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1、名校名 推荐浙江省平阳县第三中学高中英语测试题1 The disability makes everyday life difficult and_society should treat _ disabled withdignity and respect.A the ; theB / ; theC a;aDthe ; /2 Look! Here comes the bus and I have to go now.Thank you for coming to see me off. Goodbye, and_!A congratulationsB cheer upC all the be

2、stD go ahead3 She got so angry that she ran after them.She was soon_, but she continued to run.A out of sightB out of breath Cin sightD in breath4 What he said about my grades_me.Im really angry with him.A disturbedB interruptedC annoyedDencouraged5 The new policy will_the elders a lot that people o

3、ver 65 can take buses free of charge.A discountB supportC approveDbenefit6 I m taking a driving license test next month. _.A All the timeB All the bestC All the wayD All the same7 When they moved to Canada ,the children_the change very well.A adapted toB adopted toC used toDattempted to8E-mail , as

4、well as telephones, _an important part in daily communication.A is playingB have playedC are playingDplay9 I went along thinking of nothing_,only looking at things around me.A in particularB in harmonyC in doubtD in brief10 _, I lost heart in English learning, but my teacher often said to me,“ Keep

5、on working hard;youll succeed_.”A At a time; in time B At a time; on time C At one time; in time DAt one time; on time11 You will have an idea of what a hard life the working people_at that time after you read thebook.A enjoyedB sharedC managedD lived12Wouldnt you feel rather_if you rushed to the ai

6、rport to meet your friends only to find thatthey had already been picked up by other people?A satisfiedB happyCannoyedD bored13We must make sure that publicfacilities inthe newly-built buildings, like the restroom and thelift,are_to disabled visitors.A impressiveB independentC remarkableDaccessible1

7、4Well have a sports meet for the next three days._,we wont have lessons for three days.A In other wordsB On the other hand CFor one thingD As a matter of fact15 So many model League Members_the lead , we had no_winning victories one after another.A taking ; trouble B take ;difficultyCtook ; troubles

8、D taking; difficultA loving person lives in a loving world.A hostile (敌意的 ) person lives in a hostile world.Everyoneyou meet is your mirror.Mirrorshave a veryparticular_1_.Theyreflecttheimage infrontofthem.Justas a_2_mirrorworksas the vehicle to reflection,_3_do all of the people in our lives.When w

9、e see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden_4_a reflection.When we lovesomeone,it s a(n)_5_of loving ourselves.We have often heard things like“I love how I am when Imwith that person” That simply_6_into“I m able to love me when I love that other person”_7_,when we meet someone new

10、 , we feel as though we “click” Sometimes it s as if weve_8_each other fora long time.That feeling can come from_9_similarities.Justas the“mirror ” or otherpeople can be a positivereflection,itismore likelythat well_10_itwhen ithas a negativeconnotation( 内涵 ) _11_,it seasy to remember the timeswhen

11、we have met someone1名校名 推荐were not particularly_12_about.We may have some criticism (批评 ) in our mind about the_13_.This isespecially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend_14_time.Oftentimes , when we_15_qualities in other people, ironically (讽刺地 ) ,it s usually the mirror

12、that s_ 16_to us.At times we meet someone_17_and feel distant ,disconnected,or disgusted._18_we dont want to believeit ,and it s not easy or_19_to look further, it can be a great learning lesson to_20_what part of theperson is being reflected in you.Its simply just another way to create more self-aw

13、areness.1.A.targetB styleC functionD color2 A.medicalB physicalC chemicalD mental3 A.soB thenC norD neither4 A.focuses onB applies toC works withDserves as5 A.rewardB evaluationCreflectionDexample6 A.growsB translatesC entersDfalls7 A.ObviouslyB StrangelyCFortunatelyD Frequently8 A.knownB supportedC

14、observedD recognized9 A.creatingB lackingCsharingD comparing10.A.ignoreB keepC takeD notice11 A.In briefB In additionC For exampleD As usual12 A.crazyB anxiousCupsetD concerned13 A.timeB mirrorC gardenD person14 A.lessB amazingCmoreD valuable15 A.appreciateB dislikeC describeDdiscover16 A.shoutingB

