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1、课程简介人力资源管理培训课程1) 课程名称人力资源管理培训课程2) 课程简介近几十年来,人力资源的角色发生了巨大的变化。传统意义上的经理仅仅把人力资源部门看成简单的行政管理和低级专业人员,高层(人力资源)管理人员只注重支付工资和某些职能(如培训),并没有把人力资源干预作为组织机构整体战略中的重要手段。本课程摆脱了将人力资源当成人事和付工资的窠臼,把人力资源作为一个体系提高到了机构的战略高度。本课程的目标是帮助管理者预测机构内外不断变化形势下的长期人力资源供需,帮助她 /他们设计和构思不同的人力资源项目和倡议行动,以满足其机构的需求。本课程的主要目标包括:确定人力资本发展与机构和机构战略规划目标

2、之间的联系;了解当前和未来人力资源发展和管理的趋势,以便于机构的发展和振兴 ; 培养学员的人力资源协调和管理的技能;培养发现和解决机构有关人力资源问题的能力。3) 培训的目标人群从事烟草控制工作、负责烟草控制项目管理、行政和实施的中高级管理人员。学员可以来自国家 /省级 /国际的非政府组织( NGO )或政府机构,如:私人组织或公共部门的项目负责人、项目经理和拨款经理;国家和区域烟草控制项目的协调员、经理或联系人;国家和区域的烟草控制网络、联盟和资源中心的协调员和经理。4) 参加培训对我和我的机构有什么帮助?本课程通过进行机构人力资源审计,帮助学员们找到自己机构在人力资源方面的主要需求、策略和

3、理念。学员们可以找到本机构人力资源存在的具体的薄弱环节,并制定相应的行动计划加以改进。通过学习,学员们将能够找到既符合成本效应又在本机构行之有效的机构发展干预行动。学员们将学到不同的可靠、有效和可衡量的Course on Human Resources Management Page 1 of 6 This course is part of a series financed by Bloomberg Philanthropies工具和技巧,以便她 /他们可以在各自机构进行实施。机构在运用了各种富有创新和创意的人力资源工具后,可以获得更高的员工生产力。5) 参加培训后的收获能够明确机构主要的

4、人力资源需求、策略和理念能够明确如何安排任务、权限和制度,并把它们分配到各个部门和个人如何把人员、人员的职业需求和能力与工作和职业生涯相匹配学会运用绩效管理的原则,并为员工进行有效的绩效评估能够分析绩效需求,并设计培训方案学会如何设计和实施培训计划进行有效的培训评估了解人力资资源信息系统(HRIS) 及其对机构的有效运转所能发挥的作用6) 课堂上的主要活动学习和解释各种有效和可靠的人力资源工具,以了解不同的机构发展干预活动进行机构的人力资源审计识别人力资源方面的薄弱环节,并制定改善的行动计划编制人力资源记分卡学习如何预测人力资源需求和人员规划学习写职位说明书学习不同的人力资源有效性的衡量标准和

5、指标学习如何招聘员工以及面试的技巧学习如何进行绩效评估学习如何为员工进行入职教育和培训进行培训需求分析在学习不同工具的过程中,学员们将与培训师和其他学员互动,互相学习和分享优秀实践和经验,以便更好地理解和运用有效的人力资源管理模式和领导团队。管理层定义主管和新任管理者 :在一线工作,执行机构战略的管理者、团队领导和主管(具备3年的管理或监管的经验)。中层管理者 :为机构制定战略提供建议并在其负责的科室/部门执行战略的管理者,包括负责人员管理的科室和部门的主管、项目经理和经验丰富的管理者(具备4 到7 年的管理经验)。中高层管理者负责或参与制定机构战略并领导战略执行的高级主管,包括部门高级领导、

6、总经理、区域或地区主管、单位 /科室主管和高级项目经理(具备 8 年以上的管理经验)。Course on Human Resources ManagementPage 2 of 6This course is part of a series financed by Bloomberg Philanthropies资深和高级管理者负责制定机构或项目战略的策划人、决策人,以及机构在区域、国家和国际层面的领导,包括首席执行官、执行董事、首席财务官,其它职能部门领导、理事长、副理事长、董事会成员、总经理和国际理事。Course on Human Resources Management Page 3

7、 of 6 This course is part of a series financed by Bloomberg PhilanthropiesCOURSE BRIEFCOURSE ON HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT1) Name of the courseCourse on Human Resources Management2) Brief background of the courseRecent decades have witnessed dramatic shifts in the role of HR. Traditionally mangers s

8、aw the human resources function as primarily administrative and professional. The top manager focused only on administrating payroll and certainoperational functions such as training an d didn t think of other critical human resources interventions as playing an important part in the organisation s

