城市规划师四问广佛同城三水农村化(City Planner four questions, Foshan City, Sanshui rural).doc

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城市规划师四问广佛同城三水农村化(City Planner four questions, Foshan City, Sanshui rural).doc_第1页
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城市规划师四问广佛同城三水农村化(City Planner four questions, Foshan City, Sanshui rural).doc_第3页
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城市规划师四问广佛同城三水农村化(City Planner four questions, Foshan City, Sanshui rural).doc_第4页
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1、城市规划师四问广佛同城三水农村化(City Planner four questions, Foshan City, Sanshui rural)City Planner: four questions, Foshan City, Sanshui rural.TxtCity planners: four Guangzhou and Foshan Sanshui asked rural share source: examination examination examination March 6, 2009? And since last Friday, the Foshan observa

2、tion C02 edition published Sanshui: marginal worry how to change the characteristics of joy? One article, discussion of this newspaper has received the government, enterprises and ordinary people from all walks of life about Sanshui how not to be marginalized.With the deepening of the discussion, th

3、e topic of edge has gone deep into the concept of urban development, industrial competition, urban construction and so on. To this end, this newspaper selected the following four topics, looking forward to play a role in promoting the discussion, and promote the community on the topic of thinking.As

4、kSanshui nearly 50% of the urban area as non Development Zone, this is not their own development and other people to develop for others to do married clothes type of practice, will further promote Sanshui in Guangfo city in the marginalization?Two.Compared to Guangzhou, Shunde, the South China Sea a

5、nd Chancheng, the industry is Sanshui short board, in this context, Sanshui can break through in the third industry?Three.Tourism has been carried forward for many years, but has not been able to develop, Sanshui can rely on it in the city of Guangzhou and Foshan City to break through it?Four.Urban

6、construction is a big criticism of the image of Sanshui City. How can the urban planning be rid of the citys agriculture and too strong hat?In accordance with the unified planning of the city planning, Sanshui nearly 50% urban area will be used for ecological protection, without development. In the

7、Guangfo economic sector, Sanshui is not a strong economic zone. Therefore, the implementation of the non development development strategy, Sanshuis economic status may be further lowered. Stakeholders pointed out that there was no big economic discourse position Sanshui, if not developed, it is like

8、ly to exacerbate Sanshui in Guangfo city in the more marginalized.The relevant responsible person said, the so-called development development and is not the same concept, development strategy aims to better development, it not only includes not developed to the surrounding city better development, b

9、ut also for the development of Sanshui itself more scientific and sustainable development strategy, the implementation is not so does not mean only for others to do the wedding dress development .But it is undeniable that the implementation of the strategy for the development of the town, street, no

10、t only to protect the ecological development pattern of industrial development, it is difficult to ensure that the objects in the high-speed economic growth anfodoushijuan they are marginalized. Despite the development of tourism and ecological tourism can these development area, but the industrys e

11、conomic benefits and can bring tax revenue is limited, compared with the income level of people in these areas of development for the area, it is difficult to be improved. Jingkou zone relevant responsible person said, from the overall perspective, this strategy is conducive to the future developmen

12、t of the city, but for the people who want their hometown as soon as possible development rather than development.It is understood that the non development strategy includes two aspects: not developing and feeding back. In other words,The implementation of the strategic development zone area in supp

13、ort of other areas in the development process, through the financial transfer payment, the feedback was not the Development Zone, in order to achieve both the benefits bring the benefits of development.The so-called Guangfo urban circle, what it needs is a combination of functions in different regio

14、ns, and can maximize the benefits of all parties. In the future, Sanshui is not only the green lung of Foshan, but also the green lung of the Guangfo metropolitan area. Therefore, from this perspective, the implementation of the non Development Zone strategy will not allow the marginalization of San

15、shui, but will improve Sanshuis position in the Guangfo metropolitan area. The person in charge pointed out, not to mention, the future city competition will evolve into ecological competition, and Sanshui will also be implemented because of the no development zone strategy as the only garden city i

16、n the Pearl River delta.With the transformation of the city, five in Foshan invariably proposed to rely on the third industry to break through the adjustment of industrial structure problem. And the weak river of industrialization can overcome congenital deficiency to win a new round of industrial c

17、ompetition has become the focus of attention of all circles of society. Yu Guanglin, vice chairman of the CPPCC Regional Committee of Sanshui, believes that after the baptism of industrialization, the main developed countries in the world have finally developed the third industry. Because to develop

18、 the third industry, we must have the elements of industrialization, the flow of goods and personnel, etc. He added: in the case of Dongguan, because of their many number of enterprises, so trade is very developed, Everfount brought the source and trade for the development of Dongguan catering, ente

19、rtainment, hotel and other industries. But the degree of industrialization of Sanshui is not high, and the number of large-scale enterprises is too small, so the circulation period of production factors is longer. As a result, the third industry will be difficult to develop.To some extent, it is bec

20、ause of the industrialization of poor and weak, today, Sanshui modern service industry can not develop. However, many people believe that the unique geographical advantage and good ecological environment will bring an opportunity to Sanshui third industry plough. The provincial peoples Congress, thr

