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1、美团商业计划书 - 商业计划书 - 书业网篇一:美团网商业模式及经营策略分析 美团网商业模式及经营策略分析 摘要 随着美国的Groupon团购网的疯狂崛起,全世界都掀起了模仿它的狂潮。美团网于2010年3月4号上线运营,是国内首家团购网站。它的上线,迅速引爆了团购行业在国内的发展,两年多,中国团购网站的数量达到了六千家之多,但是2013年以来团购热潮逐渐减缓,但美团网在独立团购网站所占市场份额仍为领头羊。 本论文首先介绍美团网的基本情况及其发展阶段,然后通过竞争环境、盈利模式及经营成本等分析其商业模式,再者通过美团的组织结构和发展战略等分析其经营策略,最后总结美团网的成功之处并提出改进性建议。

2、 关键字 美团网 商业模式 经营策略 一、网站简介 (1)概述 美团网 (/) 是中国大陆地区第一个精品团购形式的类Groupon电子商务网站。由创办人王兴于2010年3月4日推出。其经营范围是网络购物,美团网每天推出一单精品消费,包括餐厅、酒吧、KTV、SPA、美发店等,网友能够以低廉的价格进行团购并获得优惠劵。美团的宗旨是为消费者发现最值得信赖的商家同时让消费者享受超低折扣的优质服务。为商家找到最合适的消费者,给商家提供最大收益的互联网推广。美团网的页面继承了Groupon的极简风格,一页之内涵盖了当日团购商品的所有重要信息,以及从外部站点链接过来的第三方评论。 (2)主要发展阶段 201

3、0年5月4日 至2010年8月2日美团网上海站,武汉站,广州站陆续上线 2011年5月份团购网站运营状况,美团网以83.53分的成绩获得第一! 2011年07月13日 阿里巴巴领投美团网5000万美金 2011年11月 美团网11月份销售额超过2.5亿,占据市场17%的份额,第二次夺得行业第一。 2011年12月17日 单日销售额突破1000万2012年3月 美团网单月销售额再创历史新高,突破3亿元大关达301,586,660元,率先开启团购行业3亿时代! 二、商业模式分析 (一) 美团网提供的产品及服务 1提供团购产品信息,为客户提供其所需要的产品且大多为高折扣的产品。 2美团商家营销平台,

4、作为供应商的一个广告渠道,为其的产品进行营销。 3开放API文档。 4美团联盟。 5.消费者保障服务。包括未消费随时退款、过期未消费无条件退款、极速退款、不满意就免单。 (二)企业竞争环境及竞争优势分析 波特五力模型可以反映了企业的竞争环境,了解行业之间的竞争状态。下面运用五力模型分析美团网的竞争环境。 1、竞争环境(波特五力模型) (1)供应商的议价能力 目前美团主要发展对象是知名度较小的小企业,组织团购可以为这些供应商聚集大量人气,带来更多消费,所以他们依赖性比较大,议价能力相对比较弱。因此,美团的议价能力相对比较强。 (2)购买者的议价能力 团购网站的买方是分散的个人或群体消费者,单个买

5、方无法大批量购买,因此买方的议价能力比较弱。但团购的消费者大部分是因为商品超低价格折扣,若有更低折扣,他们就会转移到其他网站,所以总体看买方议价能力还是比较强的。 (3)新进入者的威胁 团购是一个门槛较低的行业,没有资本,规模,人员甚至技术方面的门槛。所以跟风者众多,导致一年多就上演“千团大战”。但发展至今,行业利润普遍不到10%,品牌效应初显,用户价值体验和价值创造逐渐成为竞争的焦点,服务和创新没有做好的团购网站已经难以进入该行业竞争,所以潜在进入者的威胁比较小。 (4)替代品的威胁团购行业是新兴起的商业模式,行业发展还不成熟,而已经占据很大市场份额的那些知名B2B、B2C、C2C网站都是团

