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1、 Unit 5 Water More practice and speak up 班级: 姓名: 成绩:学习目标:认读单词human, ocean, therefore, drip, litres, fill, instead of.进一步了解有关水的事实信息,了解饮用水的稀少,在日常生活中节约用水学习重点:Ss grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions.学习难点: Ss understand some difficult and long sentences.学习过程:评价:预习交流评价Find out the

2、meaning of the following words.human_ ocean_ salty_ therefore_drip_ litre_ fill_ instead_评价:新知巩固展示II. While-class (课堂教学流程)Step1 Listen to the tape, and then choose the correct answer.( ) 1. About _ of the human body is water. A. 50% B. 30% C. 70%( ) 2. About _ of the Earth is water. A. 80% B. 75% C.

3、 60%( ) 3. Most of the water in the world is _. A. fresh water B. drinkable C. Undrinkable( ) 4. If water drips from the tap every 10 seconds, we will water about _ litres of water a year. A. 215 B. 315 C. 415( ) 5. Having a shower instead of a bath can save up to _ litres of water a week. A. 400 B.

4、 300 C. 200评价:训练拓展提高Step 2 Read the article and finish the exercise on P68.Step 3 在文中找出句子1. 人体中大约百分之七十是水分_2. 因此,世界上大部分的水是不能喝的_3. 如果水滴每10秒从你的龙头滴落一次,那么你一年将浪费大约315升水-足够装满两浴缸._4. 泡澡所用的水量大约是冲澡的两倍._5. 用冲澡代替泡澡一周可以节水多达400升._6. 找到干净和安全的水来喝是不容易的_Step 4 Fill in the blanks Facts about waterHere are some interes

5、ting facts about water:About 70% of the h_ body i_ water.Oceans c_ about 75% of the Earth, but ocean water is s_. T_ most of the water in the world is not d_.Groundwater may be d_, but it is not easy to find groundwater that is c_ and s_ to drink.If water d_ from your tap every 10 seconds, you will

6、w_ about 315 l_ o_ water a year - e_ to f_ two baths!Having a b_ uses about t_ as m_ water as taking a s_. Having a s_ i_ of bath can save up to 400 litres a week.评价:纠错归纳整理Step 5 Speak up Book A Page 66Activity 1根据图片和提示,小组合作完成这个流程图。How does water become rain?Water in the sea.Water _._._Rain_.The sun heats the water.More vapour in the air.Vapour_ and _ small drops of water.Activity 2 依据上述流程图,口头描述雨形成的过程(使用first, then, next, finally等连词)。Step 6 Homework朗读More practice A部分的篇章Facts about water, 然后把篇章里的重点词组写在以下的收藏夹。3Believe it or not!信不信由你!


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