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1、名校名 推荐Unit4 Astronomy:the science of the Stars每课一练 7(人教版必修三)基础落实.课文理解1 What is the main idea of the text?A The differences of communication among the countries all over the world.B To tell a story about a business meeting.CTo introduce different people from different parts of the world.D To tell you

2、 something about the Capital International Airport.2 How does Mr.Garcia greet Ms.Smith?A He shakes hands with her.B He touches her shoulder and kisses her.CHe smiles at her.D He bows to her.3People from _ seldom touch strangers ,while people from _ are more likely totouch others.A England ; Spain,It

3、aly or South American countriesB France; Spain, America , EnglandC Spain; Italy , England, South American countriesD Spain; Italy ,England , America4 Will Ahmed Aziz stand very close to Madame Coulon when they are talking?Why?A Yes, he will.Because he knows her well.B No ,he won t.Because he doesn t

4、 know her.CYes, he will.Because it is the custom of his country.D No , he won t.Because it is not the customof his country.5 How many visitors are there in the text?A 8.B 7.C 6.D 5.课文缩写Yesterday, another student and I went to the Capital International Airport to 1._ thisyear s international students

5、.They were coming to study at Beijing University.The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely 2._ by JuliaSmith from Britain.After I introduced them to each other, I was very 3._ to see Tonyapproached Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the check 4._ Julia stepped backa

6、ppearing surprised and put up her hand,as if in 5._.Then Akira Nagata from Japan camein smiling , together with George Cook from Canada.As they were introduced , George1名校名 推荐6._ his hand out to the Japanese student.It happens that Akira s nose 7._ George smoving hand as he bowed.As I get to know mo

7、re international friends, I learn more about this cultural“ bodylanguage ”English people usually do not stand very close to others or touch the strangers aspeople from Spain , Italy and South American countries do.Most People around the world8._ hands when they meet while Japanese people will bow.Pe

8、ople from Jordan stand quietclose to other men and shake hands and kiss others on the 9._.In general, studying international customs can certainly help 10._ difficulties intoday s world of cultural crossroads!.介、副词填空1_ half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive,I saw several young people ent

9、er thewaiting area looking _ curiously.2 Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her _ the cheek.3 She stepped _ appearing surprised and put _ her hands, as if _defence.4Then Akira Nagata _ Japan came _ smiling ,together _ George Cookfrom Canada.5 As they were introduced ,George reach

10、ed his hand _ to the Japanese student.6 When Darlene Coulon from France came dashing _ the door ,she recognized TonyGarcia s smiling face.7 Ahmed Aziz , _ the contrary ,_ nodded _ the girls.8_ the same way that people communicate _ spoken language ,they also expresstheir feelings using unspoken“ lan

11、guage ” _ physical,actionsdistanceorposture.9 However , people from places _ Spain , Italy or South American countries approachothers _ and are more likely to touch them.10 _ general, though, studying international customs can _ help avoiddifficulties in today s world of cultural crossroads.句型转换1 Wa

12、ter is playing a vital role in agriculture.Water is playing a _ role in agriculture.2 If the dog comes close to you , you should not run away quickly.If the dog _ you , you should not run away quickly.3When you read the passage,first you should get the main idea of it ,and then grasp some details.Wh

13、en you read the passage, first you should get the _ idea of it , and then graspsome details.2名校名 推荐4 It is quite possible that a heavy rain is on its way.It is _ that a heavy rain is on its way.5 The looks on her face suggested that she wasunwilling to go with us to the cinema.The _ on her face sugg

14、ested that she was unwilling to go with us to thecinema.完成句子1Yesterday,another student and I,_ ,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year昨sinternational天,我和 students.另一个学生代表我们学校的学生会,到首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。2_ was Tony Garcia from Colombia ,closely followed by Julia Smithfrom Britain.第一个到达

15、的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的茱莉亚史密斯。3 She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,_. 她后退了几步,好像有些吃惊,并举起了手,好像是在自卫。4 When Darlene Coulon from France _ through the door,she recognized TonyGarcia s smiling face法.国的达林 库隆匆忙走进门的时候, 她认出了托尼 加西亚微笑的面孔。5 _ greet each other the same way, _ comfortable i

16、n thesame way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下的人相互问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。6These actions are not good or bad,but are simply _ cultures have developed.这些行为都无所谓好与坏,只不过是文化发展的方式不同而已。能力提升阅读理解Apart from speeches ,in my point of view , we can use our eyes to express ourselves.Andthrough

17、 one s ,eyeswe can read sorrow, happiness, encouragement, and many other emotions.Eyes are always the most direct organs to reveal our thoughts.Until now I still remember an experience , which happened when I took part in a singingcontest at the age of nine.It was the power of my mother s eyes that

18、encouraged me to go for it.Ihad shown great interest in singing before that , but I was too shy to sing in public.So one day mymother took me to sign up for the singing contest.With my mother s company andencouragement,I was determined to meet that challenge.Standing on the stage ,I suddenly foundI

19、had become the focus of all attention.I got so nervous that I couldn t even keep my eyesopen.When it was my turn to be introduced to the audience and sing , I became even morenervous.I felt my legs were shaking and my memory seemed to have left me I couldn t3名校名 推荐remember anything.Searching for hel

20、p , I met my mother s eyes which were sparkling with encouragement and strong power.It seemed that they were speaking to me, “ Take it easy.You can do it ! I ll always be with you! ” I read the message in her eyes and at that moment gotI my confidence back and began to sing my song.When I came down

21、from the stage , she came up to me,saying,“ Great!I m proud of you!” and gave me a big hug.At that moment,I saw her eyesfilled with tears of joy.Sometimes , you see, just a look of encouragement from a loved one can make a shy person brave.1 What s theauthor s purpose of telling us about her unforge

22、ttable experience?A To prove that we can express ourselves through our eyes.B To explain that our eyes are an important part of our body.CTo share her unforgettable experience with us.D To tell us how she became brave.2 According to the passage we know that _.A the author wasn t interested in the si

23、nging contest at allB the author was nervous because she couldn t see her motherC the author didn t do well in the singing contestD the author got confidence from her mother s eyes3 What does the underlined word“ reveal” in the first paragraph mean?A Give away.B Give up.CGive in.D Give out.4 What s

24、the best title for thepassage?A How to express ourselvesB Encouraging eyesCA singing contestD Confidence and success答案基础落实.1.A2.B3.A4.D5.C.1.meet2.followed3.surprised4.while5.defence6 reached7.touched8.shake9.cheek10.avoid.1.Afteraround2.on3.backupin4.frominwith5.out6.through7.onsimply at 8.In with through 9.like closely 10.In certainly .1.major 2.approaches 3.general 4.likely 5.expressions.1.representing our universitys student association2 The first person to arrive3.as if in defence4名校名 推荐4 came dashing5.Not all culturesnor are they6 ways in which能力提升1 A2 D3 A4B5


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