15、shiningC speakingD pointing17 A.newB nervousCfamiliarDfriendly18 A.IfB AlthoughCSinceDOnce19 A.terribleB nobleCreliableDdesirable20 A.figure outB take outC put outDgive outAfter giving a talk at a high school, I was asked to pay a visit to a special student. An illness hadkept the boy home, but he h

16、ad expressed an interest in meeting me. I was told it would mean a great dealto him, so I agreed.During the nine-miledrive tohis home, I found outsomething about Matthew.He had musculardystrophy( 肌肉萎缩症 ). When he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to five, and then theywere

17、 told he would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medalpower lifter, and I knew about overcoming obstacles and going for my dreams.I spent over an hour talking to Matthew.Never once did he complain or ask,“Why me?” He spoke aboutwinning and succeeding

18、and going for his dreams. Obviously, he knew what he was talking about. He didntmention that his classmates had made fun of him because he was different. He just talked about his hopesfor the future, and how one day he wanted to lift weights with me. When we had finished talking, I wentto my briefca

19、se and pulled out the first gold medal I had won and put it around his neck. I told him hewas more of a winner and knew more about success and overcoming obstacles than I ever would. He looked atit for a moment, then took it off and handed it back to me. He said,“You are a champion. You earned thatm

20、edal. So meday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal, I will show it to you.”Last summer I received a letter from Matthews parents telling me that Matthew had passed away. Theywanted me to have a letter he had written to me a few days before:Dear Dick,My mum said I should send you a thank-

21、you letter for the picture you sent me. I also want to let youknow that the doctors tell me that I don t have long to live any more, but I still smile as much as I can. I told you someday that I would go to the Olympics and win a gold medal, but I know now I will neverget to do that. However, I know

22、 I m a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you. Thank you for loving me.2名校名 推荐Your friend,Matthew41. The boy looked forward to meeting the author because.A. he was also good at weight lifting B. he wanted to get

23、 to the Olympics and win a medalC. he was one of the authors fansD. he admired the author very much42. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably means that_. A. the boy never complained about how unlucky he was to have this diseaseB. the boy never complained about not being able to go

24、to schoolC. the boy never complained why the author had never come to see him before D. the boy never complained about not gettig a medal43. From the passage we learn that _.A. Matthew was an athleteB. Matthew was an optimistic and determined boyC. The author used to have the same disease as Matthew

25、 hadD. Matthew became a champion before he died44. Matthew didnt accepted the authors medal because.A. he thought it was too expensiveB. he was sure that he could win one in the futureC. he thought it was of no use to him as he would die soonD. he would not be pitied by others45. What would be the b

26、est title for this passage?A. A sick boy. B. A special friend. C. A real champion. D. A famous athlete.It moved without a ripple, a moon-white circle under the surface, and in a few seconds it was as faraway as ithad been when he had firstseen it.Then it21 thetop ofthewater.Jonsaigasped (took a brea

27、th).It was a turtle.Jonsairubbedhiseyes, thinkingthatthe sun had 22 them.Itwas notunusualtofindturtlesfeedingnear the edge of the coral(珊瑚 ). But this was not an ordinary turtle. It stayed there on the surface, as23 as foam(泡沫 ) or bone or sun dried coral, shining like oyster shell. The turtle staye

28、d still forsome time.So didthe boy.Leaningforward,he staredwithoutmoving,disbeliefgivingway toa small24 .He even dared not move for a short while. There was25 as a white turtle. His26moved first. Tonightthe men would return from the pig hunt. Samu and Aesake would be at the dinner with the men. He,

29、Jonsai,would have to 27 withthewomen and children.But whatwould happen if,attheheightof thedinner,Jonsaibrought forward a gift for Chief Vueti, something he had never28before, a present that would make himthe 29of every chief on the island? His heart beat fast, but steady now, as he paddled(划桨 ) clo

30、ser,moving30 like a thief. He must try his best to catch the turtle.21.A. discoveredB. brokeC. spoiledD. reached22.A. brightenedB. bathedC. burntD. weakened23.A. lightB. brightC. whiteD. pretty24.A. surpriseB. excitementC. fearD.disappointment25.A. not such thingsB. no such thingC. not such thingD.

