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1、名校名 推荐2014 高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note SectionWarmingUpReading课 时 精 练新 人 教 版 必 修3. 课文缩写Henry is carried out to sea by a strong wind but _1_ by a ship, on which he earnshis passage by working without pay. As a result, he is brought to London.Feelinghungry, he _2_ alone on the streets, hop

2、ing for a(n) _3_.Then unexpectedly he is _4_ to a large and beautiful house by two rich brothers,Roderick and Oliver.They give a(n) _5_ with a bank note in it to him.They have made a secret _6_ on whether a man can _7_ a month in the city witha million pound bank note.Henry is the person they want.H

3、e feels surprisedatfirstand doesnt want to _8_ it ,forhe justwantsan honestjob from them , not their _9_.The two brothers persuade him to take it at last,however.Thoughfeelingvery _10_ aboutthematter , Henry promisesthem not toopenthe letter until one and a half hours later.答 案1.discovered/rescued/s

4、potted/saved2.wanders/walks3.job4.invited5.letter/envelope6.bet7 survive8.accept9.charity10.curious/surprised. 单词拼写1 The sunrise is a beautiful _(景象 ).2 I can make a _(打赌 ) that our team will win.3 I warn you; Im beginning to lose my _(耐心 )with you.4 In order to keep his money safe, he opened an _(账

5、户 ) with the bank.5 The house has an underground _(通道 ) 6 It was quite a while before he _(认出 )Mr. Smith in the crowd.7 Columbus discovered America by _(偶然 ).8 With nothing to do, he just _(漫步 )about every day.9 You may not collect money in the streets without a _(允许 ).10 They had a lot of _(冒险 )in

6、the journey.答案1.scene2.bet3.patience4.account5.passage6 spotted7.accident8.wanders 9.permit10.adventures. 翻译与仿写1 Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.翻译: _仿写:我发现自己独自一人站在一个废弃的平台上。_2 The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a s

7、hip.翻译: _仿写:他刚刚到达那里就被粉丝们包围了。_3 And it was the ship that brought you to England.翻译: _1名校名 推荐仿写:正是在工厂中我第一次遇见了约翰。_4 Thats why weve given you the letter.翻译: _仿写:这就是他上课迟到的原因。_答案1. 翻译:嗯,将近傍晚时我发现自己被一阵风刮到海上去了。仿写: I found myself standing alone on the deserted platform.2翻译:第二天早晨,就在我感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。仿写: He had

8、just arrived there when he was surrounded by his fans.3翻译:正是那艘船把你带到了英国。仿写: It was in the factory that I first met John.4翻译:这正是我们给你这封信的原因。仿写: Thats why he was late for class. 句型转换1 Some students find it is not easy to understand English grammar.Some students find _ _ _ to understand English grammar.2

9、 Someone found a group of children playing on the playground.A group of children _ _ _ on the playground.3 We were on the point of leaving when Jerry arrived.We _ _ _ leave when Jerry arrived.4 You cant open before two oclock.You _ open it _ two oclock.5 I will come tomorrow, if weather permits.I wi

10、ll come tomorrow, _ _.答 案1.itnoteasy 2.were found playing3.were about to4.cant;until5.weather permitting. 单项填空1 When he came back, he found his books _.A to pack upB packed upC packing upD pack up答案B 考查非谓语动词。 句意:当他回来时, 他发现自己的书已经被打好包了。pack up与主句宾语 his books 是被动关系,故用其过去分词形式作宾语补足语。2 This _ is one of ma

11、ny in Jingle Mas film that show a deep weakness inthe heart and mind of Mulan.A sceneB signC spotD signal答案A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是马楚成的电影中众多展示木兰内心深处弱点的场景中的一幕。这里表示“( 电影、戏剧的) 一幕;一场”。 sign “标志;手势”;spot “地点;污迹”; signal “信号”。故选A。 3 Someexpertsargue thattoo many courseswould _ heavy burdens to studentsand make th

12、em lose interest in study.A bring upB bring forwardC bring aboutD bring out2名校名 推荐答案C 考 短 。 句意: 多 家争 太多的 程会 学生 来很大的 力并且使他 失学 的 趣。根据句意“ 来, 引起”可知答案。 bringup 意思 “ 养”;bringforward意思 “提出”。4 What about having a drink?_ .A Good ideaB Help yourselfC Go ahead, pleaseD. Me, too答案 A 考 交 用 。 句意:喝一杯怎 ?好想法。根据 境“建

13、 ”推知“ 同” 种想法。 5 A lot of small towns in Nanchang are definitely worth _.A visitingB visitedC to be visitedD being visited答案 A 考 非 。句意: 多南昌的小城 肯定 得参 。worth doing 意思 “ 得”,用主 表示被 。6 Faced with so many people, he just couldnt _ his absence from school.A tell apart B account forC give awayD explain to答案

14、B 考 短 。 句意:面 着 么多人, 他无法 明 的理由。 account for “ 明 ( 原因 ) ;解 ”,符合 意。 tell apart“辨 ”; give away “捐 ”;explain to“向解 ”。 7 Polly found herself _ up at the face of an old man with a beard.A to stareB stareC staredD staring答案 D 考 足 。句意: Polly 她自己 着那位 胡 的老人看。此 find sb doing句式,当 可以 出 足 的 作 , 足 用 在分 。8 Look! The