6、购网站强有力的替代品。由于团购网站出售的产品或服务在其他电子商务网站也能比较容易搜到,所以团购网站的替代品生产商具有比较大的威胁,所以美团网要加强发展差异化服务。 (5)同业竞争者的竞争程度 2010年3月,美团网引发了中国的团购热潮,据统计截止2013年上半年,全国团购网站累计共6218家。目前,国内各大团购网站存在不同程度的亏损,艾瑞预计未来能真正存活下来的独立团购网站将不超过3家,现在美团网的主要竞争对手还有拉手网、窝窝网、满座网等一系列优秀团购网,所以竞争还是比较激烈的。 2、企业的竞争优势 在众多的团购网站中,美团在速途研究院的2013年第二季度团购市场分析报告报告中排名第一位。相比

7、其他团购网,美团网有以下优势: (1)品牌优势。美团网是中国第一家团购网站,带动并引领了中国团购行业的发展;美团网拥有数百万的注册用户且保持持续高速增长;美团网创始人王兴在互联网界有着很高的知名度和美誉度。 (2)服务优势。多维度提升用户体验,提现消费者第一。美团网除了严格的商家审核之外,还投入千万元进行呼叫中心建设,同时率先推出“7天内未消费,无条件退款”、“消费不满意,美团就免单”和“过期未消费,一键退款”等一系列消费者保障计划。 (3)资金优势。一直高居行业榜首的营业收入以及红杉资本的投资等使得美团网的实力越发的强大。 (4)运营经验丰富。美团网有着强大的商务洽谈团队,有着丰富的商业合作

8、谈判经验。 (5)100%物流掌控。美团网的物流方式是,客户付款后将收到一个唯一的美团网验证码,然后带着验证码到相应的城市购买,可以节省快递的时间与费用。 (三)企业盈利模式分析目前,美团的盈利模式有以下四个方面: 1佣金模式。美团网最主要的盈利模式,主要是通过出售团购商品,直接赚取中间的差价;或者是通过出售商品进行高百分比的抽成;或者通过协议帮商家做折扣促销,按照协议金额形成收入。 2广告收入。客户在美团网上做广告,美团网由此收取广告费。 3.转介费模式。美团网直接将页面链接到产品所属公司,让产品所属公司获得更多被知晓的机会,甚至开发出更多潜在客户,因此美团网通过向该公司收取转介费用。 4.

9、活动回扣。商家在美团上做活动和展会时,美团会收取回扣,获得收入。 (四)经营成本分析 对于目前中国的团购网站而言,其平均毛利率仅在8%左右,相对于GROUPON的30%50%毛利率而言简直小巫见大巫。由于团购网站的疯长,为了获得更多的用户,争夺市场份额,其广告的投入可谓一掷千金,可是其利润的增长却跟不上广告的投入以及运营的资本。 美团网在此方面表现较具优势。其广告主要集中在搜索引擎的优化,投入的成本较少。其成本主要在其庞大的机构的运营、广告、市场的拓展。较大部分团购网站来讲,其拓展是理性的而且有次序的,很大程度降低了企业的成本。 (五)目标客户分析 美团网的目标客户有两类: 第一类是消费者。1

10、8至40岁的有接受一定文化教育的中产或中产以上的阶层,主要是公司白领和在校学生,因为这部分人群具有强大的消费力,也是当今网民的主体。 第二类是商家。商家主要是所提供的产品边际成本较低,往往不会因为提供较低的折扣而亏损很大,而且希望通过此来起到宣传的效果的小企业。 (六)业务流程的描述 三、经营策略分析 (一)发展战略 美团是独立团购网的领军企业,其在执行快速扩张的过程中,又要做好行业表率以及维持自己的行业领军地位。故美团战略可以概括为柔性综合,即通过创新保持进攻性的同时,维持美团在行业内的领先地位以及公司的稳定。 1.通过创新创造差异化营销 创新主要从产品创新,技术创新,营销创新三方面出发。首

11、先产品创新,产品形态的创新,建立自己的长尾团模式。第二,技术创新,结合现在较为流行的LBS业务,做一个基于地理位置的推荐。第三,营销创新,营销可以引入意向营销理念。 2. 融资扩大规模 团购网站的数量已经超过市场容量,而且发展至今网络团购行业势必面临整合,团购网站应该迅速融资扩大规模、加大营销投入。为了扩大融资,美团网可以主要采取上市、向海外投资者出售企业股权进行融资。 3通过并购以及合作保持领先 通过收购或者与区域性团购网站合作的方式,深挖区域化经营,增加服务站点,更重要的是往营销平台发展,扩大美团的品牌价值,以及给企业提供统一的流程管理,保持地方的竞争力。 4.完善服务增加竞争力。包括售后

