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1、社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称社会工作导论学 分(Credits)3 Course NameAn Introduction toSocial Work学 时(Hours)54课程简介 社会工作导论是社会工作专业的一门专业基础课程,本课程侧重于介绍有关社会工作的基本概念知识,具有较强的理论性。该课程围绕着现代专业的“社会工作”这一核心概念,全面介绍其内涵外延及相关范畴,包括其功能意义和发展由来,并结合现实介绍其主要的运

2、作表现即实务领域。在理论知识层面,社会工作的科学性和应用性决定其不仅与社会学、社会心理学、心理学、人类学等相关学科之间的密切关系,同时还具有较强的实务特征。本课程目标在于使学生通过对社会工作的基本内涵、历史发展、目标和功能、哲学基础、专业价值观、基本理论和知识、专业方法、人类行为与环境、实践处境、通用过程模式等内容的了解,认同和内化正确的专业价值观,对社会工作专业有基本的认识。Course DescriptionAn Introduction to Social Work is the basic survey course of the program. It includes histor

3、ical development, the fundamental values and ethics of social work, the formation of social welfare policies, and the role of the professional social workers. The course is intended to provide an introduction to the evolution and the present status of social welfare institutions and the profession o

4、f social work. It focuses on the development and current status of the social welfare institution, the history of social work and social welfare,at the same time,it endows with an apparent feature of practice, The purposes, values and skills required of the profession, the organization and functions

5、 of public and private social agencies, and the social service delivery system. Besides, it will also address the impact of social problems on individuals, families, and/or communities. This is a professional foundation course required for undergraduates of social work. 社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brie

6、f Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称个案工作学 分(Credits)3 Course NameSocial Case Work学 时(Hours)54课程简介 个案工作着重强调专业实践性,作为社会工作的专业工作方法之一,其具有较为全面的理论基础和系统的方法技术。个案工作是一项专业的助人活动,授课内容注重理论与实践相结合,特别是将相关专业技术方法、治疗模式同个案工作的五个过程实施紧密结合起来,采用课堂讨论、实务案例分析、角色扮演等多种课堂形式力图使学生积极参与并主动融入课堂学习中,

7、以达到学习与反思,理论认知同实务操作双结合的教学效果。作为主干专业课程,本课程目标在于培养学生具备一定的运用所学知识分析、解决实际问题的能力,为未来开展专业化的实务打下良好基础,并能把个案实施过程中的问题上升到理论层面进行反思,以提高工作的自觉性与能动性。Course DescriptionSocial Case Work is a mandatory course for undergraduates, and mainly includes historical development, the fundamental values and ethics of social case wo

8、rk, the theories and the methods of social case work, and the basic perspective of social case work. This course emphasizes the integration of theory and practice, and particularly focuses on the methods and skills applied to work with individuals and families. It also provides an in-depth examinati

9、on of the helping process within the context of an ecosystems/developmental framework. A variety of instructional methods like seminars, case study and role play are used to develop the skills of data collection, assessment, and problem identification. Through the course, students will be prepared r

10、eady to undertake similar work, and are more able to reflect and even theorize the work. 社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称团体社会工作学 分(Credits)3 Course NameSocial Group Work学 时(Hours)54课程简介 团体社会工作也称小组社会工作,是社会工作者在理论知识和科学方法指导下,运用小组的形

11、式,通过设计实施一系列有目的的小组活动,开展社会工作的直接服务方法。小组社会工作的基础理论主要包括群体动力学、社会系统理论、社会学习理论、境中我理论等。小组社会工作的实践理论模式主要包括社会目标模式、互惠模式、治疗模式、社会发展模式、行为修正模式等。社会工作小组过程可以分为小组前期、冲突与转换期、亲密期、差异期、分离期。小组社会工作的基本技巧主要包括小组方案设计、有效领导者的特质、小组带领、小组沟通、小组促进干预、沉默者、垄断者及替罪羔羊等特殊组员处理等。Course DescriptionSocial Group Work,also called social work of the gro

12、up, is a direct way of conducting social work, and it is to apply the theory and methods of social work, form a group and organize a series of group activities to fulfill the purposes of the work. After learning the course students will acquire the knowledge and the theory of social group wok, which

13、 includes group dynamics,social system theory,social learning theory, developmental psychology,looking-glass self, etc. They will also acquaint themselves with the application models such as social purpose model and mutual benefit model. Besides the knowledge of the process of social group work and

14、the skills will be acquired. 社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称社区社会工作学 分(Credits)3 Course NameCommunity Social work学 时(Hours)54课程简介(300字以内) 社区社会工作是高等院校社会工作专业的基础课程,着重从社区的内涵、内容、社区工作的价值观、原则、社区工作的目标、社区组织及社区工作模式进行系统的介绍。同时针对社区工作的具体方面,结

