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1、名校名 推荐2014-2015 学年北师大版选修7 Unit 19 Language 第 8 课时 作业一.语法填空,单句训练1 (福建高考改编 )Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at thecorner where they could buy _(affordable) priced bikes.答案: affordably考查副词词义辨析。句意:那些穷困潦倒的青少年在拐角找到一家商店很兴奋,在那里他们能买到付得起钱的自行车。affordably 付“得起地 ”,符合句意。2 (2015 玉溪模拟改编 )

2、Five workers _(survive) the mine disaster. After theinjured _(rush) to the hospital, doctors and nurses immediately got down tosaving their lives.答案: survived; were rushed 句意:在矿难事故中五名工人幸免于难。伤员被紧急送到医院后,医护人员立刻着手挽救他们的生命。survive sth. 经“历 (地震、火灾、事故等 )幸存下来 ”;the injured 伤“员 ”,为集体名词,作主语时谓语动词用复数;根据句意可知应使用一般

3、过去时的被动语态。3 (2015 南京模拟改编 )This is the first time I _(take) my first picture withmy own hands.Its time that you _(take) a picture for me.答案: have taken;took 句意: 这是我第一次亲自照像。 是你给我照像的时候了。 It/This is the first time. 中,从句谓语动词用现在完成时; It is time sb. did sth.意为 “是某人干某事的时间了。 ”4 (2015 漳州模拟改编 )As I _(approach) t

4、he little grass house in the forest,my heart beat more and more quickly.答案: approached 考查动词。句意:当我接近森林中那座小草房时,我的心跳得越来越快。5 (2015 长春模拟改编 )After the earthquake, many people had to be put _ inthe tents because most of their houses were badly damaged.答案: up句意:地震后,许多人不得不在帐篷里住宿,因为大多数房屋毁坏严重。 put up “提供住宿 ”,符

5、合句意。二单选- 1 -名校名 推荐1.【2015 届安徽省六校教研会高三第一次联考】You may be out of your parents but never out of their mind wherever you are.A. sightB. signC. sighD. scene【解析】A 。out of ones sight不在某人的视野范围内。 句意:你父母可能看不到你,但不管你在哪里, 他们永远想着你。 sight 视力,视野; sign 签名; sigh 叹气;scene场景。根据题意选A 。2【 2015 届浙江省温州市十校联合体高三上学期期初联考】Although

6、 dishonestyseems so common in recent years, people still believe that honesty willnot go outof.A. styleB. orderC. balanceD. shape【解析】 AA. style 风格; B. order 命令; C. balance平衡; D. shape形状;句意:虽然这些年不诚实是非常普遍的,但人们仍然认为诚实永远不会落伍。Out of style不时髦;3【2015 届浙江省温州市十校联合体 (温州中学等)高三上学期期初联考】 - Do you know why Jane was

7、 so angry?- Her roommate gave in to _ and opened the letter addressed to her.A. curiosityB. consideration C. concernD. convenience【解析】AA. curiosity 好奇;B. consideration 体贴;C. concern关心;D. convenience方便;句意:你知道为什么简如此生气吗?他的舍友很好奇,打开了他的信;givein to curiosity 抑制不住好奇心。4【 2015 届浙江省绍兴一中高三上学期回头考试】Anyway, I canc

8、heat him- it sagainst all my _.A. emotionsB. principlesC. regulationsD. patience【解析】 B。 A emotions 情绪; B principles 原则; C regulations 规则; D patience 耐心;结合句意可知 B 正确。against my principles违背我的原则 句意:无论如何,我不能欺骗他,那是违背我的原则5【2015 届浙江省 “温州八校 ”高三返校联考】 Steven was playing the violin loudly thewhole night.But I

9、wasn t bothered by his loudness so much aslackbyofhis_ .A. temperB. appearanceC. talentD. character- 2 -名校名 推荐【解析】 C 。考 名 辨析A. temper 脾气; B. appearance外貌; C. talent 天 ;D. character性格;句意:斯蒂文整夜都在大声地吹着喇叭,可是,我并不被其噪声 ,而是 其(音 )潜能的不足 心。三 法填空,篇章 下面材料,在空白 填入适当的内容 (1 个 )或括号内 的正确形式。Were you the first or the la

10、st child in your family? Or were you a middle or an only child? Some people think _1_ matters where you were born in your family. But there are different ideas about what birth order means. Some people say that oldest children, _2_ are smart and strong-willed, are very likely _3_(succeed). The reaso

11、n _4_ this is simple. Parents have a lot of time for their first child and give him or her a lot of attention. An only child will succeed for _5_ same reason. What happens to the _6_ children in the family? Middle children dont get so much attention, so they dont feel that important. If a family has

12、 many children, the middle one sometimes gets lost in the crowd. The youngest child, _7_, often gets special treatment. Often this child grows up to be funny. But a recent study saw things quite _8_(difference). The study found that first children believed in family rules. They didnt take many chanc

13、es in _9_ lives. They usually _10_ (follow) orders. Rules didnt mean as much to later children in the family. They took chances and they often did better in life.1 _2._3._4._5._6 _7._8._9._10._ 篇解 :本文 述孩子在家里的 序会影响到他 的人生。答案:1it 考 代 。 It matters where you were born in your family 个句子 it 是形式主 ,真正的主 是 w

14、here 引 的主 从句。2 who考 定 从句。 who 引 的是 oldest children 的定 从句,做主 。3 to succeed 考 固定搭配。 be likely to do sth 可能做“某事 ”。4 for考 介 。 The reason for.表示 “的原因 ”。5 the考 冠 。 the same reason同 “的原因 ”。6 other考 代 。句意:家里的其它孩子呢?- 3 -名校名 推荐7 however/though考查副词。句意:然而,最小的孩子通常会得到特殊的照顾。8 differently考查副词。句意:但最后一项研究看问题的角度很是不同。9 their考查代词。句意:他们没有抓住生活中出现的机会。10followed考查动词的时态。根据They didnt take many chances in 9._lives 可知用一般过去时。- 4 -


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