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1、众望高中2014届高三英语查漏补缺小题训练1. Modern information technology may provide English teaching with likeliest _ language surroundings, which makes teaching an interactive process between teacher and students and computer.A. AuthenticB. antiqueC. arbitraryD. acute2. To say “you are not quite such a fool as you l

2、ook” is a left-handed _.A. complimentB. componentC. conservationD. compromise3. This paper provides a set of _ that can be consistently used to assess the quality of health information on the Internet.A. catalogue B. criteriaC. categoryD. capacity4. The designer will do his best to_ his thought into

3、 drawing and materials and follow through to its manufacture. condemn B. convertC. contrast D. consult 5. To make more space available, _ any items that you are no longer using or move them to your personal folder file.A. depositB. dominateC. delete D. demonstrate6. The _ of study ability contains t

4、he ability of attention and the ability of thinking.A. disputeB. creditC. dimension D. destruction7. On a hot day, drinking on an empty stomach can be especially harmful. It can produce low blood sugar, making you feel_ and weak and shifting your mood rapidly.A. dreadful B. dynamicC. delicate D. diz

5、zy8. How to efficiently acquire and manage the human resources has become a key factor for domestic airlines to remain high speed growth and fulfill the_ operation.A. consistent B. constantC. current D. considerable9. We put a tarpaulin (油布)across the window to_ the sun-light.A. put out B. block out

6、 C. dig out D. figure out10. Dont ask me to speak French! Im _.A. out of practice B. out of fashion C. out of condition D. out of shape 11. I dont think he will_ his efforts to enter the diplomatic service, for he is so aggressive a guy.A. ceaseB. delete C. fleeD. illustrate12. Most digital products

7、 today _ from the development process like a creature arising from a bubbling tank.A. eraseB. emerge C. erupt D. fade13. You cant appreciate English poetry unless you understand its _.A. identityB. interval C. rhythmD. ingredient14. We do not _our beliefs on one another but focus on the quality of o

8、ur friendship instead. A. insert B. mount C. multiplyD. impose 15. _ cases, such as homeless families, get dealt with first.A. prohibition B. proportion C. recipe D. priority16. We have built a solid reputation for providing quality workmanship and _ service at a fair price. A. dreadful B. numb C. s

9、uperiorD. parallel17. By my reckoning the price of houses has _ doubled over the past few years.A. dramatically B. virtually C. stiffly D. systematically18. A DNA _ is the order in which the elements making up a particular gene are combined.A. sequence B. consequenceC. species D. signature19. If a t

10、icket or other document is_, it can be used and will be accepted by people in authority. A. vivid B. valid C. vital D. virtual20. After firing torpedoes the forward part would lose weight the submarine would be _. A. out of balanceB. out of stock C. out of sequence D. out of style完成句子1. We all felt

11、sorry for him, but he seemed to have got used to _ like that. (speak ) 我们都为他难过,但他好像已经习惯了别人那样跟他讲话。2. I thought you _me, so I ran out of the classroom. (eye) 我认为你没有留意我,所以我跑出了教室。3. But for the warning message, more lives _ in the flood. (lose) 要不是这条警告信息,更多生命会在洪灾中失去。 4. I told your friend how to get to

12、the hotel, but perhaps I _ her there. (drive) 我告诉了你朋友如何去酒店,但也许我应该开车送她到那儿的。5. The harder you work, _. (make) 你工作越努力,你就进步越大。6. If it were not for the fact _, she would attend tonights Super Girls Voice. (be) 如果不是她生病了,她会参加今晚的“超级女声”。7. _ he defeated the champion and won the match. (turn) 结果是他打败了冠军,赢得了比赛

13、。8. The hospital _ a university is famous all over the country. ( attach) 这家医院附属于一所大学,在全国范围内有名。9. Here is a notebook, _ the names of those in need. (write) 这有一个笔记本,里面写着贫困人的名字。10._ health care was often dangerous and risky. (there) 卫生保健措施曾经一度既危险又冒险。11._ whether the fees are turned into taxes. (differ

14、ence) 收费是否改为收税跟我没什么关系。12._, he seldom shows his inventions to others. (as) 尽管他是一个发明家,但很少把发明展示给他人。13.Its a long time _ , I gave him a call instead. (hear) 我很长时间未收到他的来信,我只好给他打了个电话。 14. It _ heavily when he got back home, for he was wet all over. (rain) 他回家时天一定在下大雨,因为他全身湿透了。15. I _ a painting to decora

15、te my room, but it seems really difficult for me to find one I like. (search) 我一直在找一幅画来装饰我的房间,但找一幅我喜欢的真的很难。16. Some experts recommend signs and posters be put up _. (allow) 一些专家建议在不允许抽烟的地方张贴标志和海报。17. I wonder _ the meeting was called off. (come) 我想知道为什么会议被取消了。18. On the table _, which contained many

16、 photos. (lie) 桌上有一个旧信封,里面装着许多旧照片。19. Im afraid I cant see you off tomorrow. I _ at 8clock a.m. (attend) 恐怕我明天不能为你送行了。上午八点我在开会。20. The house _ is comfortable to live in. (face) 这套房子窗户朝南,住着很舒服。Key: AABBC CDABA ABCDD CBABA1. being spoken to2. were not keeping an eye on3. would (might) have been lost4.

17、 should have driven5. the greater progress youll make6. that she is ill7. It turned out that8. (that/which is) attached to9. in which were written10. There was a time when11. It makes no difference to me12. Inventor as he is13. Since I heard form him14. must have been raining15. have been searching for16. where smoking is not allowed17. how it came about that18. lay an old envelope19. will be attending a meeting20. whose windows face south3


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