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1、名校名 推荐Unit 4Language Points. 拼写1 Do you know the recipe for pizza?2 The circle is about four inches in diameter ( 直径 )3 It is an English movie with Chinese captions.4 What criteria are used for assessing ( 估 ) a student s ability?5 You d better go home to see your parentsfrequently.6 It s about minu

2、s 12 degreescentigrade( 氏度 ) outside.7 This kind of food is difficult to digest (消化 )8 He is not his own son, but an adopted son. . 填空in detail , up to, apply to , glance at, agree with1 The climate here doesnagree_with her.2 The witness told the police about the accident in_detail.3 He glanced_at m

3、e and passed by without saying anything.4 It is reported that the earthquake was up_to 8.0 scales.5 The theory doesnapplyt_to every case. .完成句子1 Supposing/Suppose_it_snows ( 假如下雪 ), what s to be done?2 It sagood_idea (是个好主意 ) to be a volunteer during the vacation.3 New technology is_being_applied_to

4、 ( 用于 ) almost every industrial process.4 Please keep_in_mind ( 住 ) that knowledge is power.5 Learning_the_correct_techniques ( 学 正确的技巧) can also improve your performance. .句型 1 That is the reason why he is often late.That whys_he_is_often_late.2 The way the text is organized is very common.The way

5、that/in_which the text is organized is very common.3It_was_good_manners4 Be careful to choose the texts you ll practise with.Be careful to choose the texts with_which you will practise.5 He fell asleep while he was reading.While_reading,_he fell asleep.1名校名 推荐 .阅读理解AWhen he was young, Hitchcock, the

6、 world- famous film director, once traveled in the mountainous areas of Scotland and got lost.At last he saw a light in the distance and struggled along tiredly toward it.There was a cottage.Hitchcock knocked at the door and when it opened, he told the owner ofthe situation he was in, hoping to stay

7、 overnight in the house.But the owner said,“ This is not aninn.Why should I let you stay overnight? ”Calmly, the visitor smiled, “ I provell it ans inn with only threequestions.”The owner didn believet him, “ Ifyou can persuade me with yourquestions and I m contented, I ll let you stay free of charg

8、e.The first question Hitchcock put to him was: “ Who had lived herebefore you moved in ? ”The owner answered immediately,“ My father.”The second question was: “ Then who was it that lived here before your father? ”The owner s reply came fast as the first : “ Of course it was my grandpa.”Hitchcock co

9、ntinuedto ask,“ Who will be the owner of the house when you unfortunatelypass away?”The owner said,“ My! son”At this moment thevisitor smiled again,“ That s it.Youtemporarilystayhere.Like me, youare also a passer-by.”Thus Hitchcockfinallypersuaded the owner of the house and was permitted to stay.Hee

10、njoyed a good sleep there.1 Why did Hitchcock have to ask for a night stay?A He lost his way.BHe was too tired to go any further.CIt was too late to go on.D He liked the cottage there.解析:选 A细节理解题。第一段的第一句“.once traveled in the mountainous areas ofScotland and got lost. 。”2 The author mentioned the wr

11、iter s father, grandfather and son in order to _.A prove the cottage was actually an innBshow they were similar to himCtell the owner that the cottage must be an innD to prove they were friendly to him2名校名 推荐解析: A 判断 。根据第二、三段两人的 可得出答案。3 The underli ned phrase“ pass away ” probably has the same meani

12、ng as .A go byB pass byCdieD be lost解析: C 猜 。由下句儿子会住在 里可知pass away 指的是去世。4 What did Hitchcock use to persuade the owner of the cottage to let him stay for the night?A Good manners.B Wisdom.CQuestions.D Careful observation.解析: B推理判断 。由故事内容可知Hitchcock 当然是用自己的智慧了。B“ A photograp that one has taken of on

13、eself, typically with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media websitedefinition of“ selfie Oxford”in theEnglish Dictionary . In fact, it wasneven in the dictionary until August of 2013. It earned its place therebecause people are now so obsessed with(对 痴迷 ) selfies wetake them when we

14、 try on a new hat, play with our pets or when we meet a friend whom wehaven t seen in a while.But is there any scientificexplanation for this obsession? Well, you should probably askJames Kilner, a neuroscientist ( 神 系 科学家) at University College London.Through our lifeti me we become experts at reco

15、gnizing and interpreting other people s facesand facial expressions. In contrast, according to Kilner, we have a very poor understanding of ourown faces since we have little experience of looking at them we just feel them most of the time.This has been proved in previous studies, according to the BB

16、C.Kilner found that most people chose the more attractive picture. This suggests that we tend tothink of ourselves as better- looking than we actually are. To further test how we actually perceiveour own faces, Kilner carried out another study. He showed people different versions of their own portra

17、it the original, one that had been edited to look less attractive and one that was made more attractive and asked them to pick the version which they thought looked most like them. They chose the more attractive version.But what does it say about selfies? Well, isn that obvious? Selfies give us the

18、power tocreate a photograph by taking it from various angles, with different poses, using filters ( 色 )and so on that better matches our expectations with our actual faces.“ Yousuddenly have control in a way that you don havet in non-virtual(非虚 的 )interactions ,” Kilner told the Canada-based CTV New

19、s. Selfies allow you“ to keep taking picturesuntil you manage to take one you re happy,hewithexplained”. 篇解 :本文是一篇研究 告。分析了人 喜 自拍的原因。3名校名 推荐5 The underline d word“ perceive” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by“ _ ”A interpretB beautifyCchooseD explain解析:选 A词义猜测题。根据语境可知,大多数人选择的是更有魅力的照片,这表明我们都喜欢把自己想象得比实际

20、更漂亮一些。为了进一步测试我们实际上如何“认知 ”自己的脸部, Kilner 又进行了另一项研究,即把不同的照片进行编辑,一张忠实于本人,一张更具魅力,他们往往会选择后者。此处 perceive 与下文中的 “thought相”照应,意为 “理解,认知 ”。故 A 项正确。6 What did Kilner discover from his researches?A People interpret others facial expressions worse than their own.BPeople tend to spend more time looking at their f

21、aces than at others.CPeople tend to believe they look more attractive than they actually are.D People who like taking selfies know more about their facial expressions.解析:选C细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“Heshowed people . more attractiveversion. 可”知,人们往往认为自己的容貌要比实际上有魅力得多。故C 项正确。7 According to Kilner, people like ta

22、king selfies probably because they think _.A it is a good chance to learn more about their actual facesBit is a way to respond to others facial expressions correctlyCit enables them to interact with their friends in socialmediaD it allows them to satisfy their expectations with theirappearances解析:选

23、D细节理解题。根据最后两段中的“that better matches our expectations with ouractual faces 和”“ Selfiesallow you tokeep taking pictures until you manage to take one you rehappy with可”知,自拍能够让我们实际的容貌与期望的一致,即满足对于自我容貌的期待。故 D 项正确。8 What is the passage mainly about?A The definition and fun of taking selfies.BA study of why people love taking selfies.CHow taking selfies influences people s daily lives.D How to interpret people s facial expressions in their selfies.解析:选 B主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 文章从不同角度分析了人们喜欢自拍的原因。故 B 项正确。4


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