for charity,与第三段相呼应 ,选 D。30.A 疾病慢慢地破坏了我的生活 ,但我选择让我的生活充满丰富的经历 ,并充分享受生活。故选 A 。6


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