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1、名校名 推荐Period OneWarming Up & Reading ( )基 落 .单词检测1 n.信任技 画廊雕塑所有巧合阴影;影子2 v.瞄准收养;采 有;支配 ;企 预测3 adj.& adv.抽象的常 的明 的卓越的典型的荒 的;可笑的忠 地 .短 1巧合地2大量3一方面另一方面4在展出5脱离, 脱 .用所 的适当形式填空1 There are a number of(predict) about the future of higher education.2 I was hoping to(impression) my new boss with my diligence.3

2、 The meal was(ridiculous) expensive.4 It was(evidence) that his faith in the government was shaken.1名校名 推荐5 The government tried to avoid(controversial) 6 He always deals with problems in a(convention) way.7 A(faith) employee would not like to leave his boss though the company had beenbankrupted.8 W

3、e are glad to leave the hot sunshine and come to the cool(shadow) room. .完成句子1(巧合 ) that we arrived here at the same time.2(显然 ) the policy was a failure ,for many people were against it.3 He was arrested because(他被发现拥有)some dangerous drugs.4 He is( 忠实于 ) his wife.5 This anti- smoking campaign(主要针对年

4、轻人)6(是他的特点 ) to help those in trouble , so he is popular amongstudents.7(出席会议的 ) were leaders from different countries.8 It s difficult to predict(生活会是什么样子) in the future. .句型转换1 A new kind of car was on display in the shop.A new kind of car was onin the shop.2 Lei Feng considered it his duty to ser

5、ve the people heart and soul.Lei Feng consideredhis duty to serve the people heart and soul.3 He suggested our leaving the work till next day.He suggested4 The heroic deeds affected me greatly.The heroic deeds5 It s so interesting a book that I want to read it again.the work till next day.me.It sint

6、eresting book that I want to read it again. .单项填空1 At the foot of the mountain.A a village lieB lies a villageC does a village lieD lying a village2 Without your timely help , wein big trouble that day.A had beenB would beC would have beenD were2名校名 推荐3 Hethe problem in another way but failed.A mana

7、ged to solveB succeeded in solvingC made an attempt to solveD made an attempt to solving4 No one canhow the election will turn out , as there are many unknown facts.A protectB prepareC preventD predict5If Ilong enough to have a job ,I would choose to be a doctor ,those AIDSpatients.A had lived ; hel

8、pingC were to live ; helpingB should live ; to helpD should live ; help6 Peter runs every morning ,a weight loss of ten pounds.A putting forwardB relying onC setting foot inD aiming at7 Anyone who is inof weapons without permission is considered law- breaking.A commandB controlC chargeD possession8

9、Last summer holidays he went to America and lived together with a local family.In this way helearntfrom them.A a great manyB a great dealC scores ofD much more9 James is always talking so loudly.It isof him to do so.A normalB ordinaryC commonD typical10 On the one hand, we should develop our economy

10、;, we should protect theenvironment.A on the other handB hand in handC on the contraryD by hand能力提升阅读理解I used to know nothing about fairy tales.To improve my reading skills, my mother gave mebooks that are a little bit difficult for me to understand.I didnt even know that fairy tales existeduntil I

11、attended public school at the age of eight.Of course once I found out about books of this type, I would read them as quickly as I could.3名校名 推荐Againand again, I begged my mother to take me to the libraryand let me choose afew.Finally , my request was granted.After our return from the library , I sta

12、rted reading themeagerly and energetically , one after another.And I tried to put myself in the female character sshoes.I found she had to suffer before the handsome prince came to her rescue,and then they wouldlive happily ever after.I asked my mother why she never let me know about fairy tales.Loo

13、king straight in my eyes,she told me that life is not like a fairy tale.There are good and bad things that will happen through life.At the end ,though,there is not a man that will come and “ save” us.We do not need saving;we instead want someone in our lives to share those good moments and bad ones;

14、 we wantsomeone we can rely on and also they can rely on us.Life is not about“happily ever after ”What then is life about mom? Life is the boy finding he loves every little thing about you,even the annoying things.He holds your hands and says “come with me ” and you live ,laugh and love together.But

15、 things are not going to be perfect.You still have to face difficulties together,working hard for your relationship.1 Before the age of eight , the author.A received no formal educationB took no interest in reading booksC didn t read any books of fairy talesD was forced to improve her reading skills

16、2 What happened to the author after she attended public school?A She started to like reading.B She was crazy about fairy tales.C Her mother always took her to the library.D Her mother didn t allow her to read books of fairy tales.3 What s the author s understanding of fairy tales at first?A They ref

17、lect part of the real world.B They are unreal but worth reading.C The major characters always have a happy ending.D The major characters will be rewarded for their kindness.4 How does the author s mother like fairy tales?A A must for her kid.B Unnecessary for her kid.C Easy for her kid to understand

18、.D Helpful in building her kids character.4名校名 推荐答案基础落实 .1.faith ; technique; gallery ; sculpture; possession;coincidence ; shadow2 aim ; adopt;possess;attempt; predict3 abstract; conventional ; evident ; superb; typical ; ridiculous ; faithfully .1.by coincidence2.a great deal3.on the one hand.on t

19、he other hand.4.on exhibition/onshow/on display5.break away from .1.predictions2.impress3.ridiculously4.evident5.controversy6.conventional7.faithful8.shadowy .1.Itis coincident2.It was evident that3.he was found in possession of4.faithfulto5.mainly is aimed at young people6.It is typical of him7.Present at the meeting8.whatlife will be like .1.exhibition2.that; it; was3.that; we ;should; leave4 had; an;great; influence ; on5.such; an .1.B 2C 3 C 4 D 5 C 6 D 7D 8B 9 D 10 A 能力提升1 C2 B3C4B5


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