12、服务和物流服务。 5.加强对商家的管理,提高商家服务质量和诚信度。 (三)市场营销策略 篇二:美团商业计划书 MEITUAN BUSINESS PLAN 班级:英语121 组员:1231010 程涵 1231015 纪鹏云 1231018 董园园 1231020 马雯 1231027 雷金鹏 Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. COMPANY SUMMARY & MANAGEMENT 3. PRODUCT OR SERVICE 4. MARKET ANALYSIS 5. MARKETING STRATEGY & FINANCIAL

13、 PLAN 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Company Overview:Meituan takes homonym for "group once a day” in Chinese. Meituan was established on March 4, 2010. Meituan is earliest Chinese group-buying on the Internet. On the one hand, Meituan is a company that provides the most trustworthy, low discount and

14、 high quality service to customers. On the other hand, it is also helps the businesses of Meituan to find the most appropriate consumers and offer them the maximum benefits of the Internet marketing. Meituan is a combination of social media and e-commerce instead of the traditional old-fashioned e-c

15、ommerce. 1.2 Holdings: $12 million capital injection when Meituan founded, $50 million investment from Alibaba and Hongshan. Ali will hold the group shares about 10% - 15%.In March 2014, for $300 million Cround of financing. 1.3 Management: business is developing very fast and has a standardized mod

16、eling. .No management or spontaneous management; .Scientific management belongs to the modern enterprise management; .A fair, open and transparent way of management. 1.4 Service: Meituan has just completed the development of $700 million in financing, which valued at $7 billion. Compared with other

17、sites, Meituan is more close to the masses.it is inevitably leads to a lot of new entrants into the group-buying industry, and then there is competition in the industry. Meituanhas a good after-sales service, larger market share, excellent team and multi-channel marketing; it will survive in fierce

18、competition. 1.5 Market analysis: Meituan business coverage is wide, which means the more value of it in the market of natural. According to the definition of the market, buying is monopoly competition, but Meituan provides different services. 1.6 Strategy implementation: Given the Meituan in a spee

19、d development time, so the choice of strategy can be a little aggressive. The group itself is an industry leader and maintains their industry leading position. So Meituanstrategy can be summarized as flexible composite, that is, through innovation to keep aggressive at the same time, maintain and le

20、ading position in the industry and the stability of the company. 1.7 Financial plan: Meituan will be in a few big categories: hotels, movies, and continue to invest in such fields as take-away meals. 2. Company Summary & Management Meituan has provided beneficial conditions for consumers to find

21、 the most trustworthy business,accompanying with ultra-low discount but high quality service. For businesses to find the most appropriate consumers, for merchants to provide maximum benefits of Internet marketing. 2.1The scale of MeituanThe sales amount of Meituan in July 2012 was more than 500 mill

22、ion yuan, the local service sales accounted for 95.14% of total sales. The sales number in August 2014 was over 4.5 billion yuan. By August, the monthly sales number of Meituan subsection including Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xian, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Chengdu reached RMB 100 million respect

23、ively. 2.2 National operation centers Meituan will set a national operation center in the provincial capital of Hebei province -Shijiazhuang, the reporter learns from Shijiazhuang city business bureau that Meituan will build up a national operation centre in Jinshi industrial park in Shijiazhuang. I

24、n the future, Shijiazhuang national operation will take over data processing, call center, service management, document edit, daily business operations and other functions. As soon as Shijiazhuang national operation centre opens, it will have a size of 3000 employees,which is expected to provide 500

25、0 positions in five years and create output value of 100 billion yuan. 2.3 Service system (a) Integrity is the foundation of Meituan, neither in the past nor in the future, will nobodycheat in the number of deals. (b)In the aspect of system and culture,Meituan teaches each employee to treat both mer

26、chants and customers sincerely. (c) Once the trading list is launched on Meituan, it cannot be changed so it prevents of the possibility of fraudulent numbers. (d) Meituan will establish "the supervision committee". it will invite media, famous blogs and the Internet industry professionals

27、 as well as common netizens to join. (e) Since its inception on March 4, 2010, Meituan has been trying to provide a local service for consumer e-commerce. As the first group shopping which applied to join in the 12315 green satisfactions in the first place while developing itself. 2.4 No anxiety aft