15、合我国社区建设实践需要,从社区管理模式、社区组织、社区服务、社区教育、社区矫正、社区照顾等领域讲述具体的实务工作方法和技巧。社区社会工作课程的任务是分析研究社区工作的各个环节,掌握社区工作的手段与方法。本课程的目的和要求是:使学生树立正确的指导思想,全面、系统地掌握和理解本课程各章内容,培养和提高正确分析和解决问题的能力,为其学习其他课程和毕业后做好社会工作打下良好基础。Course DescriptionCommunity Social Work is a basic course required for undergraduates of social work and it mainl

16、y deals with the nature of community social work, its contents, values, principles, aims, the organization and operation. Methods and skills are also discussed in terms of community management, community organization, community service, community education, community correction, community care to su

17、it the needs of the communities of China. The course will analyze the links related and acquire the skills and methods needed. The teaching objectives are to help students have a thorough understanding of the knowledge and theory of community social work, have the skills of analysis and problem solv

18、ing and be prepared ready to move to other courses. ,社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称社会学概论学 分(Credits)3 Course NameAn Introduction to Sociology学 时(Hours)54课程简介 社会学是一门从社会整体出发,综合研究社会与社会中人的关系、文化、社会互动及其变化发展规律的社会科学。 本课程将全面、系统地介绍社会学学

19、科的主要领域、基本范畴、主要理论和研究方法。通过这门课程的学习,可以使学生掌握社会学的基本内容、观点、学派和应用等知识点,包括社会学的学科地位、发展简史及基础研究方法;学习了解社会基本构成元素及其相互作用、社会规范与社会制度、违规与社会控制、社会分层与社会流动、个人社会化进程、个体与群体、个人与文化等内容;使学生掌握社会学概论课程的基础内容,并通过社会结构整体的眼光来观察世界,将事物置于宏观社会背景中考察,深刻发现事物的本质,提高学生应用社会学解决实际问题的能力。Course DescriptionAn Introduction to Sociology is designed to prov

20、ide students with an introduction to the field of sociology. Through a broad overview of the discipline including an introduction to social theory, research methods and the understanding of key sociological concepts and perspectives, students will become aware of how sociologists view society and so

21、cial behavior. This course is designed to introduce students to the sociological study of society. Sociology focuses on the systematic understanding of social interaction, social organization, social institutions, and social change. Major themes in sociological thinking include the interplay between

22、 the individual and society, how society is both stable and changing, the causes and consequences of social inequality, and the social construction of human life. Understanding sociology helps discover and explain social patterns and see how such patterns change over time and in different settings.

23、By making vivid the social basis of everyday life, sociology also helps develop critical thinking by revealing the social structures and processes that shape diverse forms of human life.社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称社会统计学学 分(

24、Credits)3 Course NameSocial Statistics学 时(Hours)54课程简介 作为统计方法在社会学领域的应用课程,本课程不同于其他数理类统计课程,它从文科学生的基础和需要出发,深入浅出地系统介绍了社会统计学的基本原理、概念和主要内容,并通过按照变量的四个测量层次(定类、定序、定距和定比)来展开授课内容,详细阐述了统计描述和统计推论在社会现象研究中的具体方法和操作过程。 本课程要求学生掌握社会统计学的基本原理、概念及方法。能够针对具体的研究问题和研究目的选择恰当有效的统计类型和统计方法,通过计算机SPSS软件应用对社会调查数据进行初步的统计分析,并能够对分析结果做

25、出合理和恰当的解释。Course DescriptionSocial Statistics, different from other mathematical statistics courses, is designed to suit the needs of liberal arts students. It introduces the basic principles, concepts and main content of social statistics, and is organized in accordance with the variables of the fo

26、ur measuring level (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio) to explain the methods and the application of descriptive and inferential statistics. Students are expected to acquire the basic principle of social statistics, and its concepts and methods. Besides that they will learn to use SPSS software t

27、o analyze the collected data and be able to make reasonable and appropriate explanation of the results of the analysis.社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称人类行为和社会环境学 分(Credits)3 Course NameHuman Behavior and Social Environment学 时(H

28、ours)54课程简介 它是社会工作专业的一门最基本的课程,主要从社会环境的角度来理解人们的行为变化和成长过程。课程的内容主要是从系统的观点出发,认识个人在社会环境中如何在各个不同的系统中达到动态的平衡,完成其阶段发展任务并发挥其社会功能。从生物、心理、社会层面介绍了人的各个生命阶段之发展情形,以及在社会环境中与各社会系统包括家庭、团体、组织、社区及文化的互动关系。旨在使学生深入理解人类行为与社会环境的动态关系,从而为更好地理解和解释人们不同行为与社会环境之间的相互影响做铺垫。这些知识不仅可以帮助学生应用于自身,理解自己所处环境和成长过程, 更是从事社会工作的指导,为其职业生涯奠定重要的理论基