31、no such a thing26.A. handsB. feetC. headD. mind27.A. dealB. standC. sitD. wait28.A. seenB. heardC. foundD. got29.A. chiefB. respectC. envyD. hero30.A. freelyB. suddenlyC. proudlyD. swiftly. 短文改错Once I saw a funny picture. On the picture we can see a mother hen invites a tutor a goose teach herbaby c

32、hicken to swim.It is known to all that birds like chickens couldnt swim at all.But the motherhen wants his baby to learn to swim followed the tutor. We can imagine the final result.3名校名 推荐Nowadays, many parents are treating their children like a mother hen.They expect that their childrento become fa

33、mous while they grow up. However,they dont know abouttheirchildrensinterestsand advantages.So theyinvite all kind of tutorstoteachtheirchildrenwhat they dislikeand theyarenotgood at. Finallyit does harm to their children.参考答案:( 7 份). 填空1 B考 冠 。 society社会,不可数名 ,表泛指,其前不用冠 ;the disabled为 the adj . 构,指一

34、 人, 里特指“残疾人”。2 C考 交 用 。 all the best一切 利,万事如意。3B考 短 辨析。 outof breath上气不接下气。句意 :她怒不可遏,于是就去追赶他 。她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍然 追赶。4 C考 辨析。 annoy 使不悦;惹 。 disturb 打 ; interrupt打断; encourage 鼓励。5 D考 辨析。 境 :新政策 定65 以上的老人乘公交 免 , 使老人 受益。 benefit 使受益, 有用,合乎 境。6 B考 交 用 。句意 :下月我要参加 照考 。( 祝你 ) 一切 利。 all the best表示“ ( 祝你 ) 一切 利”

35、,符合 境要求。7 A句意 :当他 搬家到加拿大 ,孩子 境适 很快。adapt to表示“适 ”符合句意要求。8 A本 考 主 一致。as well as telephones 插入 ,主 数名 e-mail ,所以 用 数第三人称形式。9 A句意 “我行走 没有想什么特 的,只是 周 事物”。in particular特 ; in harmony 和睦,和 ;in doubt 疑; in brief 而言之。10 C本 是考 at a time 与 atone time , intime 与 on time 的用法及区 。 atone time相当于 once; in time有两重含 ,

36、表“ 早” ,相当于sooner or later。11D句意 :看完 本 你就会知道那 的 人民 着多么 苦的生活。live/lead a.life 着的生活。12 C句意 :当你匆忙赶到机 去接朋友 , 果却 朋友已被他人接走了,你能不感到懊 (annoyed) ?13 Daccessible可接近的;可 入的;可使用的,常用于短 be accessible to sb.。impressive 人深刻印象的; independent独立自主的,不受 束的;remarkable 非凡的, 著的。14 A考 短 辨析。 in other words 句 。 on the other hand另

37、一方面; for one thing首先; as a matterof fact事 上。15 A考 独立主格 构和 have no trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.。句意 :有那么多的先 ,我 毫不 力地取得了一次又一次的 利。members与 take 是 上的主 关系,所以要用 -ing形式; trouble 和difficulty在此作不可数名 。. 完形填空【 篇解 】 充 意的人生活在充 意的世界里,充 意的人 生活在充 意的世界里。你所遇到的每一个人都是你的 子。1 C根据下一句可知,本句是 子具有独特的功能或作用,因此 function ( 功能 ) 。2 B就像人 可以从有形的 子中看到自己,生活中的所有人也同 可以反映自己。physical 有形的。3 A本句是把我 生活中的人比作 子,因 前面的句子是肯定形式,因此 so,表示“某人或某物也”。4 D我 所看到的漂亮的花园也是一面 子。serve as 充当,符合 意。5 C我 人就是 我 自己的反映。6 B从句意可知,本句是 前面句子的解 ,因此用translate。7 D 常地,我 遇 一个陌生人,感 仿佛是一 如故。 Frequently与下一句中的 Sometimes 呼 。8 A有 感 好像我 已 相 甚久。9


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