9、overallstrategy. This course moves beyond just the personnel and compensation perspective and views human resources as a system that is embedded within the larger system of the NGO and Government sstrategy implementation.The overarching objective of this course is to help managers anticipate long te

10、rm human resources supplies and demands relative to changing conditions inside and outside of their organization. This programme will help managers design and craft various human resources programs and initiatives in order to meet their organisations need for knowledge capital.Some key objectives of

11、 this programme are as follows:Determine linkage between human capital development and organisational strategic planning objectives;To develop an understanding of current and the future of HR Development and Management in the context of organizational growth & renewal;To develop HR facilitation and

12、managerial skills among the participants; and,To help develop some basic skills in diagnosing and solving organisational problems involving human dynamics.3) Who is it for?Middle level to senior managers working in tobacco control who have responsibilities for management and administrative aspects o

13、f tobacco programme implementation. Since the role of the managers covers many skills, it is possible that a range of professionals may have the appropriate and necessary background to undertake the training. Participants could be from national/ provincial/international non-governmental organisation

14、s (NGOs) or governmental agencies. Following are some examples of participant profile:Project Leaders, Finance Managers, Project Managers and Grant Managers in private sector organizations;Coordinators, managers or focal points of national and regional tobacco control programmes;Coordinators and man

15、agers of national and regional tobacco control networks, alliances and resource centres.Course on Human Resources Management Page 4 of 6 This course is part of a series financed by Bloomberg Philanthropies4)What is in it for me and my organisation?This course will help the participants to determine

16、theirorganisation s majorhuman resource needs, strategies and philosophies by doing an organisationalHR audit. Participants will be able to identify specific weak HR areas within their organisation and to develop an action plan to strengthen them. Participants will be able to identify various organi

17、sational development interventions that are low cost and can practically be implemented within their settings. Various tools and techniques that are valid, reliable and measurable will be provided so that participants can recommend and implement in to their countries. Organisations will gain in incr

18、eased employee productivity and motivation when they implement the various creative and innovative HR tools.5)What will I be able to do after participating that I could not do before?Be able to determine the organisation s major human resource needs, strategies and philosophiesBe able to define how

19、tasks, authority, and systems will be organised and integrated across organisational units and in individual jobsMatch people and their career needs and capabilities with jobs and career pathsApply the principles of performance management and conduct effective performance appraisals to their own sta

20、ffAble to analyse performance needs and design training interventions.Learn how to instruct and facilitate training programConduct effective training evaluationUnderstand the human resources information system (HRIS) and its role in organisational effectiveness6)What will I do during the course?Unde

21、rgo and interpret various valid and reliable HR instruments in understanding various organisation development interventions. Conduct an organisational HR auditIdentify weak HR areas and develop action plansCreate an HR scorecardLearn how to forecast HR needs and do manpower planning Learn how to cre

22、ate job descriptionsLearn and create various HR efficiency measures and indicatorsLearn how to recruit personnel and develop interviewing skills.Learn how to conduct a performance appraisalLearn how to conduct employee orientation and trainingDo a training needs analysisParticipants will also intera

23、ct with our faculty and fellow participants through a variety of instruments and simulations to learn, share best practices, debate experiences and better understand how to use effective HR practices to lead their teams.Course on Human Resources Management Page 5 of 6 This course is part of a series

24、 financed by Bloomberg PhilanthropiesManagement level definitions:Supervisors and new managers:Management, team leaders and supervisors who implement organizational strategy at the first line (with up to 3 years of management or supervisory experience)Middle managers:Managers who contribute to the f

25、ormulation of organisational strategy and are responsible for its implementation within their departments/functions. This includes departmental and functional heads with people management responsibility, project managers, and experienced managers (with 4 to 7 years of management experience)Upper-mid

26、 managersSenior executives who are responsible for, or participate in, the formulation of organisational strategy and who lead strategy execution. This includes senior functional heads, general managers, regional or area directors, unit/division directors and senior project managers (with more than

27、8 years of management experience)Senior and top managersStrategic organisational leaders, organisational decision makers and thought leaders within their field, who are responsible for the formulation of organisational or programme strategy and who lead organisations at regional, national, and inter

28、nationallevels. These include CEOs, Executive Directors, CFOs, other C-functions, presidents, vice presidents, board members, managing directors and international directors.International Union Against Tuberculosisand Lung Disease (The Union)68, boulevard Saint-Michel75006 Paris - FRANCETel: (+33) 1 44 32 03 60Fax: (+33) 1 43 29 90 87Mobile: (+33) 6 63 74 53 50www.iuatld.orgCourse on Human Resources Management Page 6 of 6 This course is part of a series financed by Bloomberg Philanthropies


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