29、础。Course DescriptionHuman Behavior and Social Environment is a fundamental course of social work major. It mainly explains the changes of the development of human beings, and the process of growth from the perspective of social environment. The contents are systematically organized to explore how a

30、balance is reached between man and the social environment of different systems, and eventually accomplish the tasks of each stage and exert the social function. It also describes the development of man at different life stages from perspective of physiology, psychology and society, and also explains

31、 how man and social environment interact in different kinds of social system including family, group, community and different cultures. Learning the course will help students understand the dynamic relationship between human behavior and social environment, and be able to comprehend and analyze the

32、mutual influence existing between them. Whats more, students will be at a better position to understand themselves, the social environment around them, the process of their growth, and the significan of social work, and this will lay an important theoretical basis for their future career.社 会 工 作 专 业

33、 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称扶贫社会工作学 分(Credits)3 Course Name Social Work for Poverty Relief学 时(Hours)54课程简介 扶贫社会工作课程是社会工作专业的基础课。在扶贫中,社会工作者更多的是起到一个引导、协助、支持的作用,在工作中淡化自身主导者的角色,注重培养服务对象的个人能力,让服务对象能够更好的成长起来,通过提升扶贫对象的能力,使扶贫对象真正实现脱贫。本课程分析了贫困救

34、助的相关内容,分析社会工作在扶贫中的重要作用,介绍社会工作在扶贫领域的介入空间及其介入的途径。主要内容包括:绪论、社会救助与反贫困、生活救助与扶贫、灾害救助与扶贫、专项救助与扶贫、扶贫社会工作的价值观、扶贫社会工作的组织架构、扶贫社会工作的实务模式与方法技巧、扶贫社会工作的过程、优势视角下的扶贫社会工作等内容。Course Description Social Work for Poverty Relief is a fundamental course for undergraduates of social work. To relieve the poverty social worke

35、rs are playing the roles of guiding, assisting, supporting, and try to develop the abilities of those needed people instead of taking a leading role that they used to play. This course analyzes the related issues of poverty relief, the important role of social work in relieving poverty, and how soci

36、al work may intervene. The main contents include topics such as social relief, poverty relief, disaster relief ,special assistance, social work values, social work organization, the practice of social work methods and skills. .社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Under

37、graduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称社会保障学学 分(Credits)3 Course NameSocial Security 学 时(Hours)54课程简介 社会保障学课程是一门理论与实践相结合的社会科学类课程,主要课程内容包括:社会救助、社会保险、社会福利、军人保障、补充保障等在内的制度安排及实务知识,旨在从宏观和总体角度提供社会保障制度的相关知识。本课程在讲授过程中,将以管理学和经济学以及人口社会学为基础,将理论与实践相结合,并且准备了大量的社会保障案例,目的是使学生能够了解社会保障的相关知识,并且能够运用所学的社会保障知识,解决自己日常生活中所遇到的与社会

38、保障相关的社会问题,达到理论能力与实践能力的共同提高。Course DescriptionSocial Security integrates both practices and theories, and it gives a general introduction to social security. The main topics involved are social relief, social security, and other related issues so as to equip students with relevant knowledge of the fi

39、eld.The course borrows the theories of management, economics and demography, and applies the method of case study to help students acquire the knowledge of social security and the social issues concerned with social security in their daily life. This will improve their ability of applying the theory

40、 they have learned and ability of solving the problems. 社 会 工 作 专 业 主 干 课 程 简 介( Brief Introduction to the Major Courses of Undergraduates of Social Work)课 程 名 称社会项目管理与评估学 分(Credits)3 Course NameSocial Project Management and Evaluation学 时(Hours)54课程简介 社会项目管理与评估越来越多地被政府及社会组织运用于实际工作中。社会项目的管理者利用有限的资源,运

41、用系统的理论和方法,对社会项目涉及的全部工作进行科学而有效的管理与评估,以便社会项目顺利实施并收到良好的效果。 本课程充分利用国内外现有研究成果,梳理、参考社会项目管理与评估的专著与文献,结合社会诉求与学生需求,结合理论与实际,结合方法与案例,组织并不断完善授课内容。重点突出、系统性强、注重原理与方法的可操作性,便于学生掌握并熟练运用社会项目管理评估方法、知识和技能解决实际问题。Course DescriptionSocial Project Management and Evaluation are increasingly applied in the practical work of

42、the government and social organizations. Given limited resource the managers of social projects are supposed to manage and evaluate all the work involved in social project scientifically and effectively, from the perspective of the whole system to ensure its successful implementation and completion.

43、 The course keeps updating its teaching materials and has adopted the latest research findings into classroom teaching. Taking the demands of society and the needs of students into consideration, it combines the theory and the practice , and helps students to acquire the skills and methods needed to solve practical problems. The main way of instruction is case study.


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