28、er consumption (a) "No consumption within 7 days, unconditional refund" plan Meituan promises that every consumer who has successful group shopping in Meituan application,if not use the consuming ticket in 7days due to some reasons, can call the web service to reflect, and if it accord wit

29、h standard of refund, the nets will return the money to consumers in the first time. (b)"consumption not satisfied, receive for free" plan Meituan adds the creative protection for consumers that if they are not satisfied with the service,they can receive the service for free,on the basic o

30、f "not spending within 7 days, unconditional refund" plan, which provides a more complete protection. (c)&(转载于:www.zaIdian.cOM 在点 网)quot;overdue consumption, immediate refund “plan On March 4, 2011, the first anniversary of the establishment of Meituanannounced "overdue return” plan o

31、fficially. Namely in the futureMeituan users with overdue consumption will receive a refund service. Before March 31, Meituan has returned 10milion yuan to the corresponding network users. The move in group-buying industry is the first time in the world. Utmost safeguard the interests of users, remo

32、ve the trouble back at home of users. 3. Product or Service 3.1Meituanfocuses on the local service of group-buying,and based on the satisfaction of consumer, in a word; the protection measures of consumer can be done very well. 3.2 Meituan firstly found consumer protective systems of carefree group-

33、buying ,it included you can get no conditional refund if dont consume group-buying ticketin one week if you feel unsatisfactory ,Meituan will pay it for you ;if your expired group-buying coupons dont be used , you would get unconditional refund . there are other favorable , and there is a suitable o

34、ne for you .if consumers face with all of problem in the process of group-buying , Meituan will solve them .because the service quality of Meituan is very good , so Meituan get good reputation in the consumers , some old consumers will introduce many new consumers to Meituan. Therefore,Meituan have

35、broad consumer market. 3.3 When consumer buy something in the Meituan , the seller will be responsible for logistics , actually consumer also need to pay for a part of fee .and the way of logistic is that you will receive a unique network code when you have paid for it. Then when you arrive at the c

36、ity that you want to live,you can get corresponding commodity .theoretically ,it can save time and fee of logistic ,and it will made consumer more reassuring , so consumer will buy many products on the Meituan. 3.4 over the several years, Meituan always insist on the management of the supreme statue

37、s of consumers, Meituanproduct is produced to meet the requirement of consumer,and it marketing and service structure is designed for the interest of consumer. Besides, Meituan can adopt reasonably consumers suggestion. 3.5 Meituan faced with different consumers , then it would use different marketi

38、ng means .for example , many consumer can use Meituan APP. Wherever you are , you can get everything that you want , so it is convenient .you should not get to some shop ,and products also can be taken to you hand. 3.6Every day,Meituan often hold some favorable activities, you only use few money to

39、buy some product. Actually, you enjoy a big discount. 3.7Meituan can create consumer value,and they hope get the satisfaction and loyalty of consumer. Meanwhile, with the repaid development of economy,Meituan also consistently expand service scope, pioneer new consumption market. It can be getting m

40、ore attention of consumer. 3.8Meituan consumer value mainly get loyalty of consumer, it can protect篇三:满团网商业计划书 满 团 网 商 业 计 划 书 组长:* 组员:*、*、*、 *、*、* 目录 第一章 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 摘要 . 3 项目策划背景 . 3 项目的介绍. 3 项目的盈利模式. 3 项目的市场定位. 3 1.5 1.6 1.7 第二章 2.1 2.2 2.3 第三章 3.1 3.2 3.3 第四章 4.1 4.2 第五章 5.1 5.2 5.3 第六章 6.1 6.2 项目实施目标 . 4 项目的竞争情况. 4 项目的资金需求. 4 公司介绍 . 4 公司简介 . 4 公司发展战略 . 5 公司管理. 5 市场分析 . 8 市场背景 . 8 竞争者 . 8 竞争策略 . 9 产品和服务. 7 产品服务及盈利 . 7 产品及服务规划 . 7 营销策略 . 9 营销目标定位 . 9 营销任务及SWOT分析 . 10 营销策略及促销策略 . 10 经营风险与策略.11 面临的困难和主要风险 .


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