15、 telephone is broken. Someone damaged it _ purpose.That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _ accident.A by; onB by; byC on; onD on; by答案 D 考 介 。句意:瞧, 坏了,有人故意 坏了它。或 是真的。但也 偶然弄坏的。根据 境“ 坏”的判断推知“故意;偶然”分 用介 短 onpurpose ; by accident。 9 There are several reasons _ the disasters happening nowadays.A a

16、ccount forB accounted forC accounting for D to account for答案 C 考 短 。句意: 致眼下 生的灾 有几个理由。根据“理由;灾 ”推知“ 致;做出解 ”。10 Mother said she was by no means annoyed; _, she was happy to be ableto make her guests feel at home.A all in all B for one thingC on the contraryD by the way答案 C 考 介 短 。句意: 她 不会 怒,相反,她很高 客人感

17、 有在自己家的感 。根据句意“ 怒;在家”推知“相反”,短 on the contrary意思 “正相反”符合 意。 3名校名 推荐11 Oh, my God! Its an ocean of cars. How can you _ your car?Thats simple. Mine is colored differently from the others. A spot B catch C pick D get答案A 考 。句意:啊,天啊。 的海洋。你如何分辨你的 ?很 ,我 的 色与其他 不一 。根据“ 的海洋; 色不一 ”推知答案。 12 When the murderer _

18、to run away, the police came.A soughtB riskedC daredD thought答案 A 考 。句意:当 者 逃跑 ,警察来了。seek to do.意思 “ 做”,相当于 try/attemptto do.;risk 后必 接 doing 构; think后 接 of doing 构; dare to do意思 “敢做”,均不合 意。13 Jackwas _ inelectronicgames and thereforefailedhisend-termexaminations.A lostB struckC missedD accepted答案A

19、考 。句意:杰克迷恋 子游 因此考 不及格。be lost in意思 “陷入”符合 意。 14 The true value of life is not in _ you take, but in _ you give.A which; whatB what; whatC which; whichD what; which答案B 考 名 性从句。 句意:生命的真正价 不在于你得到了多少,而在于你付出了多少。根据 take , give 后面都没有 ,用疑 代 what 合适。 15 I wouldnt buy that house; _, its too close to the main

20、road.A being honestB honestC to be honestD. having been honest答案 C 考 插入 。 句意:我不想 那所房子, , 它离大路太近了。 to be honest 意思 “老 ”符合 意。 . 理解Dear Reader ,Today I am going to ask you to support Wikipedia with a donation.Wikipediais builtdifferentlyfromalmosteveryothertop50 website.Wehave a smallnumber ofpaidstaff

21、,justtwenty-three.Wikipediacontentisfreetouse by anyonefor any purpose.Ourannualexpensesarelessthan sixmilliondollars.Wikipediaisrun by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, which I founded in 2003.Wikipedia is driven by a global community of more than 150,000 volunteers alldevoted tosharing knowledg

22、e freely.Overalmosteightyears , thesevolunteershavecontributedmore than11 millionarticlesin265 languages.Morethan 275 millionpeople come to our website every month to access information, free of charge andfree of advertising.But Wikipedia is more than a website.We share a common cause: Imagine a wor

23、ld inwhich every singlepersonon theplanetisgivenfreeaccess tothesum of allhumanknowledge.Thats our commitment.Your donationhelpsus inseveralways.Mostimportantly, you willhelpus covertheincreasing cost of managing global traffic to one of the most popular websites on4名校名 推荐the Internet.Funds also hel

24、p us improve the software that runs Wikipedia makingit easier to search, easier to read, and easier to write for.We are committed toincreasing the free knowledge movement worldwide, by taking on new volunteers,and building strategic partnerships with institutions of culture and learning.Wikipedia is

25、 different.Its the largest encyclopedia (百科全书 ) in history,written by volunteers.Likea nationalpark ora school , we dontbelieve advertisingshould have a place in Wikipedia.We want to keep it free and strong, but we needthe support of thousands of people like you.Thank you ,Jimmy Wales【语篇大意】 本文是一篇说明文

26、,告知读者Wikipedia 是非盈利网站,但为了更新软件,希望得到人们的捐助。1 What do the second and third paragraphs mainly talk about?A Why you should donate to Wikipedia.B How much the workers are paid.C How Wikipedia is run.D How many people contribute to Wikipedia.答案 C 段落大意题。 第二段主要告诉读者Wikipedia 与其他网站的不同, 第三段告诉读者网站的一些具体做法,归纳起来就是Wi

27、kipedia是如何运作的。 2 All the followingare the reasonsfortheneed of your donation EXCEPT_.A to keep Wikipedia free for people all over the worldB to update the software that runs WikipediaC to raise the salaries of the staffD to pay the cost of running the website答案 C 细节理解题。根据文章第五段可知B、 D 项是呼吁捐款的原因,根据文章最后一段可知 A 项也是号召捐款的原因,C项文中没有提到。 3What does the underlined word“That ” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A Free access to all human knowledge.B Human knowledge.C Every single person.D A common cause.答案 A 词义猜测题。由这句话的前一句可知,That 指代的是“让人人都能获取到人类的知识”。 5


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