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1、试论声乐表演艺术的审美原理论文摘要中英文 声乐表演艺术审美就是歌唱者对声乐艺术美的1种心理感受。在歌唱审美中,歌唱者扮演着1个审美主体的特殊角色,他既是审美者,又是美形象的表演者和美的音响的创造者。歌唱者只有从歌唱声音、音乐感觉、情感表现、艺术形象等方面去领悟和体会歌唱艺术的独特魅力,把所有美的审美感受和情感体验倾注在歌唱之中,把美的声音与情感融为1体去揭示作品的思想内涵和情绪,才能使歌唱艺术富有生命力,并产生震撼人心的艺术效果。 本文试从声乐表演与美学相结合的角度,探索演唱表演中的几个心理因素,它们分别为:情感体验与情感表现;审美心理与演唱个性;把握激情与实现整体美。通过对这几个方面的研究、

2、分析、揣摩和发现。让人们更加注重这种艺术审美特征。使声乐表演艺术更趋于理想化,完整化。 关键词:声乐表演;美学;个性;风格;整体美 The aesthetics to the acting art of vocal music is the mental feeling that the singer has to the art beauty of vocal music. In the process of being aesthetic to the singing, singer always plays a special role as the chief body of bein

3、g aesthetic. He is an aesthete and also a performer of the images of beauty and a creator of the acoustics of beauty. Singers cannot make the art be full of vigor and produce the exciting art effect unless they understand and feel the unique glamour of the singing art from the voice of singing, the

4、feeling of the music, performance of feeling and images of the art, and, to reveal the internal ideas and mood of the works by putting all the wonderful aesthetic and emotional feeling into the sings and mixing the beautiful voice with emotion. From the perspective of performance and aesthetics, thi

5、s paper takes a close look at several mental factors during the performance as followed, the emotional feeling and emotional performance; the aesthetic mentality and personality of singing; grasping the exciting feeling and fulfilling the general beauty. And it tries to make people take more attention on the characters of the are aesthetics and also make the performance of vocal music be more ideal and plete by studying, analyzing and developing in this aspects. Key words: Performance of vocal music; Aesthetics; Personality; Style; General Beauty. 模板,内容仅供参考


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