21、ee cloud East Garden Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. chairman Chen Yingbiao said: in the Guangfo City, the future development direction of Sanshui industry, should focus on the development of the third industry, especially to the dislocation competition to build cloud East district.About cloud Eas

22、t Sea area, Chen Yingbiao evaluation believes that the current Foshan and Guangzhou have well-known business district, but like Sanshui relying on the beautiful lakes and beautiful ecological values are not. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, people on the comprehensive environme

23、ntal facilities requirements will also increase, so the Sanshui should use this advantage to develop cloud east district through dislocation competition residential and commercial and three industrial projects. In addition, Yundonghai has ecological protection and creative industry park two projects

24、 listed as the provincial key projects, I believe the next stage will implement a series of supporting facilities, which will also bring opportunities for the development of cloud East district. The next stage, Sanshui to do is, through institutional arrangements and investment promotion, and vigoro

25、usly develop the cloud East China Sea area. In addition, the unique advantages of Sanjiang convergence and the regional advantages of Guangzhou airport have also brought about a vast space for the development of the logistics industry and airport economy.Liu Datong, President of the Guangdong branch

26、 of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, said.The worlds largest lotus world, Qiao Xin ecological park, Nanshan, clouds, East China Sea. Set as home page, these are the advantages of Sanshui tourism development. However, so far, the tourism industry is still not high in the total amount of Sanshui GDP

27、. Due to the lack of scientific planning and layout of the development of the tourism industry, Sanshui is taking the disorder even without purpose and mode of development, the development pattern of arbitrariness led to tourism and did not like the previous expectations that developed. Sanshui Dist

28、rict Tourism Bureau official said.In practice, it changed the original ecological environment, one of the benefits of the original ecology is economy, because it is natural growth, so the cost of maintenance is very low. But after human intervention, it involves a series of routine tasks such as mai

29、ntenance, and the cost goes up. Zhang Song introduction, in foreign countries there is a way, that is, the maintenance of the whole region, when I was in Tokyo, in the city inside, there is a place called childrens garden, is a park, in Tokyo. Its totally original, and there are all kinds of rules t

30、hat mosquitoes cant catch.Livable this concept and green relationship so close, Zhang Song think, Zhujiajue green construction is already very advanced, but still can reflect the Shanghai city green construction in some problems. We often feel that greening is built out for others to see, this is a

31、major misunderstanding; another major misunderstanding is that greening has often become a kind of construction after the correction of the heat island effect. In this way, the citys green belts are always stiff and unnatural.Although the tourism industry is not high and disorderly, but Sanshui tour

32、ism sector believes that the tourism industry will still be Guangfo city circle and even the Pearl River Delta brand. This month, we will launch the Sanshui tourism development master plan , from the multi-level and multifaceted solutions to the existing problems in the tourism industry. District To

33、urism Bureau official said, the introduction of the new plan will change the low-end development model of tourism in the past, Sanshui tourism identified in the Pearl River Delta positioning and development direction. The lotus world for example, early in 2000 when it was founded, the lotus world wi

34、th its brand influence, can attract thousands of visitors every day, but when it comes to todays world of lotus, can only be used to describe a deserted house. Although the lotus world through the creation of entertainment, play the project slightly reversed the trend of decline, temporarily brought

35、 to improve the operating efficiency, but in the long run, it is not in the development of lotus world, but in the failure. Because, when the initial positioning, the Lotus World defined as lotus culture theme park, and now entertainment is clearly in the destruction of this position.And the introdu

36、ction of new regulations, it is necessary to improve the world, such as lotus, a category of scenic spots disorderly development. Re-establish their development patterns and identify their future directions. District Tourism Bureau official said, Sanshui ecology will be the trump card of its develop

37、ment of tourism, and the new regulations will provide the possibility for the industrialization of tourism, making tourism really become Sanshui City brand industry.Sanshui District Party committee secretary Song Deping mentioned in the two sessions last week, in the integration of Guangfo city and

38、the Pearl River Delta integration process,I think there is still potential!Heswordfish:Sanshui will not follow the homogenization of competition on the road, on the contrary, will be through dislocation competition, develop their own advantages, characteristic industries.Coyote:How many years have p

39、assed, and where are the dominant industries? There are so many obvious ecological tourism resources did not take advantage of, but also seize the opportunity what ah? Lubao discount stores up to now have not started, the The Springs Hotel and golf course will soon become a wasteland, although the Y

40、undonghai began to water, but there is a big fish pond, there are a lot of works to do, do not know which can really bring peoples income for sanshui!Looking back, how many ready-made resources do we have?. Xu Jiang temple, Daqitou ancient village, Sanjiang, the confluence of Baini what sites, lotus

41、 world, Forest Park. Why not make good use of these resources? Where is the governments efficiency and development?Eagle200702:Traffic, Sanshui is not only planning Metro City and five in Foshan; this plan, Sanshui obviously has been marginalized in Foshan. In short, Sanshui is Foshans tail finger, Sanshui people really helpless!


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