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1、名校名 推荐Unit5 First aid 课时跟踪训练(人教版必修5) .品句填词A) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1 He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds untilthe police and an_( 救护车 )arrived.答案: ambulance2 The _( 复杂的 ) operating systems of computers are difficult for some agedpeople who lack knowledge about computers.答案: complex3

2、 His rude behaviour is_( 难以忍受的 ) to his classmates, so he makes fewfriends in his class.答案: unbearable4Liu Xiang s _(损伤 ) in his foot prevented him from participating in the 2008Olympic Games , which was a pity.答案: injury5 Having experienced the terrible earthquake on May 12th, 2008, the young boy m

3、ade a_( 坚定的 ) decision that he would be a soldier in the future.答案: firmB) 在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于 3 个单词 )。6Sarah,hurry up.I m afraid you won thave time to get _ (change)before theparty.答案: changed7 Moreand morepeople choose toshop ina supermarket as itoffersa great_(vary) of goods.答案: variety8

4、For four years he shouldered an almost _ (bear) burden ,which worsened hishealth considerably.答案: unbearable9 I want to put my hand _ some clues about the accident.答案: on10 It seems that_ number of people going abroad is increasing.答案: the .选词填空用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。fall ill ; in place; for a moment ;ta

5、ke off ; stick to ; over and over again ;put one s hands;on cut off ; apply.to. ; make a difference1 They start to think early on about their place in the world and how they can _ inthe world.答案: makes a difference2 When someone suddenly _ or gets injured, first aid is badly in needbefore a doctor c

6、an be found.答案: falls ill3 I didn t recognize him until he_ his sunglasses.1名校名 推荐答案: took off4 Before you leave the office , everything should be put _ 答案: in place5 It was so hot that he was sweating a lot and his shirt was _ his back.答案: stuck to6 Having been told _ , he still made the same mista

7、kes, which made hisparents crazy.答案: over and over again7 Nowadays new technology is being _almost every industrial process.答案: applied to8When I cut one of my fingers yesterday ,I couldn t _ any bandages athome.答案: put my hands on9 Please hold yourself still _ while I take your photograph.答案: for a

8、 moment10 They are threatening to _ power supplies if their demands are notsatisfied.答案: cut off .完成句子运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子。1 I ve _( 反复告诉你 ) not to do that but you won tlisten.答案: told you over and over again2 Living in a polluted environment, people may _( 生病 ) easily.答案: fall ill3He always donates mone

9、y to a poor village school ,which _( 对那里的孩子有重大影响) who can go on receiving education.答案: makes a great difference to the children there4 My writingcareer_( 成功;走红 ) when I discovered my ownstyle.答案: took off5 We took a trip to Beijing last week and my cousin _(担任我们的向导 )答案: acted as our guide .词语串练根据汉语

10、提示完成下列短文。Early this morning ,all the people were sound asleep when a building was _1_ Peoplewere woken from sleep , frightened and_2_Some people got injured _3_beingsqueezed, while some got burned in the fire.Stilla large number of people fellunconsciousbecause they breathed in thick smoke.Fortunate

11、ly , the medical workers came just_4_togive them_5_ The firefightersentered the burningbuilding_6_to rescuepeople._7_, with the firefighters efforts ,the fire was_8_ 今天凌晨,所有的人还在熟睡,一座大楼突然起火 。人们从睡梦中惊醒,惊慌失措 。有人被挤伤, 有人被烧伤, 很多人 因吸入浓烟而昏倒。幸好医护人员及时 赶到,给他们实施急救。消防员 一次又一次地进入燃烧的大楼救人。最后 在消防员的努力下,大火被扑灭 。答案: 1.on

12、fire2.in a panic3.because of4.in time5 first aid6.over and over again7.Finally8.put out2名校名 推荐 .课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式 (不多于 3 个单词 )。There are three types of burns.Burns _1_ (call) first , second or third degreeburns,depending on _2_layers of the skin are burned.First degree burnsThe

13、se affect only _3_ top layer of the skin.These burns are not serious andshould feel better _4_ a day or two.Examples include mild sunburn and burns causedby _5_ (touch) a hot pan , stove or iron for a moment.Second degree burnsThese affect _6_ the top and the second layer of the skin.These burns are

14、 seriousand take a few weeks _7_(heal) Examples include severe sunburn and burns causedby hot liquids.Third degree burnsTheseaffect_8_threelayersoftheskinandanytissueandorgans_9_ the skin.Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes , orsevere petrol fires.These burns cause very

15、 severe _10_(injure) and the victim must goto hospital at once.答案: 1.are called2.which3.the4.within5.touching6.both7.to heal8.all9.under10.injuries写作素材 1 急救 是在 救护车 到来之前的一种临时的治疗 。2 很多 情况都需要急救。3比如 噎住 、烧伤、 中毒、扭伤、电击和出血 。提示: 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇 ( 将以上句子连成一篇50 词左右的英语短文。)_One possible version:First aid is a kind of temporary treatment before the ambulance comes.A number ofsituations like choking,burning , poisoning,spraining,electric shock and bleeding need firstaid.3


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