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1、语言文学毕业论文论闺阁记金锁记中的XX意识 语言文学毕业论文-论闺阁记金锁记中的女性意识 摘 要 赛珍珠、张爱玲都是有着中西双重文化背景的两位作家。对中西方文化的透彻了悟,从东方到西方,从西方到东方的双重视角,使她们对社会,对男女关系的审视既辽远开阔,又鞭辟入里。1个在深情热切中流露出倾心关注,1个在冷漠犀利中含有悲天怜人。赛珍珠、张爱玲对妇女命运的关注,不只停留在爱情、婚姻等自身解放问题上,而孜孜于女性的心理展示及生存状态的揭示上,她们的女性意识既显示出深刻性特点,又达到了1定的普遍性高度。闺阁记与金锁记集中体现了她们的女性意识。 赛珍珠关心着新旧矛盾冲突及东西文化交织碰撞中的女性角色定位及

2、其思想状态,企图探索与构建能表现女性体验的新途径。相对于赛珍珠积极、开放的女性意识,张爱玲则显得封闭而消沉。张爱玲把笔尖锐地伸向了女性被逼挤、被扭曲的充满自我挣扎和痛苦的意识世界。 我们无以对赛珍珠和张爱玲的女性意识作出褒贬,但有1点可以肯定的是:正是异域文化的熏染,才使得她们的女性意识含义隽永,独具风貌,并有着深刻的现实意义。 关键词:赛珍珠;闺阁记;张爱玲;金锁记;女性意识 ABSTRACT Both Pearl S.Buck and Zhang Ailing are famous writers with different cultural background of China an

3、d Western.As a result of then have a thorongh understanding about China and Western cultures and dual perspectiues,then make an incisine analysis on social and relationship between men and women. Pearl S.Buck reveals her view in the heart with fervent concern while Zhang Ailing takes pity on extreme

4、.They concern for the fate of women and only focuse on the liberation of love and marriage,but also the psychological display and state of survival.Their female consciousnesses are profound and reach a certain universality height.Pavilion of Women and The Golden Cangue are concentrated expressions o

5、f their female conscionsnesses. Pearl S.Buck worried about the role of women who in the contradiction between old and new,oriental and western culture,the orientat and the thinking conception.she wants to explore a new way to show the women esperience. Zhang Ailing is a little passive written in wom

6、en conscious. Zhang Ailing points straighthy to women who is distorted,repressed、self-struggled and painful in the conscious world.In sum,The consciousness of women in their novels is impressive and unique having a real meaning. We do not have realize Sai Pearl and Zhang Ailings female make the appraisal. Foreign land culture gradually influencing causes the female to realize the meaning to be meaningful, the alone style, and has the profound reality. Key words: Pearl S.Buck; Pavilion of Women; Zhang Ailing; The Golden Cangue; femal consciousness 模板,内容仅供参考


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